Breaking: Fairbanks Sen. Click Bishop to retire


Sen. Click Bishop, a Republican state lawmaker from Fairbanks, is retiring from the Senate.

Bishop released the following statement:
“With just a couple days remaining before the June 1st filing deadline, I am taking this opportunity to announce that I will not be running for re-election to Senate District R.  
“Since the legislative session in Juneau adjourned on May 15th, my time has been spent in fellowship with family as we’ve contemplated and prayed for guidance on the things that matter most in life. 
“This was a difficult decision.  Senate District R comprises West Fairbanks, the Alaska Highway, Richardson Highway, and villages along the Yukon River, Tanana River, Nenana River, and Copper River.  This region has been home to my family for generations.
“During my twelve years serving in the State Senate, I am proud to have served the entire time on the Finance Committee.  By working with some of the finest public servants, we balanced budgets, grew the Permanent Fund, improved the state’s credit ratings, and tried to meet basic priority needs in education and deferred maintenance.
“I enjoyed sponsoring the legislation that created the Permanent Fund Dividend Education Raffle, which provides a way for people to support education while having a little fun.
“The time is right for me to prioritize and focus on family matters over the next two years.  My parents recently passed on, and there are some gold mining opportunities I need to pursue.  It’s also time for me to learn a few things from my grandkids as we prepare for the next chapter.
“My family and I are not done with public service.  There is still a determination inside me to fix our current path of rising energy costs and the loss of our working-age population.  It is clear that addressing those issues requires taking on a bigger role than serving in the legislature.  
“Over these next few days, we will be out of telephone service as we head to our family cabin.”

Bishop represents the western part of the Fairbanks North Star Borough and rural communities in Interior Alaska. Before running for Senate, he was Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development from 2007 to 2012, in the administration of Gov. Sean Parnell. After winning in 2012, he had to run again in 2014, due to redistricting, then ran unopposed in 2018, and won again in 2022 against challengers Elijah Verhagen and Robert Williams. Due to redistricting, his seat is up for election this year, which makes it the fifth election for the district in 10 years.


  1. So another alledged Republican bows out! Click ran as a Repub but most know the Unions & Dems control this Rino

  2. Now Click can think about some of the people he harmed over the years, including some on the river. Must have a guilty conscience.

  3. I bet Dunleavy is glad to see this bafoon go. One of the dumbest legislators to ever sit in the Senate. Stedman had to read budgets to him as though it was story time. Todd Palin put him into Labor Commissioner’s office only because he liked snowmobiling and racing boats. A rank idiot who claimed the Republican Party, but was a lefty Democrat to the core. Click this guy on the delete button.

  4. “Our telephone will be out of service.” What?
    Did Bishop leave behind some crap in Juneau? Sounds more like he’s running away from something ……..or somebody. What a loser!

  5. “……time for me to learn a few things from my grandkids.”
    Hey grandpa, why didn’t you ever learn to do addition? Like adding up the numbers for the statutory PFD. I can teach you How did you ever become a senator, grandpa?

  6. Bishop broke Alaska when he voted for SB-21. Our state population is declining, and each family of four has now lost tens of thousands of dollars due to decreased dividends because of his vote for SB-21. Bishop said he would vote to fix SB-21 if it did not work for Alaska- and that was one of the biggest lies he told.

  7. LOL……Bishop preparing to run for Governor in 2026? A man with an IQ in the low 30’s for governor? My backyard chipmunks have more intelligence. This will be fun exposing the real Click Bishop and all of his past. The folks up in Fairbanks must be laughing hilariously. Let it begin.

  8. It’s hard to believe that not one of the evil-hearted union goons, bureaucrats, democrats or RINOs that Senator Bishop bent over backwards to help during his time in office have made a positive comment on his behalf. I’m glad to hear that Senator Bishop prays and hope that he finds forgiveness in Jesus’s name.

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