Breaking: Biden pulls nomination of gun-control extremist David Chipman from ATF


President Joe Biden has withdrawn the name of gun-control extremist David Chipman as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Alaska Congressman Don Young applauded the move:

“Alaska is unlike any other state, and if you’ve never been here, you won’t understand our way of life. In our state, gun ownership can mean the difference between life and death, especially in the often unforgiving terrain of rural Alaska. Firearms are such an integral part of our Alaskan lifestyle that even the Democrats own them,” Young said in a statement.

“The sad truth is Mr. Chipman has repeatedly misled the public to further his agenda. When discussing firearm suppressors in 2019, he claimed, ‘The gun does not sound gun-like. It takes the edge out of the tone…This is how I would describe it: It makes a gun sort of sound like a nail gun.’ This is false, and just one example of Mr. Chipman playing fast and loose with the truth,” Young said.

If he were to lead the ATF, Chipman would try to curtail Americans’ Second Amendment rights, Young said.

“I repeatedly made my views known to President Biden that David Chipman’s nomination is unacceptable. Today’s withdrawal is good news not only for responsible, law-abiding gun owners in Alaska, but for the constitutional rights of every legal firearm owner in America,” he said.

Senator Dan Sullivan has also been outspoken about Chipman and what a bad fit he would be to lead the agency, saying to put Chipman in charge of the ATF is like putting Antifa in charge of the Portland Police Department.

“He is another extreme activist, this time against the Second Amendment and Second Amendment rights. He will be in charge of an agency, if confirmed, that’s actually in charge of law enforcement in regard to firearms,” Sullivan said.


  1. Glad to hear it. Don still has a couple of irons in the fire it seems. What he didn’t say was that like Chicago and Detroit, Alaskans have a need to arm themselves for protection especially if visiting the Muldoon area or midtown after dark.

  2. This was the name put forth to Biden by former US House member Giffords and her husband, Senator Mark Kelly, and by the Everytown-Michael Bloomberg special interest group. The NRA, of which Congressman Young is a long-time board member, and many other grass roots organizations opposed this anti-American nominee. As we all know, gun control has ominous potential in Alaska; there are two anti-Second Amendment bills in the current Alaska Legislature. According to news reports Biden has the CDC looking at some new and unspecified approach to gun control. Perhaps the White House will consider trying it on the Taliban first as I understand they have come into an incredible cache of guns and ammo.

  3. The 1st Amendment has been shredded. It would be game over if we didn’t have the 2nd. The most important thing is next year’s election. Unfortunately, seems like Republicans are going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by taking the bait on pushing for tighter voting and abortion laws, and mask and vaccine mandates.

  4. The ATF is out of control and needs to be abolished. That picture is just one example of why. The Ruby Ridge disaster, the gunwalking scandal of Operation Fast and Furious that resulted in the death of a law enforcement officer, on and on it goes. Now the .gov just equipped our enemies with over 80 billion dollars of our military hardware. There is zero validity to the gun control argument anymore.
    By the way, just off of David’s right side in that picture, about the level of his hand and just behind him, you can see the charred remains of one of their victims. Several of these guys posed for pictures in front of those remains. Disgusting individuals.

      • Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice. And just how are the “branch boys” at it again?

        What would ice the cake is the photo which captured the BATF raising their flag over the burn out ruins and “high-fiving” themselves.

  5. @ Greg Forkner,
    What an absolutely vile comment. You should be ashamed of yourself. Many of us let you troll Suzanne’s wonderful site without replying, but this is a new low. At a minimum, those children at Waco that were murdered certainly were no threat to anyone, and should have been rescued regardless of how much time it took. FBI negotiator Gary Noesner should have been allowed to finish his job and most likely everyone would made it out without further harm.
    Vicki Weaver didn’t deserve to be shot in the face by Lon Horiuchi while holding her baby at Ruby Ridge, and her 14 year old son Sammy should not have been killed by shooting him in the back.
    Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry did not deserve to be murdered in such a horrific manner as a result of political corruption that manufactured Operation Fast and Furious.
    Lord only knows how much damage is going to result due to the Biden regime’s decision to arm our enemies with our military weaponry.
    I think its time you stop trolling this site, and seek help.

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