Breaking bad: Biden-Harris slay Ambler mining project, and all new oil and gas in Arctic, Beaufort


In one fell swoop, nearly 7% of Alaska’s lands have been locked up by the Biden-Harris Administration.

The announcement from the Bureau of Land Management came in the afternoon on Tuesday, locking up 28 million acres of lands and waters, and implementing what the administration called “maximum protections” for 13 million aces in the western Arctic, including 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea, placing the entire U.S. Arctic Ocean off limits to new oil and gas leasing. The order prevents the Ambler Road from being able to be built to the state’s mining area at Ambler. The access to that area is guaranteed by federal law passed by Congress.

The order today also shrunk the pool of land that Alaska Native Vietnam veterans have available to fulfill their promised land allotments. Instead of being able to select from 28 million acres, they are now limited to 100,000 acres to choose from — less than 2% of the land that the Trump Administration had given them.

About 1,900 aging Alaska Native Vietnam-era Veterans are eligible to select their 160-acre land entitlement under the Dingell Act. 

The Biden-Harris public land order land grab will be recorded in the Federal Register on Thursday, the administration said.

Congressional candidate Nick Begich responded immediately to the attack on Alaska:

“LOCKING UP ALASKA: The Democrats have done it again. This time they are locking up another 10% of the entire state of Alaska, crushing hopes for Ambler, and robbing us of our ability to sustain and grow our own economy. Unfortunately, Mary Peltola has proven to be an irrelevant voice, completely ineffective at stopping her side of the aisle from their continued attacks on our state. Alaska must fight back with every tool it has available to restore access to this land and make it available to Alaska Native Vietnam veterans, villages, and other communities. In Congress, I will fight for Alaskans and do all I can to ensure that Alaska is not continuously steamrolled by the radical left,” he said.

This story will be updated shortly.


  1. Democrats don’t give a damn about Natives. Just native votes.

    I said from the beginning Grandpa Bloodstains would never let that plot get developed.

    Meanwhile in New Mexico…

  2. Perhaps everyone should look at what defunct oil drillers have left to lay waste in Texas after they failed to maintain or strike oil. And Texas is easy to get to compared to the North Slope. Ever wonder how many seething oil pits have been left to the good people of Alaska by similar defunct drillers. Time for a sizable Bond

    • You are clueless about the north slope Tim.
      It is a long way from Texas. It is closer to Russia where leaking pipelines are gushing oil under frozen rivers leading to the ocean which means absolutely nothing to them or regarding the way oilfields are managed and left in pristine condition when completed in Alaska.

      The Army corp of Engineers were the only fools who left a mess years ago on the north slope because they were all government drones who cared less about Native land. We are paying dearly for the governments mess they left behind.

      As a matter of fact there are many sites across the north slope of Alaska that leave a wide swath of oil seeping naturally from subsurface pressure causing it to be purged into lakes as we speak.
      I just recently witnessed one such site 34 miles southeast of Barrow that the EPA was threatening fines for the village corporate owned land with a massive spill sweeping across several lakes resulting in dead water fowl.

      Geologists were hired to prove the source was underground pressure and not spilled oil.
      Responsible drilling in the area is the only way to stop the seepage.

      Your comments would fit more precisely in the comic section of ADN(that only fools read).

      • The tar balls that was up on beaches in CA are not from the few remaining offshore rigs, they’re from the seafloor itself. The seeps were reduced when the rigs were working relieving the pressure.capping the wells increased the environmental harm.. Stupid econuts!!!

    • Tim.
      Time for another booster shot.
      How’s the Tesla driving in the winter?
      Enjoying the Bill Gates insect protein burgers with your gluten free bread?

    • Oh, Tim, educate yourself. We don’t trash our state to develop it. Texas may suck, but not Alaska.

    • Not in Alaska Tim. Never has been like Texas. Do your research on the North Slope.
      Helps to have facts?

  3. And these so-called conservative clowns on Peltola’s TV ads state how good Peltola is for the oil and gas community of workers in Alaska. Laughable ad, just like Peltola. She won’t stand up to Harris or Biden.
    NB3 for the win!

    • Good points. Both Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola are laying low during this presidential election season. Presumably for their personal safety.

  4. This was not done by our elected House and Senate, but by an unelected faceless bureaucracy.
    This is what Democrats call…..”democracy!”

  5. I wish our governor was more forceful. We have lost so much in the last 3.75 years, thanks to the democrat regime and weak
    republicans. Now the Alaskan native Vietnam veterans are under attack again. Democrats hate the military and veterans, prove me wrong.

    • Tom; You probably meant to type secession, but be careful what you say or type, because one morning you may wake up to U.S. Troops surrounding your house with Blackhawk helicopters hovering overhead. That’s why Lincoln is considered the most important president, he kept the nation whole and not a divided bunch of runaway Staes claiming to be a separate confederate nation.
      But I know you were probably just kidding.

      • Your knowledge of history is sad.

        Lincoln was a war criminal. He allowed atrocities to be committed on southern non combatants.
        As a military man you know good and damn well US troops will not be deployed to seize or attack a US citizen.
        The Confederacy was an independent nation.
        The south had every right to leave the union if they wanted.

    • But remember Mark, in Alaska it was president Trump who stopped the foreign, security’s fraud convicted pebble Ltd from developing a mine in the middle of red salmon spawning grounds through Army Corp. of Engineers permit denial, not Biden.

    • I’m
      With you mark. We need to hire groups of conservatives and place them in California, Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, Nevada, Indiana, and run interference on every one of their projects. Hire attorneys and go after them. Turnabout is fair play. Be great fun.

  6. Every federal employee, along with their families, need to be immediately rounded up and forcibly removed from Alaskan borders. Anyone else who agrees with this abuse and tyranny can GTFO also.

  7. And yet the Democrats in Fairbanks, Juneau and Anchorage will vote for Harris AND Peltola. Talk about cognitively impaired.

  8. Clearly Harris and Biden have written off Alaska. They are trying to by lower 48 votes at Alaska’s expense.

  9. Until Jan 20, 2025. Nothing the current dementia patient says or does has any impact beyond five months.

    Ice cream, anyone?

  10. is there a link to a map showing the reduced area for veterans allotment selection? The existing BLM map that is supposed to be real time still shows millions of acres for selection

  11. Question for Representative Mary Peltola: Are these some of the “big wins for Alaska” you have been talking about?

    • She is as vacant as a ghost when asked anything.
      She can spin on a dime and vanish like a nasty fart in a hurricane.

  12. “WHOA-NELLY” Sportsfan’s (!!!).
    Maybe, there’s a strategical political angle here that’s not quite apparent, whereby the power narcissistic elites are playing to emotional reactions?
    Maybe, this move is done in an effort to accomplish:
    … Continue to garner the enviro-wacko // bureaucratic vote and confidence.
    … Continue to create opportunity to rake in enormous amounts of money from Constituents, Lobbyists, Industry Trade Organizations, and Labor Unions. Basically, fleecing all stakeholders.
    … Ultimately, position the situation – circumstance (creating a crisis) to where a Democrat Politician would be a ‘HERO’ if // when they can influence pro-development, saving the economy and jobs and tax base. How could we ever get rid of said Democrat when they worked so hard and diligently while sacrificing so much?

  13. Meanwhile back in New Mexico (Deb Holland’s home state) is reaping profits from all the permits that have been approved and issued since she became the Queen of the interior…Thanks to the corrupt Senator Murkowski from the great state of Alaska who always votes for Deb Holland or anyone who opposes responsible development in Alaska. There maybe cash incentives for those votes. Murky is known to accept money from nefarious sources.(Sammy “the Bankman Freid)
    Murky never fails to cut Alaska out of the picture when it means the most to the people who live and stand the most to gain by responsible oil development on the North Slope.

    Recent meetings between ASRC and BLM proves they are catching on to her evil agenda.

    • Dems will have us in a world war shortly if we are not in it already. Then it will be an oil drilling free for all. It’s certainly interesting how far we have fallen as a nation in record time.. incompetent lazy people everywhere like no time before in our history. Feds leading the tax payers around by their noses.

      • We are already in one, and have been since the Obama Administration decided to replace the neutral leaning elected president of Ukraine with a NATO-leaning one through their time-honored method of a “color revolution.” With Ukraine using 50-year old soldiers, ask yourself who is invading Kursk? Plenty of western sources say the “mercenaries” are NATO troops including US soldiers. If they are right, we will ultimately see escalation into nuclear war, as Washington wants to get its nukes within 5 minutes of Moscow so it can decapitate the Russian leadership before they can return a nuclear strike on us. The problem with that is that the Russians have a “dead man’s trigger device” and so the nukes will fly anyway. There will not be time for drilling. We will all be dead. And the World Economic Forum will have their 500 million “survivors”. We should ask who our leaders are working for before it is too late. Apparently it is not us.

      • Like a lot of those in Washington, he had high expectations for an “indigenous” person in that position. But, like a lot of others, he was completely blindsided.

  14. 100,000 acres divide by 1,900 vets is 52.63 acres per vet. Doe’s not sound correct. 28,000,000 acres x 2% = 560,000 acres, not 100,000. Please clairify.

  15. This proves that the people of Alaska are irrelevant to the Democrat Party. The lockup may guarantee a Trump/Begich victory in November.

  16. Let’s remember the Ambler Road which would be paid for and maintained by state dollars (AIDEA) would primarily benefit two foreign mining companies. Yes one would hope there would be Alaskan jobs there but the big money would leave the country. Is this a good deal for Alaska? If the mining distric was so valuable, why don’t the mining companies pay for the road. Also the tax structure for mines is abyssimal. They pay almost nothing to the state. Our state is broke. We can’t afford to subsidize mining like this.

    The Ambler Road, a proposed 211-mile mining road in Northwest Alaska, would primarily benefit Ambler Metals LLC, a joint venture between Trilogy Metals Inc. of Canada and South32 of Australia. Ambler Metals is exploring mineral deposits in the Ambler district,

    • BP, yes and employ thousands of Alaskans , including impoverished people living in that district.

      Provide strategic minerals and rare earth’s for U.S. consumption, ( these minerals are fully controlled by China at present).

      Where do you live? Who maintains your roads? Do you have a job that produces something of value? Just curious, cuz from your comments above it appears you are a Democrat or parasitic government employee, but now I’m being redundant.

    • The state is broke despite massive oil revenues and federal grants because it is mismanaged and dysfunctional. The purpose of a state government is to build roads, maintain public safety and minimally regulate commerce. What the state has failed to do is to build roads, create a business friendly environment, provide public safety and maintain a functional education system for our youth. We are below 3rd world standards at $25k per student. We already exfiltrate industry, meaningful jobs and wealth overseas and import foreign goods for a lethargic and selfish society. Mining jobs and spin off support opportunities are what we need. Our state government should be reduced by 80% or more as it is. There are very few American mining companies, or any useful endeavor companies left. Our companies focus on subsidized “green energy” and all manner of subsidized nonesense accumulating $35 trillion in debt. We can’t even repatriate 2 astronauts from space, luckily the Russians are allowing them to couch surf while the Boeing geniuses figure out what to do.

  17. “The order prevents the Ambler Road from being able to be built to the state’s mining area at Ambler. The access to that area is guaranteed by federal law passed by Congress.”
    Which makes the executive order illegal and moot. It would require congress to change the “law” a previous congress passed.
    Entering an executive order through the federal register of administrative regulations process is not a legal alternative.
    This should be challenged immediately. In fact, the hundreds of thousands of federal register “regulations” need to be audited and all illegal ones ended. But the GOP never does any meaningful preparation with consideration of
    extensive timelines to be prepared to change the trajectory of our increasingly totalitarian and dysfunctional government for when they are in power.
    They just point to how bad it is under Democrat rule, and when elected do nothing for permanent cures.

  18. Never mind that there was overwhelming local public support for going with the no action alternative. If the d-1 lands withdrawals had been revoked, there would have been a huge loss to subsistence hunting and fishing rights by rural Alaskans. It’s unfortunate that MRAK fails to even mention this fact in the article, but it also isn’t surprising.

    • Cman, rights are hollow when there is no longer a viable fish resource or animals to catch. The fish are mismanaged by the state and feds in favor of an outside based commercial fishing industry priority and reserved for tables of out of touch prejudiced whites on the west coast, who are ignorantly against and prevent predator management which would insure there are ungulates to hunt. Creating transportation infrastructure to mineral resources to mine is a primary state responsibility. Most of our younger generation have no concept of subsistence, what they need are employment opportunities and taught to work. Not rely on grants, public programs and mooching off grandparents. You know nothing of the NW Arctic. It’s been decades since our people lived by subsistence, the Sea Mammal Protection Act was designed and implemented to destroy subsistence culture and end a viable balance for the transition from a subsistence existence to a modern cash economy. Now villages have become lawless ghettos with no respect for the authority of elders. Absolutely no productive employment. Government jobs and grant benefits, doled out by soulless administrators. There are no clean hands, the feds consider a stable and prosperous rural population a threat to their control and our state government are useless puppets of outside interests.

      • Its been decades since the people in NW Alaska lived by subsistence? Is that why the Northwest Arctic Subsistence Regional Advisory Council meets in Kotzebue twice a year to consider proposals to change subsistence hunting and fishing regulations? If subsistence still wasn’t a big deal in that part of the state, I doubt they would go to through the bother of meeting to decide on matters related to it.

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