The Alaska Division of Elections released another tranche of ballots from the primary. These newly released numbers are from absentee ballots, questioned ballots, and the final set of early votes.
The full count of ballots is now up to 106,208 ballots voted of 605,482, for a 17.54% turnout.
In the congressional race, the current numbers are:
Mary Peltola: 53,598, 50.7%
Nick Begich: 28,110, 26.59%
Nancy Dahlstrom (she has dropped out): 21,147, 20.01%
Matthew Salisbury: 627, 0.59%
John Wayne Howe: 588, 0.56%
To compare, last Tuesday, Democrat Peltola won 50.3%. Nick Begich received 27%, Nancy Dahlstrom was held to 20%. Matthew Salisbury received .62%, and John Wayne Howe was at .57%.
On the first released count last week, there were 96,946 ballots counted of the entire 605,482 voter file, a total of 16.01% turnout.
Dahlstrom verbally dropped out last Friday. That means that another congressional candidate will move up to the final four for the November ballot, which will be ranked-choice voting. Unless Salisbury or Howe drop, the final four are basically set now, and it will be the challenge of Republican Nick Begich to persuade voters to come over to his camp.
“Following todays news of Biden’s lockup of over 10 percent of our state, its never been more important for Alaska to have a consistent, reliable advocate in the United States House. I am committed to working tirelessly in Congress on behalf of all Alaskans, their families, and the generations yet to come,” Nick Begich said on Tuesday evening.
No other races were notably changed with the new numbers released late Tuesday.
See all the current results here.
The election will be certified on Sept. 1. Candidates who are among final fours for the November ballot have until Sept. 2 to officially drop.
Such a disappointment that Nick is all Anchorage has got. Good luck selling a new kid to the rest of the state
Most Begich voters – where do I start?
I voted for Begich.
I don’t think Nancy is the devil – although the Begich sycophants portrayed her as such – and as a consequence will cost Begich the election.
1 out of every 5 voters, voted for Nancy.
1 out of every 4 voters, voted for the greatest conservative since Reagan, Begich.
1 out of every 2 voters, voted for Peltola.
Do the math dummies.
Begich screwed Palin out of the election after Begich finished in third place, not once, but twice – and didn’t drop out of the race the first time he finished in third place.
Nancy did the right thing.
Begich didn’t.
Begich voters didn’t rank the red in the last election, and the Begich voters were saying once again don’t rank the red!!!
RINO much?
How do you say your a NeoCon without saying your a NeoCon?
98% of all Begich voters have voted for Lisa M in every election.
C’mon guys smarten up?
This is the same mentality that has gotten us a bunch of Deep State, RINO, NeoCon Republicans in office.
DoneWithIt, you are using strong language while overlooking some underlying facts. Too many conservative voters did not want to try explaining to their stateside friends and relatives why Alaska elected a kook like Palin again. Extensive polling showed Palin’s negative factors resulted in a low voter ceiling for her. She would have never beaten Peltola under any circumstances.
If conservative voters turn out as they should, Nick wins.
Wayne, you’re giving off “I watch CNN a lot” vibes.
That is the narrative the MSM tried to create for Palin – just like they are doing for JD Vance right now.
Please name a specific policy position that you disagree with Palin on.
ACES and AGIA come to mind off the top of my head
The voter turnout will be much higher and skew more toward R’s in November in a presidential year.
98% of all Begich voters have voted for Princess Lisa in every election? Where and how did you come up with that one or were you a ballot counter?
Nobody screwed Palin out of an election any more than Palin the quitter did herself. The Democrats are the only ones left on her side.
Now once again who needs to smarten up?
Something tells me you did not vote for Begich
If I were Dunleavy we would be building a road to ambler right now. Be damned the feds
Hear, hear!
Yeah, we had to listen to the Begich cult gaslight us for three election cycles now, telling us how ‘only Nick’ can beat Peltola. Now he’s down by double digits and where are the cultists?
Palin was our best shot in 2022 and the Begich/Bill Walker/Murkowski crowd stabbed us in the back.
Even if he gets 100% of Dahlstrom’s vote (and he won’t – Trump has already called him out as a plant), he still loses badly in a 1 on 1 race.
But hey, mission accomplished – Little Nicky gets his fat payoff for wasting another election cycle, and I’m sure his backers will run him again and again until we get rid of the Ranked Voting scam.
Palin is a no-go. She ran off to be in NYC with her boyfriend and high heels last go-around. She’s like Kamala in personality; stirring up problems internally with her own staff and other lawmakers. We don’t need that right now. And, she quit her job as Governor for a stab at the D.C. swamp. So, there’s that.
Apu, for a convenience store clerk you sure know your politics!
You are right.
I voted for Begich.
Nancy did the right thing, that Begich didn’t do when he finished in third place two times and lost to Palin BOTH times.
Begich concerns me – his background, his family, lack of Trump support, his “Eddie Haskell” persona.
We shall see.
53,598 is a lot of mouth breathers.
doesn’t feel great being in minority now does it?
Always have been. That’s why I left Anchorage.
Even if all Nancy’s voters go with Nick he still loses.
The PM radio host must be proud of his baby.
The important thing to remember is that the 17.5% turnout for the primary election will be significantly higher for the general: presidential race and RCV on the ballot. Nick needs to appeal to those voters who will be motivated to get off the couch and vote in the general. Those who are fed up with RCV and would crawl 20 miles over broken glass to vote to get rid of it are likely conservative voters for Nick. There is work to be done and two months to get it done.
Our family works remote in the summer and couldn’t get to a voting booth. But you can bet we will be voting in the general! Most of our friends are the same way.
“……….The important thing to remember is that the 17.5% turnout for the primary election will be significantly higher for the general……….”
Aren’t you even curious about who these disinterested, missing voters are and why they couldn’t be bothered to vote in the primary? Do you really think these are your allies, and will magically vote for Begich? Did the 2022 election register with you at all?
Hang on there. We, as people who vote every time, missed out. There was no indication from election central (purposeful?) that we would have to request ballots. We believed it was all mail-in and they would be sent to us. Confusion between state & local. We are horrified. You can be sure we’re voting in the general & for Begich.
Agree – but was it 17.5%. For some reason I thought !5%. Well still abysmal and appalling. Praying RCV is voted out and we see a much bigger turnout in the general.
You need to get meaner and really go after Peltola. Forget about your Democrat uncles not backing you, or ignorant voters who think you are really a Democrat. You need to get tough. Ignore them. RFK2 ignores his family.
Go after Peltola’s poor attendance record in Congress. Her literal support of Green New Deal. All the support she has given to Biden/Pelosi/Harris these past four years. There’s a lot of meat there, Nick. Start slicing it!
Agree. Come on, Nick. Put on your tackling pads. Full contact, pal.
Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
Well, I hope that all those people who listened to Trump and voted for Dahlstrom are going to vote for Begich in the General.
What makes you think they voted for Dahlstrom because Trump said to do it? Conservatives are capable of thinking for themselves, and do not automatically follow the direction of some “leader.” An endorsement means nothing more to adults than “this person says they like that person.” It does not mean “go vote for them, otherwise….”
I am saying this because, I personally, knew of two people that voted for her because Trump endorsed her. I told them to look at Dahlstrom’s record and they held fast to that Trump endorsement. It blew my mind.
According to this stage of reporting, with a 17.5% primary voter turnout, Mary Peltola, with a 50.7% majority, received 3,126 more votes than the four candidates behind her combined. This indicates at stage in the primary the Alaska electorate embraces the socialist, totalitarian ideology of the Democrat party apparatus. It will be interesting to see if this pattern holds in the acid test of a presidential general election.
What this signifies is that the dems only fronted 1 candidate. They win because Republicans can’t coalesce around 1 candidate (like the dems do) which will effectually remove any RCV advantage. The RCV was not meant for, or intended to have any dem effect, it was aimed squarely at the stubborn old party Republican as a way to divide and conquer. Question is, will the stubborn old party folks continue to shoot themselves in the foot, or will they take a lesson from the dems and front 1 candidate which provides the best possible path to victory. We shall see… – Cheers
No clue who Salisbury or Howe are other than vote splitters like Begich was last election. I have to wonder if they aren’t paid plants by the left, which is what the right should do for Peltola.
Omitted fact: Palin jumped in opportunistically AFTER Begich had been campaigning for months.
Just because they were not the first person to file the paperwork does not mean they should lose. Are you actually saying that the first person to file should win automatically?
So whoever starts campaigning first is the only candidate that is allowed to run?
What’s next the Republicans will, behind closed doors, select who is going to run for a position – the way the Democrats just did with Kamala?
We are free and any person that wants to run can – it’s called an election.
Peltola has lots of dark money to campaign for her. The ads are on constantly saying she’s for Alaska and all her supposed accomplishments. Then, our oil, gas, and mining get shut down by the Biden regime and our fishing here in Juneau gets cancelled.
Without fishing we’re dead.
Where are the equivalent ads from conservative groups?
Oh… they do not exist. And, we wonder why the leftists are winning.
The Dems have had their candidate pre-selected up until now. Ours is finally sorted out as our singular candidate. We are now in striking distance of re-taking Young’s seat.
And, there are no ads from conservative PACs cutting down the leftists. None. Nothing.
No 907 Initiative equivalent. No conservative version of Alaska before Party.
Selecting a candidate means… well… nothing to why and how the leftists play the game. Bronson would still be mayor if conservatives had ads cutting down LaFrance and the Assembly the same way 907 Initiative destroyed Bronson.
Where is it?
I keep making this point and nobody listens.
The AKGOP is useless.
CBMTTek, you have a good point there! Our Republican party for Alaska has been publicly apathetic. A lot of good people working on their own to keep this ball rolling though!
Given the huge amount of outside $ Mainchance Mary has, the rabid energy of left wing voters this election cycle, and Nancy Dahlstrom’s outside money going toward defeating Nick Begich, I must say that my bet is that Nick Begich will pull this off come November 5. I would further bet that Mary Peltola is reading the numbers much the same as I do so we can expect more outside money to come to her campaign in the remaining weeks. As it is, any time I want to look at YouTube to see how to do something with wrenches on my backhoe, skid steer, truck or Jeep I can depend upon seeing at least one of Mary’s ads; and I must say that some of her ads are pretty crazy. I just now sent Nick Begich another check.
Democrats have and will always do everything they can to stifle, kill, block and derail anything related to natural resource development (except commercial fishing) in the state of Alaska. If they could shut down what already exists they would. So, of you want Alaska to be nothing more than a tourist destination, please vote for Peltola and any other democrat. If you want development and prosperity, please vote otherwise. Oh, and don’t get fooled by a democrat in “independent” clothing.
time to use that “ace in the hole”. our beloved postal system with the great man in charge, he almost pulled it off the last time. pesky newspapers got wind of his suppression efforts. can we try a “Texas Hold”em” like ken paxton?
let’s rally the troops and beat back the dems, drive them outta state.
Too many conservatives are like that friend, neighbor or relative who come to visit while you are doing some heavy work and stand around drinking your beer telling you how it should be done. I stopped being polite to those
people years ago. My beer bill and blood pressure are both much lower now.
Too many liberals want to tell us how to live our lives, how to cook, what to drive, and can’t figure out two genders.
Pot, meet kettle.
I can’t believe people are still carping over Sarah v Begich.
It’s like swallowing salt 45 min after a meal to improve it.
She’s gone, she’s not coming back. Let her go.
People NEED TO