Breaking: Alaska Supreme Court approves recall for Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel

Meg Zaletel

The Alaska Supreme Court issued a speedy ruling today, allowing the recall of Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel to be on an October special election ballot. In an unusually fast decision, the court heard the matter and ruled the same day.

Zaletel represents District 4, in the midtown area of Anchorage, where homeowners are particularly unhappy with her over her work to move homeless people into their neighborhoods.

The court did not issue its rationale, but stated it would write it up and release it at some point in the future. But meanwhile, the Anchorage Municipal Clerk’s Office needs to verify the signatures on the petitions and, if verified, schedule an election for this October for the District 4 voters.

The citizens, led by Russell Biggs, have been trying to get the recall of Zaletel on the ballot for nearly one year. They were also awarded nearly $19,000 in attorneys’ fees, to be paid by the Municipality, which opposed their efforts to recall Zaletel. That opposition was under the previous administration of acting mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson.

Read: Zaletel recall petitioners submit signatures to city clerk

“Meg Zaletel and the Muni suffered what is likely the quickest Supreme Court legal loss in Alaska history today with the court rejecting her appeal in record time. The petition has been affirmed by the highest court in Alaska to be both legally and factually sufficient, and now, after a year of legal obstruction and bureaucratic obstruction by the Muni and Zaletel, Anchorage citizens will finally get the opportunity to hold her accountable,” Biggs said.


  1. And with the corrupt and easily manipulate mail-in voting system that the radical leftists put in place in Anchorage, this recall will easily fail, just as the recall against Felix the Rat failed as well —- because it’s not who votes, but who COUNTS the votes that really matters.

  2. Trouble is if she is recalled, the Assembly picks her replacement. Money not well spent. It would be better if they save their resources to support an opponent.

  3. The current administration should not have to pay the court fees the previous wannabe Dictator installed mayor and muni attorney should pay from their own pockets.

  4. This time with it being held as a special election it’s likely that the most motivated to vote will be the ones to recall her.

  5. I don’t like recalls for petty crimes, be it on the Left or Right. Bad use of time and money. I’d be different if we could guillotine the enemy, but we’re not there yet. Until then, put your effort into the actual election. The way this nonsense is going we will soon be recalling the recall and the only winners will be the media and consultants – those who generate revenue from recalls. We serfs lose again.

  6. I agree. Recalls aren’t meant to be used just to force everyone to vote for the person again. There needs to be a blatant disregard for following the rules and laws and an act that goes against them. Unfortunately, this assembly has done that time and time again. So when you say “petty”, its relative and this assembly needs to be slapped in the face before making up the rules as you go along is considered a petty crime.

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