Palins lawyer up

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin has hired Alaska lawyer Lori Colbert, and husband Todd Palin has hired Alaska layer Kimberlee Colbo, as they move forward in their divorce proceedings.

Colbert is a lifelong Alaskan who graduated from Claremont McKenna College with a degree in political science, and earned her law degree at Willamette University College of Law. She has practiced law in Alaska for more than 20 years. Family law is one of her specialties.

Colbo graduated from the University of Washington School of Law and represents clients in matters involving all aspects of insurance defense, including bad faith and coverage, manufacturers and retailers in product liability. She represents individuals involved in divorces and child custody disputes.

The case has been classified confidential, which means access to case files are limited to Sarah and Todd Palin, their attorneys, and court personnel. It’s a very rare situation but there is a minor involved, and the judge may have decided to protect the child from the adverse experience of the media circus.



  1. I have sat close to Governor Sarah Palin at a public meeting and got to observe what a beautiful lady she is. Todd, oh Todd, why are you getting rid of a treasure out of your life. After 30 years of marriage, think hard about what you are doing to your lovely lady and the children she gave you. Don’t destroy your family. Go join the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and ask them to seal your marriage for time and all eternity. They alone hold God’s authority to perform this sacred ordinance. Remember, neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the Lord’s plan of eternal happiness. What you are doing has eternal consequences. God wants all his children united as eternal families in his presence.

    • John J Kieran, you opened up a new thread. First time I have read a religious response such as yours. So let me add to it.
      So Todd, here is another solution along the lines recommended by John J K: : When you join the Church of Latter-day Saints ( translation: Morman Church) consider not getting a divorce and instead take on a couple more wives.
      Just funning. Trust me, one is enough!

    • Hi though I believe your sentiments sincere I must say, sometimes “stuff happens” so let it be! Besides, the Bible allows room for both separation & divorce (1 Cor. 7:10-11,15; Mk. 10:4-5; Mal. 2:14-16). The news reported Todd Palin’s court papers filed decreed that “Sarah was impossible to live with.” After 30 yrs. of marriage it’s obvious he tried & I’m sure she did to but apparently the pain & discomfort going on between them left him no choice so best to pray God sees them through this difficult & should be private matter & bring about a amicable dissolution for the sake of the children. These folk have had enough & too much media intrusion into their private affairs & with the divorce rate high as it is, any & every decent man & woman should know & call for respect & media hands off on this aspect of Sarah & Todd’s life as divorce is no joke. Mind you, I am a woman who is politically opposed to right wing republican hypocritical mishigosh that’s escalated to this full rotten bloom Trump fiasco. However, as a woman & Christian through & through I believe in being respectful amidst politically disagreeing with anyone. It’s the true American way after all.

    • Are religious people generally as superficial as you are? It doesn’t matter if Palin is an insufferable monster — you think she’s sexually attractive, religious fundie, and that is all that matter. I mean, of what significance is a woman beyond how she looks — right, hypocrite?

      But yeah, Todd Palin should join your b@ts**t religious cult, built around the lie of the fabricated tablets. That is the answer to all problems. Yes, celestial glory. >.>

      If a married couple has irreconcilable differences, they ought to separate, for the good of their child if nothing else. Or maybe your crazy god is fine with violent arguments.

      TL;DR: Mind you own effin’ business, busybody.

  2. How is this news? Who really cares about their dirty laundry? Please save us from this type of crap being “news”!

  3. Family? I guess you missed the part where they get DIVORCED.
    What with the in fighting son beating up his girlfriend, beating up the father. The restraining orders between the both. Stupid family that belongs in a Jerry Springer episode.
    Bristol has her own episode “Whos your Baby Daddy”

  4. How about showing some respect? I don’t disagree with calling a halt to the divorce thing and giving this a rest but if it is to be a divorce, then lets all step away and look elsewhere. Its not a happy time for them, for the family and those around them. Its not a free for all to entertain us.

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