Bipartisan: Two Alaska lawmakers send letter to Permanent Fund, urging divestment from Russian assets


Two Alaska lawmakers from opposite sides of the political spectrum sent a letter to the Permanent Fund Corporation urging immediate divestment from its Russian assets.

The Alaska Permanent Fund’s investments in Russia are about $210 million, which represents 0.2 percent of the total assets of the $81 billion state-owned corporation.

Rep. Zack Fields, who is nearly at the farthest left of the Democrat caucus, and military man and Republican Rep. David Nelson signed the letter addressed to Permanent Fund Board Chair Craig Richards, saying that Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine had put a significant portion of Alaskan public dollars at risk through economic sanctions.

“Russia’s unprovoked attack can not go unanswered,” Nelson said. “The reports I’m hearing that the Russian army is targeting Ukrainian civilians is beyond the pale. Alaska must respond as swiftly as possible and divest the Permanent Fund Corporation’s investments in Russia.”

“This is not only a matter of our moral obligation, but also one of exposure to the Permanent Fund Corporation’s investments,” Fields said. “Divestment would protect Alaskans’ investments and reduce resources available for Putin’s war machine.”

The Alaska Permanent Fund is a sovereign wealth fund owned by the State of Alaska, which was started with proceeds from the sale of oil from Alaska’s North Slope.


  1. How are we going to get to the International Space Station? We been hitching rides with the Russians since Obummer killed the space shuttle program. Just asking for a friend.

  2. I think this is a bad idea.
    Alaska could be the Olive Branch to Russia.
    I don’t think the government should be determining what country a business can or cannot do business with.

  3. I’m sure Putin fully planned for this and doesn’t care. The only ones being hurt will be the Russian citizens which Putin cares nothing about. Kind of like Biden not caring about American citizens not in the club of elites.

  4. Is there any chance of getting a bipartisan letter together from our state representatives to the US Congress and the President urging them to restore the energy independence we had not long ago? Is there any chance of getting a bipartisan letter together from our state representatives to the US Congress and the President urging them to stop funding Putin’s war machine? Is there any chance of getting a bipartisan letter together from our state representatives to the US Congress and the President urging them to stop begging Saudi Arabia and other authoritarian countries to produce more oil when we have it here in Alaska and America, where we produce it in a much cleaner and environmentally friendly way, where it isn’t tainted with the blood of innocent women and children? Is there any chance of that happening?

  5. If Fields likes this, I’m suspicious. He wouldn’t help a blind old woman cross a street if there wasn’t something in it for him.

  6. I agree that it is a clear moral obligation and that we should divest as quickly as is possible. The State of Alaska should take other action against Russian Interests including a ban on exporting any fish or other natural resources to Russia.

  7. I guess the question in my mind? Is the candidate knowledgeable of the US constititution. Does he defend the US Constitution and if so when, how. Show me. No can? No vote. For you for anything. BTW Russia is still selling oil to its fellow countrymen the Ukranians aren’t they? BTW the US Constitution was not created by the exclusive club bar association. One is not interchangeable for the other in this form of government.

  8. Putin funds his terror through the Russian ownership of entities like Gazprom. Putin has ordered the use of cluster bombs and thermobaric bombs on civilians. There is no way I want Alaska money invested this way. Dunleavy has not stepped up and joined the rest of the civilized world in the effort to divest.

    The civilized world needs to destroy the Russia economy, not support it. Frankly, we need to go further. I’d like to be flying an A-10 right now destroying Russian convoys headed into Ukraine.

      • Ak,
        I never touch booze. Speaking as a former USAF veteran who served during the cold war, my position is straightforward. If we are going to help the Ukrainians, we can’t offer half measures. What good does it do to help the Ukrainians- to lose?

        Biden is a disaster- and Putin is taking full advantage. If Reagan was president he’d have given the Ukrainians significantly more support- and that would have included a dozen A10s- the most effective close air support aircraft we have ever built. With A10s, the long columns you’ve seen of Russian invaders moving into Ukraine would have been turned to rubble.

        Putin is a total scumbag, madman. He needs to be stopped. A pity our state government is so weak that they can’t even do the bare minimum- of pulling our money out of Russia. GDI.

    • this kind of action worked out great in the weimar republic. do you believe all propaganda or just war propaganda?

  9. What fools, these two…
    After reading “China says no to sanctioning Russia amid Ukraine bombardment, vows to continue ‘normal trade cooperation'” (,
    one wonders why Fields and Nelson do not urge similar divestment from communist Chinese assets.
    Maybe Fields and Nelson do not urge similar divestment from communist Chinese assets because whoever bought them does not have Alaska’s next governor, China Bill Walker’s approval to do so, no?

  10. While we’re divesting, let’s include Washington state businesses. Washington is no friend of ours, they want to impose a gasoline tax on shipments to us so here’s how we fight back.

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