Biden visit to Korea includes Alaska fueling stop on Thursday, closing air space around Southcentral


President Joe Biden’s expected trip to Korea on Thursday will mean a stopover at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, where Air Force One will refuel before making the last leg of its journey over the Pacific.

The Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration has issued a Temporary Flight Restriction for areas around Southcentral Alaska on Thursday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Wednesday that Biden will not be visiting the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea on this trip because he has visited it before.

“Just to reiterate here is that as vice president, he has been there before,” Jean-Pierre said. “He is just not going to go on this trip. He is going to go to South Korea. He is going to show his support for the region.”

The FAA said that previous Temporary Flight Restrictions in this area resulted in numerous violations and reiterated the agency needs support from the aviation community to get the word out and stay clear of the affected area.


  1. Too bad he isn’t going to face the public. We could all welcome him wit”letsgo, Brandon” and the original version!!!

  2. This old guy, with multiple medical problems (past and present) with clear signs of dementia will be on a long airplane ride. What’s the chance that this is the trip that he has a stroke? Or will he finally fall down the stairs of AF-1?

    Chuckles would have to stand in… and she’s not remotely competent or sane. How is it that America has declined so much that the “top” people are Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden, Mayor Beetlejuice…

    Crime is out of control, so are the deficits, and these morons are absolutely destroying the US economy as they allow millions of criminals to cross our border.

  3. On a RAVN flight from Kodiak to Anchorage some years back the pilot suddenly announced that we were going to stop off in Kenai. Upon landing we joined 2 other RAVN flights one from St. Mary’s and another from Bethel already on the ground. Evidently it was all due to Trump landing at Elmendorf to refuel. Despite the delay it was a happy time spent by all. I named our shared inconvenience T.D.S. (Trump Deplanement Syndrome).
    Eventually the all clear sounded and we were packed into two planes instead of three because it was learned that one Flight Crew was “timed” out for the day.

    Hopefully China Joe will stay on Air Force One and not waste everyone’s time giving one of his trade mark long winded, logorrhea filled, babbling events to our Troops. It’s the least he could do for our Service Men and Women. Poor Devils, made to stand at attention and forced to listen to that corrupt old man.

  4. Prepare for another Korean War. This clown does nothing but create chaos and confusion wherever it goes!
    I like how the person above said it.. Just GO Brandon! Lol

  5. So, how does the 50th state face an economic future without any economy except welfare and public employment? Do democrats know? Or care?

  6. Thankfully for our troops on JBER won’t have to play “rent-a-crowd” and be forced to listen to that babbling idiot while filling his Depends.

  7. Your headline incorrectly says: “closing air space around Southcentral”. The TFR doesn’t close the airspace, it restricts it. Read the TRF Alert. It tells how a pilot can operate in, and/or go through the TFR airspace.

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