Biden to parents: Your children are not your children; they belong to the government


In April of 2022, President Joe Biden told American parents that they don’t have authority over their own children. In a speech last year at the Teachers of the Year celebration, he said, “They’re all our children. And the reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom,” he said.

Today, Biden stayed on message: “There is no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children,” Biden said as he honored the 2023 teacher of the year in the White House Rose Garden.

Those words stung conservatives, who have witnessed government take control of their children by increments. In Washington state, lawmakers just passed a bill that will allow shelters and the government to essentially kidnap children from their parents if their parents don’t approve of gender transition procedures.

Alaska’s Nick Begich was not impressed by the president’s words. The former congressional candidate said on Facebook, “Today Joe Biden said the quiet part out loud. ‘There’s no such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.’ Let’s be clear: children are the responsibility of parents. Children are NOT property of the state.”

He then went on to point out Congresswoman Mary Peltola’s record:

“Of course, Mary Peltola proudly OPPOSED the Parents Bill of Rights Act which passed the Republican House just a few weeks ago. Her position in opposition to the basic rights of parents is neither pro family nor pro freedom,” Begich wrote on Facebook.


  1. Hmmm(?) … Sounds like those dang “munchkins” might command a bigger Tax Right-Off, and maybe even a “retro-active” Tax Right-Off too?!?!?

  2. “Mr. President…..From my cold dead hands!” -Charleston Heston.

    I’m sure this makes all the male birthing persons tingly inside. Eh cman?

    • I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never supported such ridiculous PC nonsense. Not sure why you think I would, but thanks for checking in.

  3. Come on over and try to take my children.I am waiting. Brain dead Biden and his advisors can go pound sand.

    • “He was quoting teacher of the year, and it is a pretty obvious metaphor for how we all have a shared responsibility to the children of American, not just our own children — to be a good teachers or neighbors or citizens, to create a better society, etc. Pretty obvious “it takes a village” vibes.

      People don’t actually think she, or he, meant “the government owns your children”. What we’re seeing here is people looking for a reason to be mad. Take a sentence out of context, pretend it says something it wasn’t, pretend to get mad about it, because being outraged about the other side is the goal.”

      • Wrong, I didn’t want neighbors or especially schools teaching my kids. They have enough screwed teachers that I didn’t want any part of it. Hillary and Bill probably didn’t have much interaction with their daughter and that why why Hillary said it takes a village. As an we have the responsibility to stop what’s wrong with these leftists.

  4. Well that kinda makes sense. Hunter Biden’s big government DNA is responsible for all the meth, crack, hookers, booze, and everything else that irresponsible people get into. Thanks for clearing up the mystery, Joe. We thought you were the one, but all along it was the government.

    • Stupid seems to run in the Biden DNA. Dumbsh*t Hunter couldn’t even retrieve his laptop from hell. Dumb Biden crime family. And look where the Democrats put them all.

  5. That’s great, Joe. Where’s that crackhead boy of yours? We are about to establish some boundaries.

  6. The demonic radical leftist extremists are becoming bolder and more brazen by the day.
    Next year, at the latest: “Adult-child sex is a fundamental right”.

      • Thank God for our Second Amendment, AR-15’s, and 30-round capacity magazines. We’re gonna need them.

      • The catholic church has been doing this for centuries. They’re well ahead of the game on that score. “No child’s behind left” is their motto.

        • cool more mainstream NPC talking points. now do government schools they put the catholics to shame

          • They have centuries of abuse to catch up with the catholic church, which is populated with hard, calcified sadists. You either are blind to this reality or you refuse to admit it. But hey, go ahead and keep talking like its schools that are the problem and using acronyms like NPC (whatever that means). Right wingers like you have been whining about the dangers of public schools since I was in elementary school in the 70s.

          • I’m living in the current day and don’t dwell on the past. plus I’m not forced to involve myself or my finances in the catholic church if i choose not to unlike government. also compare current numbers nothing can be done about the past but as a leftwing NPC these concepts are beyond you cman

        • Cman, as a supposed “libertarian”, it is interesting to observe that you routinely castigate “right wingers”, “MAGA extremists”, etc. etc. etc., yet I have just ONCE to ever read you similarly castigate the very real and incredibly destructive current tsunami of radical leftists and extremists.
          Now just why is that?
          Methinks your pretense of being a putative libertarian is just that, a vile and dishonest pretense.

    • Sounds like the next step…ok to rape kids..after all, they don’t belong to their parents and the immoral government has legalized drugs of all types, pushes abortion, sexualizes kids….makes sense that the next disgusted step would be to destroy our kids…..

  7. He did such a fine job with Hunter. Who wouldn’t be honored to have that old child groping wretch take responsibility for the future of their family?

  8. So…… The teachers are sayin’ the compulsory age need raising to keep our kids in school? Until what age- 25? 28? 32? 40? About 55!?

  9. It’s a good thing for all ALASKAN parents to know: there is a new unincorporated organization state govt that is an alternate to the INCORPORATED state govt that exploits you and your children. Since our birth certificates were used to change each person into a CORPORATION that is why they own you and your children. This new type of citizen was resurrected and is firmly planted on the land and soil jurisdiction of alaska and every state now and is governed by the includes common law courts. It is not a “sovereign person” but an American state National. You can learn more at “”

  10. I went all out and spent big bucks on my boys for christmas this year. You shoulda seen the look on their faces at Michaels arts and crafts store when I asked all of the woke store employees if they had Hunter Biden paint sets. They were a little confused until I showed them the paintings and then the price tag they sold for! Wow just Wow! They never had a clue a crackhead could produce a painting that could draw such a huge price. I guess Hunter has some special talent that makes rich people want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on his paintings. I am hoping my boys can produce something similar. Hell i would be happy with just a few thousand apiece!

  11. This would be funny if it wasn’t real. No wonder all the pulp-newspapers went away. Couldn’t compete with this stuff.

  12. Biden actually told the truth. We turned our children over to the Territorial State and MUNICIPAL STATE when we signed for the BIRTH CERTIFICATE. It was not just recorded. It was “registered” as State/STATE property and the child became a ward of the STATE and a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN. Biden just didn’t go into any detail as to how it was done. He just skirted the edges. As I have said before, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE originated as a SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE for landless paupers – SLAVES.

  13. If children are government property as Mr. Biden says, then the government oughtta be on the hook for massive child-support payments, no?
    Wait a minute, what about abortions? Isn’t there a law against destruction of government property?
    If children are government property as Mr. Biden says, what about child production, shouldn’t there be bids, lowest bidder, quality control, production quotas, maybe a National Child Production Agency to help with stuff like that?
    Conservatives better get on board, this could be the next big thing after Mr. Biden’s re-elected.

  14. We need a system of uniformity when it comes to discipline. Ex: Parents should not be allowed to GROUND children! we are not the Taliban! And all corporal punishment must be approved by a local oversight committee. It’s far time children share in equal stature with parents, except for finances. which parents should have to pay until child is 25. !!

    • That way taxpayers can fund more prisons to house those undisciplined children when they get older. Except that by then, the crimes they commit will be met with public cries for the death penalty instead.

  15. What do you think birth (berth)certificates were for? You signed your children over to the govt at birth

  16. What brandon forgets is, the government belongs to the people. So the kids belong to the people. Of the people, by the people, for the people. Does that ring a bell Brandon?

    • That’s what you think is true but it’s not. The constitution has been ripped to shreds by law breakers. Look at the EPA thinking they own all the water in our backyard. Ridiculous. They don’t want a parent to say no and oppose them. So parents must choose to be verbal and silent no longer.

  17. “Family Fish Freedom”

    freedom was peltola dog whistling for unrestricted state sponsored abortions

    Family must mean babies who escape the abortion belong to the political class

    Fish is still cryptic to me anyway rule of 3’s maybe

  18. Today, Biden stayed on message: “There is no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children,”

    Biden is face of pure evil. As the supreme Socialist leader of modern day Nazi party, his words convey to every parent his true agenda to separate children from families. It is not a coincidence that teachers are usurping parental rights.
    Washington State is attempting to pass an evil law to allow DSS and schools to separate confused children by ushering them into foster homes and undergoing sexual mutilation as evil transgender proponents line and manipulate vulnerable children. The Washington State law would prevent parents from contacting their children. Biden’s speech is being reduced to unholy laws like the one being pushed in Washington State.

    It’s time for 2023 Great Awakening akin to second American Revolution this time it’s against the globalists controlling UN, WHO, CDC and FBI as well as key US political leadership

    • Too late. WA already passed that bill. Now kids hold ALL the cards. Pissed at their parents, just tell their loyal teacher and off they go disappearing to some unknown destination without parents even knowing where their kid is. And when the kid finally emerges, he/she is now a mutilated it with no direction. How can this be America?

  19. God’s laws come before any law made by man, gov or any wrongful law clearly evil or unholy. Every man has right to believe in what they choose. The only one who my children belong to other than myself & their father is God. Children being one of the biggest blessings possible to recieve during the time you spend on this earth. I will protect mine till my last breath of life. I’m sure there’s a special place waiting for sme who are harming or wanting to harm our children, change them. Biden & all evil your bringing, jus think about this, a lifetime is very very short! Then what? Like I said, special place in Hell waiting, eternity ~forever… GOD IS BIGGER!

  20. These were the very words and philosophy of Hitler. The state owns and has power over everyone and everything. At some point we will need a
    “Mussolini moment” if this flagrant tyranny keeps building.

  21. More twisting of the President’s words by MRAK. It’s quite obvious to anyone hearing those words (who is not looking to pick a fight or whose mind has not been poisoned by right-wing ideology) that Biden is referring to the collective responsibility of Society as a whole to raise and educate children.

    Apparently there’s not enough “real” news out there for MRAK to fill its pages, so it continues to resort to the time-honored tradition (a la Tucker Carlson) of distorting quotes and taking them out of context.

    • Whidbey, there is no more any such thing as a “collective responsibility” than there is any such thing as a “collective right” or “collective guilt”. But trying to explain the that to a collectivist and communist, such as yourself, is simply attempting to plow the sea.

  22. The mainstream media doesn’t want parents to know and understand this perverse stance made by Biden and company. Nor the fact that a Grand Jury in Florida has found Biden guilty of his criminal activity pertaining to children. No more cover up. If you have Twitter connect with the people who know.

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