Biden threatens veto of veterans funding as he launches culture war over LGBTQI+ and taxpayer-funded abortion

Photo credit: White House


U.S. House Republicans passed legislation Wednesday to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs and military construction, but a battle over abortion, sexuality and other issues may sink the bill.

The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025 features $378.644 billion in spending. 

That funding includes $147.520 billion for the Department of Defense’s military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and “related agencies.”  

Wednesday’s legislation is one of 12 appropriations bills needed to fund the government, and was passed largely along party lines.

“I voted YES on the FY25 Military Construction and VA funding bill,” U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “It fully funds programs for our nation’s veterans, bolsters our Indo-Pacific security, and defunds woke policies.”

“This morning, I voted in favor of the 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act,” Rep. Barry Moore, R-Ala., wrote on X. “This legislation fully funds veterans benefits, bolsters national security, and ends Biden’s mission to make our bases woke.”

President Joe Biden, however, has threatened to veto the bill because of provisions meant to take on “woke policies.”

The White House released a statement ahead of the vote saying the president will veto the bill if it makes it to his desk.

“Similar to last year, H.R. 8580 includes numerous, partisan policy provisions with devastating consequences including harming access to reproductive healthcare, threatening the health and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Americans, endangering marriage equality, hindering critical climate change initiatives, and preventing the Administration from promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion,” the White House said in a statement.

Besides LGBT issues, the White House opposes the legislation’s limits on the use of taxpayer funds for abortions.

“The Administration strongly opposes section 255 of the bill, which would prevent VA from using funds to implement, administer, or otherwise carry out the Final Rule published on March 4, 2024, which expanded access to abortion counseling and abortion under limited circumstances for certain veterans and VA beneficiaries,” the White House said in a statement.


  1. His entire cabinet thrives on death & destruction. No one should be shocked at anything they do. Liars, cheats, thieves and the lowest of all baby killers. The rest of this year should be interesting to say the least.

  2. The thing is the right tries to fight a street fight as if there are rules! The lefts only rule is win despite the Rules! It is why they get away with crap!

  3. “The bottles stand as empty
    As they were filled before
    Time there was and plenty
    But from that cup no more
    Though I could not caution all
    I still might warn a few
    Don’t lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools”

    • Most of his adherents abhor the military, have never served, and likely would only use the US military to disarm law abiding gun owners.
      He might even gain a few hamas loving leftists back as supporters if he vetoes it.

      • What I often wonder is what, if anything, Grandpa Bloodstains actually believes in?

        Besides his 10%.

        Does he have a core at all? Or is everything for sale?

  4. He is a non American who can’t see beyond his dementia.
    He is the worst person in charge this country has ever had.
    History will tell the truth as he is a lair, looser, and A terrible impersonator.

  5. It should come as no surprise to anyone that leftists always have money for their pet causes (LGBTQWERTY+ rights, abortion, Ukraine, homeless, etc…), but the never seem to have enough to pay for the services taxpayers need.

    • Biden used to shower with his pre-teen daughter.
      Do the Democrats have a name for this kind of person?

  6. This is the biggest nonsense I have ever heard! Leave the Veterans alone Grandpa Turd Stain! This puppet is a sicko… Most of the left are the same.
    Shameful that a POTUS is playing with the very people who saved this country in the past.
    Biden is a dam Commie!

  7. Go right ahead ,sink your campaign early. We will be more than glad to hang thisaround your neck like the proverbia! Albatross

  8. In a campaign year Crooked Joe is gonna hold veterans hostage for his woke agenda and the policies it promotes? This ain’t the third rail of politics, its the locomotive of freedom, and he’s been willing to derail it. Gotta clean out the whole bunch of them. Now you have Murky declaring it a “right” to kill your baby. There’s an old saying that,”You ain’t never gonna clean up the water until you get the pig out of the creek.” Heave-ho, them pigs gotta go.

  9. The democrats have hated the military and the veterans ever since 1963. Only the stupid can’t see this.

    • I distinctly recall 1993 at inauguration, where I stood in formation, a NPR reporter said something about how terrible the military planes flying over were. The woman next to her responded: “Yeah, but now they’re our planes.” It started with GW Bush, but it was Clinton where what we call wokeism really took off.

  10. As we all know(under the “board”). He is not the President but only a figure head.. We all KNOW who is really operating under his name.. BUT with his distain for the Veterans and the military, he has just jumped into the pool to sink to the “bottom of the pit”.” WE were taught to fight for our rights, and WE WILL FIGHT.. for our rights. It seems for every word, he speaks, he just loses more of his support.

    • You had it right the first time 😀 . It’s a grammar anomaly that gives you a long “o” sound like “tool” but with only one “o.” Very confusing, I know. – sd

  11. And Biden just flew to France to thank all the vets on D day how many of them will not get proper care because of Biden. What a hypocrite Joe is.

  12. The Senate is going to essentially veto this before it ever gets to Biden. The House’s version will not get past the conference committee.

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