Biden introduces the president of Ukraine as ‘Putin’

Joe Biden, July 11, 2024.

At the end of the NATO summit on Thursday, President Joe Biden took the podium to introduce the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy .

Instead, he introduced Zelenskyy as “President Putin.”

Biden somehow recognized his mistake: “President Putin? I’m going to beat President Putin, President Zelenskyy. I am so focused on beating Putin,” Biden said, trying to make a joke about the gaffe. Zelenskyy is fighting a war against Putin’s aggression in Ukraine.

“I am better,” joked Zelenskyy, as he shook Biden’s hand. Over 500,000 Russians and Ukrainians have been killed or wounded since the war began in February of 2022, with a Russian invasion of its border nation.

It was yet another stumble by President Biden, and it occurred just before he was to hold a “Big Boy” press conference, as described by his communications team, directly with the media this afternoon, as he attempts to prove he is still fit for office.


  1. Does this surprise anyone, it’s like getting a logical decision & answer out of a meth addict. This clown is going to get us in a war. All his left wing lunatic Hollywood dinks are dumping him.

    • Actually Dawg, your pal Zelinsky makes Putin look like a Classical Liberal when you compare how the two men govern..Putin at least sat out a term, and allowed for an election. Your pal Zelinsky, the guy who plays the piano with his penis has forbid an election and imprisoned his opponents.
      Similar to your man Joey.

      • You gotta be kidding me. Whatever Russia influenced news sources you’re reading, you need to find a counter balance. “Sat out a term”, he was running things in the shadows. Putin had the constitution changed to allow him as many terms as he sees fit. He’s a dictator, through and through. Zelenskyy is not. If you really hold to the belief that Putin is anything other than a totalitarian dictator, you’re an idiot.

  2. When the movie is made about this administration, I wonder who is going to play Biden.
    It would be great if Mel Brooks would be the Director.

  3. Vladimir just won the war. Thanks Joe. Now send us Zelenskky in a box and we’ll call it a day. We always knew Biden was a GOOD commie.

  4. Soon they will need a ventriloquist to operate this puppet properly to get the fight words out of his mouth.
    Are you busy tomorrow Barrack? We would like another press conference to straighten out this message.


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