Biden bribery brief: FBI will allow Oversight Committee access


House Republicans in the Oversight Committee have decided against holding a vote to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress, but they are not letting up in their investigation into corruption in and around President Joe Biden and his family.

The decision came as the Oversight Committee, scheduled to meet Thursday, received an offer from the FBI that would allow all committee members to review a document from 2020, which is at the core of the investigation. It’s a document that for weeks the agency has refused to say even exists.

Committee Chair James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky made the announcement late Wednesday.

“After weeks of refusing to even admit the FD-1023 record exists, the FBI has caved and is now allowing all members of the Oversight and Accountability Committee to review this unclassified record that memorializes a confidential human source’s conversations with a foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Joe Biden,” Comer said on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability released its prepared resolution and accompanying report recommending that the House of Representatives find FBI Director Wray in contempt of Congress during its Thursday morning meeting.

“We have been clear that the FBI must produce the unclassified FD-1023 record to the custody of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. To date, the FBI has refused to comply with our lawfully issued subpoena and even refused to admit the record’s existence up until a week ago. Once Director Wray confirmed the record’s existence, the FBI started their coverup by leaking a false narrative to the media. The case is not closed as the White House, Democrats, and the FBI would have the American people believe. The FBI created this record based on information from a credible informant who has worked with the FBI for over a decade and paid six figures. The informant had first-hand conversations with the foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Biden. And now, Attorney General Barr has confirmed that the record was given to the U.S. Attorney in Delaware for the purpose of that investigation,” said Chairman Comer. “Americans have lost trust in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability. The Oversight Committee must follow the facts for the American people and ensure the federal government is held accountable.”

Committee members will be able to view the document in a “secure location,” according to sources. The FBI will allow Comer and ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat, to review two additional documents in question.


  1. There may be credible evidence the sitting President is and has been involved in bribery. One of two specifically mentioned reasons for impeachment in the Constitution.

    The FBI is covering for him and dictating terms to the elected representatives of the US government.

    The Stasi is alive and well in DC.

    We were a free country once.

    • If this weren’t a free country you wouldn’t be allowed to write this and have it posted online. Stop being such a paranoid. If Biden is guilty of a crime, he’ll most likely get away with it, just like any other President. They’re clearly all above the law.

      • I’m not sure which is more impressive.

        Your willful disregard of reality or your stunning lack of understanding of history and culture.

    • The FBI defines domestic terrorism with this action on their part. The FBI “offering” Congress a portion of that which they have a legitimate right to review is all one need to see or know. They have far exceeded the authority that has been conferred upon them and they ARE the domestic terrorists.

  2. Joe Biden may have been involved in a scheme to accept bribes and that is really bad. However, to me, by far the most worrisome thing is that the FBI is actively protecting him.

  3. Has there been any ‘official’ and/or ‘non-official’ comment from the folks working in the building downtown Anchorage on A & 6th, regarding this issue? Certainly they, our trusted neighbors, working within the same organization, must have some juicy insight that could be shared.

  4. The head of the Biden Crime Family has now allowed well over seven million unvetted criminal aliens into our country. Many of these invaders have criminal records. Many are demanding free housing, medical care and food. All of these criminals are competing for housing, medical care and other services that should have gone to American citizens first.

    Section 4 of our Constitution reads:

    “Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;…”

    This alone is grounds to have this crooked SOB impeached- for his manifest and deliberate failure to honor his oath of office. His bribery is just icing on the cake.

    Democrats are evil. Truly evil, horrible people.

  5. This is Obama’s FBI. This gestapo agency of the Democrat Party. It pmshould be broken up in it’s entirety and a new agency developed. The FBI is completely corrupt.

  6. So the federal Bureau of incompetence decided to let the crooked politicians look at a document. In the end, nothing will happen Biden, or his son will not go to jail. meantime, Trump will be prosecuted on another bogus charge. It’s going to take something bigger than politicians to clean up this mess. All the lying fighting, denying that these politicians to should be a wake up flag for everyone to vote for somebody new. Enough with the old crowd, and look where they’ve taken us.

  7. So the FBI ( who aided and gave instructions to Hillary how to destroy evidence) will allow examination of an important document!
    Ought to be as authentic as a copy and pasted birth certificate. I’m sure it’ll still include the black sharpie’s out 90% to make it look authentic

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