Biden arrives in Seattle, dotes on county executive’s young daughter, hints at White House spot for Inslee

Biden motorcade in Seattle on Friday.

President Joe Biden flew into Seattle for a series of campaign fundraisers on Friday evening, with campaign fundraising events continuing on Saturday. Greeting the president at Sea-Tac airport were the state’s top Democrat politicians, including Gov. Gov. Jay Inslee, U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell, and King County Executive Dow Constantine. 

“Inslee got the first handshake as Biden made his way down the line, but Biden may have spent the most time saying hello to Constantine’s young daughter, Sabrina,” wrote the Seattle Times, which evidently thought the attention was notable enough to carry it in the second paragraph of its story.

The Biden Victory Fund sent invitations for an event, with amounts starting at $500 and going up to $25,000. The downtown area near the Westin Hotel has been blocked off, and a temporary flight restriction for the region by the Federal Aviation Administration is in effect until 6 pm Pacific Time on Saturday.

Traffic has been impacted by the president’s motorcade, which was made up of over 100 vehicles. The Post Millennial reports that not a single vehicle was electric.

Biden was introduced by Gov. Jay Inslee on Friday at the Lotte Hotel and said he will be remembered for his work on climate change. Biden said twice that Inslee will have a place in his administration; Inslee is not running for reelection in Washington State.

“When we win, he ain’t staying in Washington state,” Biden said during his speech. “I’m not joking. Jay, there’s no place to hide.”

If Biden wins, it will be without the voters in the UW Liberated Zone, where protesters are occupying the University of Washington and protesting Biden policies in the Israel war on terror.

On Saturday, a pro-Hamas rally will take place in downtown Seattle near WestLake Park, and more demonstrations, which involve Antifa, are expected at the university.

On Sunday, visitors to downtown Seattle can expect a pro-Israel “United for Israel” prayer gathering and a march that may go through the middle of the UW pro-Hamas group. The University of Washington has asked the Hamas group to vacate the campus, where Frontlines reporter Jonathan Choe was attacked last week.

Choe reported that “Students leaving the Charlie Kirk event in Seattle were greeted by a mob of Antifa lunatics who flooded the Quad. They carried weapons and started numerous fights.”

“It will be like the Super Bowl for far-left activists. National media coming into Seattle for this on Mother’s Day. Absolutely insane,” Choe reported.


  1. Anchorage is headed down this path and will soon become even more like the example of societal rot Seattle embodies. What are we doing about it?

    • What are you talking about Anchorage is already like that Bronson my vote is with Lafrance.At least with her our government is not at a standstill fighting and vetoing each other

  2. If Grandpa Bloodstains isn’t a wannabe pedo, he fakes it well.

    I wouldn’t let my granddaughters within 5 miles of that pervert.

  3. Did he sniff that poor child?? Or do something else perverse? The parents basically pimped their kid for political points

  4. Obama Berkowitz our assembly murkowski the Book of life has our deeds it is our bank Account with JESUS. Never ever forget the ones who sold us out all. Soros also, can’t wait for the next scene in this movie we are all in, when we all are together with JESUS to see how we all did on our earth age test. MAYOR BRONSON THANK YOU FOR YOUR GUTS & INTEGRITY TO WE THE PEOPLE SIR. MAGA

  5. I wonder what Biden has in line for Inslee. Should be interesting with all of those millions of new “voters”that have been streaming over our borders.

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