Berkowitz orders citizens to ‘hunker down’ at home now


Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has ordered Anchorage residents to stay home, except when they need to go to critically important jobs, or to buy groceries, or receive or provide health care. He labeled it an “emergency hunker down order.” Details of his “shelter-in-place” order are linked below.

The mayor has broad powers under the current state of emergency, but there is no penalty specified for those who disregard it.

“On the limited occasions when individuals leave home, they should maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any person outside their household whenever possible. Individuals are also encouraged to practice recommended hygiene, including regular hand washing,” his order says.

Those who are homeless are exempt but are urged to seek shelter and Berkowitz asked shelter providers to make shelter available. However, they need to keep clients six feet apart.

Stores are also being asked to make sure shoppers remain six feet apart, including when they are in line to cash out.

Anyone more likely to be contagious with COVID-l9 should reduce contact with others even further, he said by not leaving home except to obtain medical care or to get fresh air.

People who are more likely to be contagious include individuals exhibiting symptoms of COVID—l9 (including coughing. shortness of breath, and fever) and individuals who have recently traveled.

Individuals who have recently travelled outside the Municipality are advised, in accordance with CDC guidelines to stay at home as much as possible for 14 days. Household members of those who are possibly contagious should implement these more stringent guidelines as well, he said.


  1. I don’t get my orders from the the Mayor. Of course I am practicing social distancing, of course I am washing my hands, of course I am only going to be going to stores on a need to basis.

    Should I decide to take a drive somewhere, while remaining isolated from others in my truck, I will. My Wife and I enjoy a little road trip to nowhere once in awhile.

    The Mayor will not order me to stay hunkered down in my house. Sounds silly to me… It’s not necessary to demand that people do what they’re already doing.

    • Absolutely 100% agree my friend. These spineless politicians are “ordering” us to give up our liberty and freedom. This is about government control, not “keeping us safe”

    • Just as our country is heading into lockdown, the bars are opening back up in Shanghai. Business in China is starting back up.

      Right out of Sun Tzu. Release a deadly virus on your people. Because you have been through SARS you have the capacity to bring it under control – especially since you are a dictator.

      Your enemy, the US, now has an acute shortage of testing supplies and basic protective gear such as facemasks – because you make them. Plus the US doesn’t have the experience in dealing with an infectious disease outbreak. And they are a free people and not as good at doing the lockdown.

      • So you are suggesting, that we would fare better in a Communist Dictatorship? The virus of Socialism has killed far more people than any modern day virus. Sounds like you should move to China.

    • The Governor doesn’t want you to take any road trips either. Now what smart guy? Everything isn’t always about politics, even when you are. Everything isn’t about you either.


      Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

      John Adams


      If you won’t be moral or religious we always have brute force.

      • I understand that the Governor doesn’t want me to go spread it at any destination. If you read to understand, you’d know that my destination is my house. Zero interaction with others. At no point am I endangering others. I have no problem abiding by what the Governor said, it’s the Mayor whom is not in a position to dictate to me that I will hunker down. It’s nothing to do with politics, everything to do with whom is lawfully able to deny me my God given freedom.

        • God gave you your freedom? How enlightened. Why don’t you prove it by making your destination your house via Pyongyang?

          God is above your perception of your rights. Tell Him all about your rights. I’ll bet He’s even less impressed than we are.

      • Why bring religion and God shaming into a political debate? It’s arrogant and rude.
        Even public health experts – like Dr. Anthony Fauci – respected across the aisle since the early 80’s – suggest that “stay at home” orders are for communities like NYC, LA, and Seattle where the virus is spreading uncontrollably.
        The mayors proposal lacks BALANCE. Eventually it might be necessary, but right now the costs to small businesses and thousands of Anchorage workers – especially low wage hourly workers – is immense. Following the Federal guidelines – including social distancing, common sense self quarantine, etc. – right now are working in thousands of communities like ours without lock-down orders.
        Why does Anchorage need these additional economic costs right now? This is a lawyer – advised by other lawyers – whose main concern is probably liability and not the economic consequences on thousands of low income households.
        Head to the stores tomorrow and you’ll also see this order has also facilitated hoarding. All we need now is a break in the supply chain and we will have a real crisis on our hands.

  2. So homeless people are exempted from practicing “recommended hygiene, including regular hand washing”? Seems like maybe an emergency order mandating the practice of “recommended hygiene, including regular hand washing” in which nobody was exempted would make more sense…

    • And homeless people can shelter in place if they have a tent under a bridge or wherever it might be they are staying. Or a shelter if that’s where they are. Why exempt them?

      • If you want to be homeless I’m sure that can be arranged.


        The sickness of someone who is envious of mentally unstable inebriants that don’t properly care for themselves boggles my mind.


        They are a blight on society. You sir, manage to be worse.

  3. The Mayor should have had the Municipal Attorney review this document. The decree does not cite facts which are the predicate for the action. Instead, the edict has an “everybody knows” premise. That isn’t governance. If the Mayor wants people to take his decree seriously, he should take the process seriously.

  4. Read the exempt businesses……. so
    Pretty much unless you work at the gym or Chucky Cheese you should show up for work….. oh and wash your hands. Talk about nothing but talking for talkings sake

  5. I Art missed my point. I said they could stay in a shelter if that is where they are. Or they can stay in their tent. I’m not saying they have to stay in a tent. But if that is where they be then that is their home. If they enter a shelter that is fine too. But they need to follow the same rules as everyone else…whatever their circumstance. My guess is homeless would have as much chance or more to have been exposed to the Virus and thus, pass it on. Probably to each other.

  6. I noticed with chagrin that Mayor Berkowitz on televised briefings was not practicing the same social distancing that he’s ” now ordering” others to follow.

  7. In my best John Wayne voice, as soon as you eat the corn out of my turds I will do as you say mayor.

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