Beltrami and Giessel true colors emerge in District N



AFL-CIO Union boss Vince Beltrami has a habit of belittling regular people on social media and in person. But in this audio captured by a concerned senior citizen, Beltrami goes on an unfriendly tirade. R rated for language. You’ve been warned:

Oh Vinnie… from big eddie purveyor on Vimeo.

Beltrami is trying to unseat Sen. Cathy Giessel in Senate District N. He’s aligned with Democrats, although he has recently registered non-aligned, leading a herd of Democrats-turned-Independents who are running this year in Alaska.

And Beltrami one of the founders of Together for Alaska, a Democrat-funded independent expenditure group that is now supporting his candidacy.

Paul Kendall, the man who recorded the audio, is a known political gadfly, but legislators have to deal with people like Kendall on a daily basis. Constituents call; they are not always rational, and in fact are usually unhappy. Dealing with cranky people and garden variety cranks is daily business for a legislator.


At a chili and cornbread dinner in Anchorage, Sen. Cathy Giessel also showed her true colors. As she heads into her final week of door-to-door campaigning, she spoke about foster care and how one of her proudest moments has been sponsoring SB 180, to support greater access for children to loving homes while their parents take some time to get their acts together. The law she sponsored ensures that parents don’t simply lose their children to the state just because they’ve hit a crisis in their lives.

At one point, she started to get emotional, thinking about the stories of the families that she’s met in her journey who have been impacted by SB 180, sometimes .

And then she caught herself, and continued to press the importance of healthy families.

Here’s the Cathy Giessel the public doesn’t often see, talking about how faith, family, and love of Alaska motivates her to work hard for her community every day:

GIESSEL EVENT from big eddie purveyor on Vimeo.