Fifteen transgender-supporting activists who took over a women’s bathroom in the Cannon Office Building were arrested on Thursday at the Capitol.
The activists, organized by Gender Liberation Movement, occupied a bathroom across from Speaker Mike Johnson’s office and chanted “Bathroom bigotry’s got to go!” and other slogans.
They videoed themselves dancing and prancing in the women’s bathroom in defiance of Johnson’s recent ban on men using women’s bathrooms and locker rooms in Capitol buildings. Among those arrested were Chelsea Manning, the male-to-female transgender former U.S. Army soldier who was once charged with 22 offenses, of which he was convicted and served time for aiding an enemy.
Johnson’s policy is that “All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings (like restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms) are reserved only for individuals of that biological sex.”
The policy was in response to members being concerned that incoming member Sarah McBride of Delaware will be soon sworn in as a Delaware congressman. McBride is a transgender who identifies and appears to be a woman, the first openly trans to serve in Congress.
Gender Liberation Movement posted in a statement saying “This bathroom sit-in sets an example of the righteous defiance and solidarity needed under a second Trump administration. Cis, trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming folks will have to defend, protect, and fight alongside each other. For this action, cis and trans women demanded an end to bathroom bigotry and preservation of our shared spaces while cis and trans men blocked and protected the entrance to the bathroom. Survivors of sexual violence also demanded that anti-trans bigots stop spreading disinformation about trans people who are disproportionately the victims of violence not perpetrators of it.”
It’s unclear why the transgender activists took over a women’s bathroom, rather than a men’s bathroom.
Provide private bathrooms for the confused. Women’s and Men’s bathrooms should only be occupied by chromosomal gender.
It’s unclear why the transgender activists took over a women’s bathroom, rather than a men’s bathroom.
A mystery, really.
Is it true that Nancy Pelosi slipped past the crowd, stepped into a stall, and politely stated, “Please don’t mind me, I’m just here to take a dump.”
Even newly elected Rep.McBride wants nothing to do with these shrieking,prancing narcissist freaks who think 99% of the population needs to play along with their gender make-believism. Although I do recall seeing a video posted on social media by Mcbride showing him inside a woman’s bathroom in NC daring anyone to throw him out.
Seems that appropriate precedence has been established that they all be locked away for 4 years with no charges filed
Cannot say the truth anymore.
Transgendered people need psychological help.
Gays, lesbians, and homosexuals are committing sins.
Furries should be put down (that’s satires Karen’s/Kevin’s…)
Trannie girls are boys shouldn’t be allowed to play sports against real women – support Title IX.
These comments will have you thrown into prison in the U.K.
Best line by Suzanne:
It’s unclear why the transgender activists took over a women’s bathroom, rather than a men’s bathroom.
Nailed it. This “unclearness” gave away the plot. Oh well. Next time they protest by blocking a bathroom, they will have to remember to have an intellectual discussion rather than a rushed reactionary action.
Since no one can change their gender, there is no such thing as anyone being “transgender.” Its just a pretend word for those catering to the woke agenda. Anyone using the word is patronizing the foolishness. The same goes for the terms, “cis, biological (as an adjective), gender nonconforming, nonbinary, etc.
Mental illness on full display
What? No story time?
This is the legacy of Obama and Biden.
Your last sentence is a real winner.
…Maybe for the same reason there are no “trans men” dominating male sports…?
Woe… 5th Wave Feminism or 5th Generation Warfare ??? Same Difference ???
Why are they not in jail waiting for years to go be for the judge?
Obviously trying to take over the government. Toss them all in Supermax
Isn’t this an insurrection? Cheers –
If you stand up to pee use the men’s bathroom. Bruce Jenner is a case in point as he still has a penis. They tried women’s urinals in the 70’s but it didn’t work out very good so you don’t see them in women’s bathrooms. Two genders only two different sets of chromosomes anybody promoting otherwise is wrong.
Obama, Biden, Harris are having a toast and celebrating their huge accomplishment.
This would just be the tip of the iceberg with Harris/Walz at the helm for the next four years.
Pathetic they use GLM to identify after the wildly successful BLM group….must be large donors lining the pockets of the organizers.
“Well, that changed my mind about the issue.”
Said no one ever.
Put them in the DC gulag. In general population they might like all the attention they get
Why all J6’ers will be pardoned. thankfully.
Two tiers of Capitol takeover is unjust.
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