Assemblyman Constant calls Trump supporters ‘chumps’



Anchorage Assembly has a name for those who support President Donald Trump: Chumps.

On Facebook, he noted that the people waving Trump flags along Seward Highway are part of the “Chump train.”

The dictionary definition of a “chump” is someone who is easily tricked : a stupid or foolish person, a sucker.

It’s impossible to know Constant’s true meaning of what he says. Last week, he accused the publisher of this publication of “literally trying to get us killed,” referring to the Assembly.

The dictionary definition of “literally” is when something that is actually true, or exactly what you are saying. An example of literally is when you say you actually received 67 comments in response to an article, as the story below did last week:


  1. Constant may very well be the most despicable bottom feeder on the Assembly, but then again it’s a too close to call.

  2. Constant yammering – disrespectful commie propaganda. We have a name for folks like him, but it is not printable. When are you going to wake up Anchorage and see what the left is doing to you?

  3. Do these people not realize that at least half, likely more, of the voting population have a strong voice which opposes his? He apparently doesn’t care about that half even to the point of ridicule. Opposite of trying to achieve unity on any level. We are a peaceful bunch but how many times can you poke a bear before it rears up at you?

  4. Mr. Constant continues to demonstrate is ignorance and bias and failure to understand English or others rights and freedoms. As many liberal politicians he can only see his own misguided dogma and prejudice against those that don’t agree with them and his tribe. He does not deserve to represent anyone on a government body. May they people of Anchorage that he fails to represent and only insults them send him to the unemployed line. Defeat him and the rest of this misguided and corrupt assembly in the next election.

  5. With all the money going into Trump’s online accounts, solicited from his followers to subvert the vote and which he can spend however he likes, Constant might very well be onto something.

    • “… subvert the vote…”????
      Seriously? Does asking for an explanation of some curious anomalies constitute subversion in your world? How would you describe it if hundreds of red flag items appeared and all of them benefitted President Trump?
      Would you just say “I am sure there is nothing to see here, let’s just congratulate President Trump on his second term.”
      Yeah, sure. I have no doubt in my mind that you would be perfectly OK with that.
      Trump is not subverting anyone’s confidence on the vote. The election officials across the nation are doing that. President Trump is only guilty of shining a light on it.

  6. The real Anchorage-area chumps are those who ignorantly believe that our municipal assembly are not arrogant despots and radical leftists bent on reshaping and overturning out society and way of life. The real chumps are those who vote for nasty, hateful and spiteful small-minded people like Christopher Constantly A Drama Queen.

  7. Any person who is in an official position shouldn’t be allowed to make broad derogatory statements about a group of people, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on. This shouldn’t be allowed by Republicans, democrats, libertarians, or independents. I’m not sure why a person in a leadership position would behave do unprofessional, it is very unbecoming of them.

    • So you disapprove of the entire four years of Trump’s presidency, along with his two earlier years of campaigning?

      • Actually, no. I completely support a President of the people who ran on promises that have been kept for the American people. A President that has accomplished amazing things for this country in spite of leftist fools like yourself that constantly badger him like spoiled children. A President that actually stands up to our enemies and enforces the law in accordance with our Constitution. He is actually the greatest POTUS this nation has ever had because he isn’t corrupt and receiving billions of dollars from China like Biden. He isn’t intimidated by leftist tactics like political correctness and calling people racists for disagreeing with you. I could go on and on but you must be running out of Kleenex by now.

  8. Again??? Really???
    Frankly I have grandchildren more mature than Mr. Constant. Where are the voters in his district? “Behavior unbecoming” seems a great reason as any to recall the guy.

    • 2019 municipal election 20.1% of eligible voters actually voted – 2020 this year a little over 30% so I ask where is the real problem

      • Sadly you are correct!
        The mail-in voting experiment was supposedly implemented to increase voter turn-out. More and more it is becoming obvious to me, that the goal was to separate the individual voter from the voting experience. When you vote and don’t get the result until 3 weeks later, it feels anti-climatic and difficult to stay engaged. Stop all mail-in voting and move the Assembly vote back to the general election.

      • Low turn out numbers? I am not surprised.
        Did you know that the ballot requires you to add additional postage because the return envelope weighs more than a standard first class letter.
        How many ballots go in the trash because the voter missed that tidbit in the small print?

  9. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Getting media attention and distracting citizens from the real issue: his incompetence

  10. The arrogance and condescending attitude of some of these Assembly Members is mind-blowing.
    Were these Trump Supporters attacking Constant? No? Then can someone please explain to me how a sitting public official is permitted to publicly degrade those in the public whom hold different views than he does?! This man claims to be enlightened and righteous yet behaves in the most base, unethical, and childish ways.

    • It’s pretty simple. The average leftist has a toddler’s mindset.
      If a five year old does not like you, they will ridicule you. Say something that a toddler does not want to hear, and they will drown you out to prevent anyone else from hearing it as well. Ask any five year old what to do, and they always know the answer, and they generally get angry when you do not do what they want.
      Leftists are children. Spoiled children. Someone like Constant is no different. He knowingly said something shocking to a Rabbi because he does not know that shocking and clever aren’t equivalent. This tweet about supporters of President Trump is no different. Calling them chumps is knowingly being “shocking.” And, for some reason, he thinks that makes him clever.

  11. While I supported Trump and will vote for him again, some folks who refuse to follow the Constitution are definitely Chumps.

    • I don’t care if Suzanne censors my comments. If they don’t go thru I guess I said something too dumb and she didn’t publish it, and if they did go thru i guess it was smart and contributing idea. I rather be censored by Suzanne Than Dumb Facebook, they censor all the smart comments and posts and facebook lets all the dumb ones go through.

  12. Be kinda funny if some of his constituents were out there on the Trump Train. He represents what, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Downtown? Probly not too many of his constituents out there.

  13. Christopher Constant is only being a faithful true servant of the devil he serves. His comments, actions, and voice are only fulfilling and doing the devils work like a true worker. there is a place in hell for him and his democrat and liberal/socialist crowd. Unlike the Christian Conservatives or the Christian Democrats, who thought they were saved by the grace of God for years but don’t know the word of God, God’s spirit for them to do God’s work. When God asked the church to stand up in March, what did they do except a few who were not in Alaska? The sat down. How can a Christian do God’s will if they don’t even read the bibles books, not chapters, not pick and choose scriptures, but the whole books of the bible as well as faithfully attending church and loving and investing on those people we see faithfully attend church even when one doesn’t fit our own preference? how do one soldier for God when they aren’t protected by the armor of God and God isn’t going out before them?
    Let’s stop ragging on generals of the devils army like Constant who is only doing what he is told, and start building up the army against the Devils workers like Assembly Member Christopher Constant.

  14. I was so pleased to sign the Recall Rivera petition in front of Carrs, I asked if I could sign twice.

    When are we starting the Recall Constant petition? I’ll sign that one too.

  15. This comment literally describes Donald Trump. Literally.

    Constant was wrong to use an insult, like a child would, when he is supposed to act like a professional and once elected, represent both sides (left and right) equally. You folks are right in calling him out.

    What I do not understand is why you dont dislike Trump for throwing childish insults around. He literally makes up an insulting nickname for anyone he doesnt like. Constant is taking a page out of our commander in chief’s handbook.

    Is it NOT hypocrisy to be upset when you get called a chump, all the while copying Trump’s insults towards democrats. There is literally a wikipedia article for Trumps list of insults he has used.

    I am a republican. I am not a 6th grader on the playground throwing rocks. If you choose to join the side of the name calling bully, you really cant step up onto a soap box and whine about someone using an insulting word towards you, unless you literally want to look like chumps.

    Can someone please shove a stop Trump from acting like Constant. It has ruined his chance at re-election and opened the doors for communism from all the lefties who are too young to know the truth.

    And all you double flag lifted truck driving chumps please STOP IT. We want to be approachable, not push people away and come off as mean and intimidating. Save that for the battlefield, not your fellow Americans who just need some education from someone they feel comfortable talking to, not just someone throwing leftist insults. They will never see the light like that guys!

  16. Good lord, I can’t believe people elected these idiots to represent us, the only thing they’re doing is embarrassing us.

  17. I’ve a contract to shovel snow, a suitable position for Constant. This is a golden opportunity for such a person to learn of deportment and decorum in the ‘sublime recapitulation’. Yet, there is little hope,,,

  18. Although I suspect his assessment was plagiarized, since he is seemingly incapable of cogent thought on his own, his accusation is spot on. Along with former Clinton advocate Dick Morris, who titled his book “Crooks on the Left, Wimps on the Right”, the liberal fascist democrats are playing republicans as chumps. The liberal left, comprised of the “something for nothing crowd”, understands the stakes and is fighting bare-fisted, Republicans are sparring with 14-ounce gloves and seeking to observe Marquis of Queensberry Rules.

    Conservatives need to stop electing “nice guys.” The U.S. needs street fighters like Donald Trump at every level of government because the upside down, right is wrong, truth is a lie, good is bad, socialistic Democrats are playing for keeps.

    The stakes are immense. Consider how the proactive, liberal court has remade the America we grew up in. The court has declared that what were once crimes comprising the bogus ballots, are now constitutional rights all Americans must respect. These changes were not legislated democratically – but imposed dictatorially.

    Each decade, less and less are we descended from the same ancestors. Less and less do we speak the same language, profess the same election standards, share the same manners, customs, traditions, history, heroes, and holidays.

    Does America look today like the “band of brethren united to each other” of which Jay wrote and we seemed to be as late as 1960?

    Or does not the acrimony attendant to the current voting corruption scandal suggest that we have already become a land “split into a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties”?

    With all our new diversity, whatever became of our unity?

  19. Although I suspect his assessment was plagiarized, since he is seemingly incapable of cogent thought on his own, his accusation is spot on. Along with former Clinton advocate Dick Morris, who titled his book “Crooks on the Left, Wimps on the Right”, the liberal fascist democrats recognize weakness and are playing republicans as chumps. The liberal left, comprised of the “something for nothing crowd”, understands the stakes and is fighting bare-fisted, Republicans are sparring with 14-ounce gloves and seeking to observe Marquis of Queensberry Rules
    Conservatives need to stop electing “nice guys.” The conservative faction needs street fighters like Donald Trump at every level of government because the upside down, right is wrong, truth is a lie, good is bad, socialistic Democrats are playing for keeps.
    The stakes are immense. Consider how the proactive, liberal courts have remade the America we grew up in. The courts have declared that what were once crimes comprising the bogus ballots, are now constitutional rights all Americans must respect. These changes were not legislated democratically – but imposed dictatorially. .
    Each decade, less and less are we descended from the same ancestors. Less and less do we speak the same language, profess the same election standards, share the same manners, customs, traditions, history, heroes, and holidays.
    Does America look today like the “band of brethren united to each other” of which Jay wrote and we seemed to be as late as 1960?
    Or does not the acrimony attendant to the current voting corruption scandal suggest that we have already become a land “split into a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties”?
    With all our new diversity, whatever became of our unity?

  20. Credit this leftist fascist assemblyman this, he speaks the truth about elections. Until the “wimps” on the center right begin to realize how powerful the left’s perversion of the ballot box is, we are CHUMPS. Between “mail in ballots”, corrupt voting machines, offshore manipulation of data… expect more of the same. It has been said that there are 3 boxes of Government, Ballot Box, Jury Box, (I note that there have been zero jury trials since what, March?) and when all else fails, The Cartridge Box. The latter being why leftist have always been in love of gun control.

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