Assembly to consider overriding mayor in order to release confidential document relating to Eklutna


The April 9 meeting of the Anchorage Assembly will give the radical left majority another opportunity to stick it to the mayor during election season.

The question is whether the Assembly will override the mayor’s veto of a resolution that would allow the Assembly to subpoena an agreement signed by Mayor Dave Bronson concerning water rights at Eklutna Lake. The city gets the vast majority of its drinking water from the lake, which also supplies electricity to more than 25,000 homes in Anchorage and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough through the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project.

Last week, Bronson said in his veto explanation that he had already shared the agreement with the Assembly.

“Why are Assembly members spending taxpayer dollars for their attorneys to subpoena documents they already have access to? These threatening subpoenas are nothing more than scare tactics to bully municipal employees into potentially breaching municipal contracts,” he said.

At issue is a confidentiality contract Bronson and the Assembly are bound to due to a contract signed by former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz in 2017. Assembly members want to release the Berkowitz agreement with the public, and Bronson says he cannot release it without attracting a lawsuit.

The matter will come up for a veto override vote during the meeting, and with eight members having voted to subpoena the document and release it to the public, the Assembly appears to have the numbers needed to override the mayor’s veto.

The Assembly meets on the ground floor of the Loussac Library beginning at about 5 pm on Tuesday. You can watch the proceedings on YouTube at this link.


  1. What kind of confidential documents could there be.. ?? It’s a simple hydro plant. When everyone is sitting in the dark with no water next winter in anchorage I would not want to be a council member.

    • Well if you start importing thousands of people a year in 2008 under the guise of catholic social services and lutheran social services eventually you have enough people to completely ignore the original population. Some people call this vibrant diversity, other people call it demographic replacement.

      • Please. That’s a cop out. And a bad one at that.

        Less than 20% of muni residents bother to vote, and the ballot comes to their door.

        This is a result of laziness and apathy. The left outworks conservatives by a wide margin.

      • These imported aliens need water as badly as everybody else. Remember: Eklutna, Chugiak, much of Eagle River, Girdwood, most of the Hillside, etc are on wells. The folks who would suddenly be high and dry are the urban areas of the Anchorage Bowl………precisely the fine folks the rest of us don’t need and are quite tired of. Maybe Chief Leggett has figured out a way of regaining his ancestral territory, and the legal/political class, who hate each other with blinding passion, are being played like the morons they are in their own demise?

  2. We may be looking at astronomical high heating costs this coming winter too to where I’d say this should be your year be sure your house windows and doors are updated.
    If Mayor Bronson comes up short after the run-off, I wouldn’t grieve hard for his loss. I got a feeling things none of this country wants happening will happen and no one will want to be an elected leader. Cause when things fall who’s at fault the one elected! When the 1929 crash happened who got the blame?

  3. This radical Assembly majority has one motivating objective: destroy Mayor Bronson at all cost. After all, he had the temerity to win his election as Mayor. It’s interesting to note that this contract issue involves a previous mayor who was the darling of these radical assembly members. Mayor Bronson points out to the Assembly that making the contract public will risk violating the non-disclosure agreement. So the Assembly will self righteously override the Mayor’s veto and probably earn a law suit that tax payers will have to pay for. Another loss by this Assembly for the people of Anchorage! The solution to this incessant trashing of the Mayor by the Assembly? Stop voting for these radical ‘nonpartisan’ knuckleheads who are really democrats! Anchorage will be much better off.

    • This assembly reminds me of the legislative ethics committee that has set out to destroy Rep Eastman. They will stop at nothing.

    • This is the government Anchorage wants. Anchorage works hard every election to pick and elect incompetents with a hard left agenda.

      Anchorage is getting exactly the government it deserves.

    • Hey Wayne, off topic here, but was your mother by chance named Janice?
      If so, I knew her, and was very sad when she passed away a number of years ago now.

    • 1 day.
      In person.
      In person ID, no signature on ballot envelope.
      1 vote.
      Paper ballots.

      Otherwise, the system is too easy to rig.

  4. If they want to be liked they should stop overriding our Mayor and consequently our form of government for starters.

  5. Besides helping LaFrance politically, what is the value of this action?

    What do the taxpayers get from this release of information?

  6. So, let me see if I have this right.
    If the Mayor were to release this document, which was created under the former Mayor, he would open the Mayor’s office, and subsequently the City to a lawsuit.
    But, the Assembly wants to force the Mayor to release the document.
    Which means the Assembly wants the Mayor, and the city to be sued.
    Which flies directly in the face of LaFrance’s claims in her latest radio ads, where she implies it is Dave Bronson that is bringing on the lawsuits.
    These leftists are absolute children.

  7. I actually hope gas and electricity are completely out for the month of January. Could possibly wake up a few people who might start to care about how easy we got it.. this mostly ungrateful nation needs slapped. Or worse.

    • “……..Could possibly wake up a few people……..”
      Nothing can awaken somebody who demands on living an impossible dream.

  8. Get the truth out and damn the torpedoes! Whatever was done should be reflected the best for the majority. If not, then maybe a lawsuit is necessary. Truth can sometimes hurt, but necessary. There is no question that any decisions on the damn should have been made public before ever being made. Follow the money. If it benefits all, then fine. If it only benefits a few entities, then it should not happen.

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