Assassination attempt statements from the Alaska Republican Party, Alaska Democratic Party

Trump pumps his fist after being struck by a bullet on July 13, 2024. Social media screenshot.

The leadership of the Alaska Republican Party, which is in Milwaukee in preparation for Monday’s start of the Republican National Convention, issued a statement Saturday night, after former President Donald Trump had survived an assassin’s bullet in Pennsylvania.

“The assassination attempt on President Donald Trump is an abomination. Violence has absolutely no place in the politics of our country — it should be condemned by everyone regardless of their political beliefs, and the terrible and irresponsible rhetoric that incited it must stop immediately.

“Our prayers are with the loved ones of the innocent bystander who was brutally murdered at the rally, and with the other attendees who were badly injured. We are grateful to the brave men and women in law enforcement that moved quickly to protect President Trump and others at the rally. We are grateful that he is safe. We are praying for President Trump and his family, as well as for our nation.

“In the first moments after the attempt on his life, President Trump‘s first thoughts were not of his own safety, but to reassure Americans that were watching in shock and horror. He showed the courage, strength of character, and leadership that he is known for, and that our country needs — now more than ever.

“The Alaska Republican Party stands resolute in our support of President Trump. We look forward to nominating President Trump this week at our Convention and to his victory in November.”

The statement was signed by Carmela Warfield, chairwoman; Cynthia Henry, national committeewoman; and Craig Campbell, national committeeman.

The Alaska Democratic Party issued the following statement:

There was no statement from the Alaska Democratic Party, as of Sunday morning.

The national Democratic Party issued four press releases on Saturday, but did not issue any statement about the assassination attempt on Trump. No statement was issued by Sunday morning. Here’s what the party issued:

“DNC Releases 2024 Party Platform Draft, Outlining Historic Record and Bold Agenda for President Biden and Vice President Harris to Finish the Job

“MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week”

“IN THE STATES: Nationwide, Democrats Hammer Trump for Dangerous Project 2025 Agenda”

“ICYMI: The RNC Circus Is Coming to Town But the Clown Show Has Already Begun”


    • Democrats had zero to do with this regrettable event. The shooter was likely a deranged apolitical dork looking for attention. To me, this was not “political” violence.

      • Oh they did, 8 years of hate and rhetoric. Indoctrinated young men victims of mainstream media and public schools. The Dems have blood on their hands on this event. A retired firefighter died protecting his wife and children.

      • You don’t know anything about the shooter. Zilch. This is a lot of assumptions to make. It reads like you have a bad case of cognitive dissonance.

      • Jeff, sorry your assumption of innocence on the part of the democrats (while truly laughable, if it were not so serious) does not explain, why they did not make a statement. An innocent party will voice their dismay, outrage, well-wishes for the victim immediately, yet utter silence indicates awareness of a certain level of culpability. This to me looks more like they needed time to figure out how to spin this.
        This was a political event as even an “attention-seeking” dork can figure out when you take a pot-shot at a former president and political candidate, it influences the political landscape.

      • Really look at the magazine New Republic a liberal publication weeks ago that showed Trump as Hitler. Good morning Joe cancelled this morning NBC scared he would say something wrong. Congressmen attacking people while they were eating. Want more?

        • He’s not a martyr. At the very least, he is lucky. It’s always better to be lucky. Trump thinks Devine intervention saved him. I doubt a sinner like him has that many chips to cash in. More than likely just dumb luck and that’s not a bad thing. Many combat soldiers can testify to that.

  1. Government sharpshooters had the hapless Trump assassin in their (video) scopes for 3 full minutes, told to stand down, hold-hold, don’t shoot. The gunman fires, government sharpshooter Willis flinches, then puts the gunman down, against orders.

    Why the hold, who gave that order, and WHY. Who was watching that video feed from his scope? Answer that, and you solve this puzzle.

  2. The silence from the Democratic Party leadership is more shocking to me than almost anything they could put forward in a statement. This should make clear that the Democrat party of JFK and others are gone. The DNC appears to be without conscience.

    Whatever you think of Trump, his character was on full display after being shot and this moment cannot be unseen. It is etched into the American political movement forever and speaks volumes. Fight. Fight. Fight.

    • The Democrats were sad because Trump wasn’t killed. The caring, loving, compassionate Democrats. The same Democrats that kill babies, steal elections, let terrorists and illegals sneak into our country, and ruin our economy in the name of global warming. THOSE Democrats. All POS, with huge mental problems.

    • The Democratic Party leadership of JFK went long time ago.. about the time of the Bill Clinton’s “Charade”. started.

    • Kim, I think it was more image management by Trump. Doofus as he is, he knows the camera, he’s a master of branding.

        • I did. I think he may have been thinking WWF type blood where folks quickly smear red syrup on themselves while down on the mat. Wounded spectators prove him wrong in this case though. People still say the moon landing was faked.

      • What a callus and nasty statement. People have been injured and died and you call it a PR stunt? Wow!
        It speaks to Trump’s resiliency when confronted with death, he promised to continue the fight for the American people and not quit.

      • The 6 minute speech that he read off a teleprompter and was likely pre-recorded that you could see scrolling in the reflection of the fake window behind him in the studio made to look like the Oval Office? The speech where he said “Thankfully, former Trump is not seriously injured.” Former Trump, seems like a very unfortunate slip of the tounge, no? The speech where he once again was gaslighting America acting like he wasn’t the one who has spent the better part of his career raising the political temperature with his rhetoric, and the last 4-5 years bringing it to the boiling point? The speech where he was talking down to America for his own actions and words…yeah, not a good speech and certainly not presidential, but it was historic.

        • Yes, Biden’s speech to the nation was cold, shallow and hollow. If Biden had spoken to the nation off the cuff, even if he did fumble and mumble, it would have been received by the nation as a warm heartfelt message. What we all saw Biden read was a political statement prepared by someone else and Biden was doing his best “puppet” imitation when he delivered the speech.

    • Agree. Trump has been so maligned and grossly misportrayed by the mainstream media and the rest of the left. They hate him because they fear him as he does not cow to them. I initially did not vote for Trump in 2016, I did not care for his somewhat bombastic abrasive personality but when he was our Republican candidate I did vote for him, albeit a tad reluctantly. After seeing him as president my opinion changed. He is bold, wise, a strong leader, and likes people, even leftists. It is sad so many have blindly bought all the lies and false narratives and completely ignored what he was able to do in his first four years, despite the overwhelming opposition and challenges. It is shocking the destruction the Biden administration as wrecked upon our nation in less than four years. It has to be a very blind and brainwashed person to not recognize that.

  3. The Democrat Party response to Trump’s Shooting can be found in the photo of Cathy Gifford holding President Trump’s head. The left thought it was great, they defended it as comedic licence. 8 years of constant Trump Hating. Now they are horrified, and calling for unity. I will never TRUST the Party of Obama, EVER. From Obama all the way to Uniparty Alaskans RINOS like Kelly Merrick and David Wilson and Cathy Giesel. It is and always has been the Party of Hate since Civil War till now. President Trump is the only one who can drain the Democrat Swamp. America is GREAT. Let’s make it GREATER.

  4. What I’d be more interested in are the comments the leading democrats are saying on the x accounts and slack channels.

  5. Eric, thank you for this information. We Patriot’s need answers to these points brought up by you. We need to continue to ask for answers as to WHY IN HELL the decision was made to NOT take the shooter down when they had the chance!

  6. Deep State assassination attempt.
    They failed.
    There is absolutely NO plausible explanation as to why/how a gunman gets on a rooftop 130 yards away from the President.
    Who’s the Deep State?
    Who ever has been in charge of the Executive branch of the government for the last 4 years.
    EVERYONE knows it is definitely not Biden.

    • Interesting. Another camera angle shows the SS sharpshooters with a tripod sniper rifle training his scope on the assassin seconds before the assassin pulled the trigger on Trump. TMZ has some remarkable footage of it. So the question:
      what took the SS so long to splat this guy’s brains out?

      • The sniper I can somewhat understand – assuming he had no authority over the overall deployment and perimeter, and/or needed permission to shoot. I’m highly suspicious of the officers higher up the chain. Still, sniper took his eyes off the scope (caught on film doing a double take) and according to Erik Prince (Blackwater founder) there was a shocking lack of coordination and amateurism in the general response after shots were fired.

        All that said, accidentally shoot an enthusiastic bystander who just wanted to see the speech – and you would do hard time. Set up to fail by people in government that want Trump dead?

        Private security might be a necessity for Trump going forward.

      • I cannot speak for this exact instance, but it is generally a bad idea to kill people just because they are acting suspicious. Climbing onto the roof, suspicious, but does not warrant death. Holding something that looks like a rifle… OK, a LOT more suspicious, but could be anything.
        Until there is some confirmation the individual is a threat, killing them is not warranted. The SS know that, local police know that, everyone should know that.
        The real question is not why he was allowed to take a shot, but how he got access to the roof in the first place. The USSS is already blaming the local police, but that is weak. Seriously weak.

  7. May wish to update the conversation with reports by national news reports about statements by the Democratic party nominee, follow-up address promised tonight, and other Party representatives, and Ms Mary Peltola’s statement as quoted nationally in Politico.

    Two people were killed; two injured seriously, another with damage from high-caliber bullet shot at close range, and a nation, just a bit more shaken up than usual. No time for snide remarks, blame, and political jabs.

    • What you don’t understand, N, Is sooner or later “We The People” are going to have to “form a more perfect union” because this one is failing. We will have to clean up this mess, one way or another.

  8. Personally, I wouldn’t believe anything the Democratic Party said anyway. In my lifetime it has gone from being a patriotic group to an evil cabal of power-hungry, anti-American dictator wannabes. They have been calling for the the extermination of President Trump by one nefarious means or another ever since he announced his candidacy to run for president, back in 2015. I have no faith in the DNC to do what is right for America, because it is very rare for them to do so.

  9. Democrats are directly responsible for this assassination attempt that left at least one person murdered. Biden has been the most divisive president in history. He has vehemently attacked Republicans- MAGA Republicans in particular.


    “But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

    “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. ”

    “And, folks, it is within our power, it’s in our hands — yours and mine — to stop the assault on American democracy.” 2022

    “So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” July 2024

    In Biden’s own, violent, dishonest words, he wanted Trump dead. Every day there are multiple threats documented by the Secret Service. Biden, and his filthy handlers know that when the President raises his divisive rhetoric, the number of crazies respond with more aggression, and threats. They know full well that a tiny percentage of crazy people are going to resort to violence. THEY KNOW THIS.

    So it is not a surprise that Biden got what he wanted- well, not quite- he wanted Trump dead, not wounded.


  10. No doubt, you are all right! Look, the killer knew that there is no justice to be had in all of the land and realized that if there is to be “retribution” it must come from people like him! The country has gotten itself hot and steamed up; it ain’t going to cool down with finer “patriotic histrionics.”

    As a betting man, I’ll bet on the apocalypse. Four horsemen cometh; ready yourselves for heaven or hell!

  11. I would love to make a significant contribution to the Ak Republican Party, but they tell me that Mur”cow” ski may receive part of it. CanT feed that Rino.


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