Armstrong’s Nanushuk project needs your input


A proposed North Slope project could bring up to 1,000 construction jobs to Alaska during the project’s development, and 200 drilling and production jobs.

The project is also projected to put 120,000 barrels a day into the Trans Alaska Pipeline, which is running at only one-quarter capacity. That alone would lift Alaska N. Slope production by 20-25%.

It’s Armstrong Oil and Gas’ Nanushuk Project, one of the largest finds on the Slope in decades. And it’s time for the public to weigh in.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public as it makes decisions in the environmental impact statement process.

The public comment period is open through Nov. 14 for the project located southeast of the Colville River, which is expected to produce over one billion barrels of recoverable oil from a conventional reservoir.

Armstrong is one of the largest oil and gas explorers on the Slope since it acquired leases in 2001. The company has drilled 30 exploration wells since 2003 and employed hundreds.

Click here to send your comment about the project to the Army Corps of Engineers.

Click here to view the draft Environmental Impact Statement.

The Alaska Support Industry Alliance provides these points about the project:

  • The Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) is only about a quarter full.  Nanushuk’s anticipated production of 120,000 barrels per a day would extend the useful life of TAPS and all associated downstream assets, including tankers and storage facilities in Valdez.
  • The net economic effect of the Nanushuk project would be overwhelmingly positive with production generating billions of dollars in local, state and federal revenues.
  • Nanushuk would generate approximately 1,000 construction jobs and up to 200 jobs in drilling.
  • Armstrong continues to create hundreds of jobs through ice road and pad construction, catering, and well servicing and drilling work from its exploration work over the last 16 years.
  • Armstrong and its contractors have been working through the EIS process since June of 2015.


  1. What’s the hold up. We have the pipeline, people and our state needs the income. Get moving and start pumping.

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