Appreciate Must Read Alaska? Help keep it going


Must Read Alaska has had a busy year. We are now the No. 2 online news site in Alaska, the No. 1 newsletter in Alaska, and the new podcast that broadcasts Monday and Wednesdays has had thousands of downloads. Thank you for your support.

If you appreciate Must Read Alaska, please help keep it going. It’s a labor of love for Alaska, to be sure, but it’s far from free to produce. Your donations make it possible to balance out the activist mainstream media with solid news that conservatives are looking for.

Click here to make a contribution.

You can also send a check to: Must Read Alaska, 200 West 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.

Thank you!

Suzanne Downing, founder


  1. Just as soon as I look and se what my finances are Suzanne, next month, I will send you some $ probably next month. I like your articles

  2. Thank you Suzanne for posting a mailing address.
    I am guessing that I am not the only person who greatly appreciates your hard work and excellent journalism, but doesn’t like donating online.

    • Thank you, Tim. I appreciate all the financial support from readers and use it to improve the site. – sd

  3. Perhaps you should remind your readers that the Ox that grinds the corn needs to have his muzzle taken off more frequently?
    Thank you again for the wonderful product that you produce and for the hard work it takes to make it happen.
    Merry Christmas to you Suzanne.!

  4. Get some of that Anchorage CARES funding. Oh? Too proud?

    Our Church applied and got over $40k to help fund their outreach programs.

    • It is much easier said than done, Earling — particularly when the Municipal Assembly would rather pour multiple times as much money in enabling and fostering the homeless in Anchorage with their CARES Act funds (in direct violation of the federal guidelines), rather than help struggling individual and most particular struggling (and dying) small businesses.

  5. Be sure you do extensive follow up regarding Trump Jr’s hunting trip in Alaska. Investigate his real intensions on coming to Alaska. Who did he meet with, where exactly did he go? What exchanges did he have with any potential US adversaries? Who was with him on his Safari Club yacht adventure? Did he use this trip to run a covert operation against the US? Did his father direct him to meet up with Russian operatives to exchange information that has led to the recent cyber attacks on our US Governmental entities? Trump Jr. is not a good person who just likes to hunt big game. His true love is to hunt the big game in business ventures that will further his wealth and his families wealth. He’s greedy. The Trump’s have instituted the demise of Alaskans natural resources with the bogus Great American Outdoors Act that got passed through the Senate. Our Alaskan natives don’t need Trump and his big business cronies to through them a roll of toilet paper, they need their land to stay as pristine as it is which is not as pristine as it was after big business began raping the land and sea with their greedy pockets wide open. If big business is allowed to develop in the Tongass National forest then big business will contribute to global warming in insurmountable ways. The Trump’s and others will be rich. They’ll have the money to relocate to another part of the world that has cleaner air and Alaskans will be left with dirty unbreathable air. Investigate if Trump Jr. met up with Russian spies to give them secret intel to wage cyber attacks on us. Trump owed Putin and Trump’s strategy for coming to Alaska was to pay Putin for what he has done to protect Trump and those who support him. People should be very concerned that if there is development in the Tongass and not allow big businesses with Russian ties to infiltrate and gain a way to invade America through Alaska. Putin wants Alaska back and if he is allowed he will snake his way to that end. Trump and his big business cronies will have helped him. Investigate Trump Jr’s real motives for coming to Alaska. Don’t let up. Alaska deserves the truth. The Trump’s are a danger to our infrastructure in Alaska. Don’t underestimate the damage that they have done.

    • Your writing style is difficult to read, and therefore I may have missed something. But the largest clear-cuts in Alaska, by far, are on Native land. Native land had no stream buffers at all until state law was changed. Now Native harvests have 66 foot buffers whereas the federal land has buffers amounting to thousands of feet. The good news is that in 200 years or so the Native land will once again have timber. The federal land is logged sustainably. Many Native corporation shareholders received well over $1 million each from the timber sales, the round log sales to the Far East, but now those corporations are broke and the bridges and culverts that were necessary for the logging are needing upkeep for salmon passage. So taxpayers are being asked to fund that. We can’t blame this on Trump by the way.

  6. Catherine

    Hello Do you live in a house
    If so, move out and be homeless
    Using a few trees to build that home, you live in or
    that oil that puts gas in your car you drive or airplane you ride in.

  7. I would like to see a section that shows the current COVID numbers for the state of Alaska broken down to show specific areas such as overall for the state, for Anchorage, deaths and so on. The tv stations used to have this but no longer have the complete picture. I am elderly and have been hunkering down. I sure would like to get a haircut. If the numbers get to the single digits I can go and get one.

  8. We are all indebted to MustReadAK. Only MustReadAK told us the truth about Al Gross, forcing the other media to at least attempt to look balanced. Only MustReadAK revealed the blatant dishonesty in Alaska House and Senate leadership over the past two years. We have seen Outside money pay for partisan reporters working at the Daily Worker. We have seen Alaska Public Media use governmental funding to push the far left agenda. We need MustReadAK.

    • JL – Thank you! Most of the site is original or curated+original content by me. We have a few columnists who contribute regularly, and they have bylines. But basically, it’s a staff of one, the editorial “we.” – sd

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