Another one: District 29 Republicans endorse Tshibaka for U.S. Senate


District 29 Republicans, deep in the red heart of the Kenai Peninsula, have endorsed Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate. Tshibaka is challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski for the seat that has been held by the Murkowskis for over 40 years. The bonus vote on the District 29 committee, Barb Blakeley, announced the endorsement at the Kenai Peninsula Republican Women’s Club meeting on Thursday.

This makes 10 Republican groups that have endorsed Tshibaka so far: District 21, 12, 14, 15, and 29, both Kenai Republican women’s clubs, both Mat-Su Valley Republican women’s clubs, and the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club. Also, Bikers for Trump, and former President Donald Trump himself.

District 29 is another conservative part of the state, centered in the Nikiski, Sterling, and Seward.

Tshibaka was recently spotted in Kodiak, after a trip to Utqiagvik last week.


  1. I told Lisa to change her political party and go register as a Democrat. Those are her people. Frankie and I will always be Republicans.

    • That’s right, Nancy. Even if our lifelong conservative Republicans friends abandon us. No child of mine is worth losing life-long friends over.

  2. Lisa ran as an independent when she lost her primary, not sure why the so called Republicans wanted her back. The Alaska GOP leadership very reluctantly and somewhat supported the primary voters’ choice of Miller, but it was obvious their corrupt old hearts were still attached to Lisa. It would be convenient if adding an R to the name indicated that the person upheld the constitution and eschewed corruption and CCP bribes. As how a D by the name is actually truth in advertising, the Dems don’t fool around, if you want the whole enchilada of vicious, corrupt socialist dysfunction package, you get what you voted for with them. The reality is most Republicans are beholden to corrupt and woke special interest causes, or in the rare case they are for real when elected, they cave to threats or bribes, or are simply spineless cowards once in office. Its’ refreshing to have a candidate to replace Murkowski who is simply awful, and I will certainly vote for Tshibaka, but the odds that she is for real, or will not flip to the Uniparty once sworn in are slim. In that case at least Alaska voters will be spreading the proceeds from the looting for personal benefit of our national wealth, industry, technology and resources amongst more of the elites, instead of the same families for decades. It is ironic that the powerful who run socialist/fascist/communist systems are themselves purely selfish, they rely on those whom they exploit to be think they are socialists/communists.

  3. The “Not Murkowski” candidate is really pulling in the endorsements.
    How does that actually work? Was there a vote of support by the general membership with a majority voting to support Kelly or was it just a small “leadership” group making that decision? If the membership had a voice then we should see the breakdown of the vote in order to gauge the actual level of support.
    Check out Kelly’s campaign website here:
    Nothing real there except the donation requests and a bunch of high level rhetoric about values and such.
    No specifics on her policy positions unless you are gullible enough to think that her particular set of “Alaskan values” match yours.
    She’s left the nonsense about her parents being homeless on the page…as if living in a tent for a few months while looking for housing during the pipeline boom when all housing was in short supply due to the massive influx of southern carpetbaggers eager to strike it rich with pipeline jobs (like her parents) is actually what we think of today as homelessness.
    The homelessness thing, that Kelly never experienced herself, is just her weak and dishonest attempt to add that SJW checkbox to her resume.
    This woman has a educational and work background that would make any liberal proud.
    Harvard law school…is there another elitist leftist Ivy League school that has done more damage to our society than Harvard?
    Beltway swamp rat…her entire working history is government bureaucrat. No military, no private sector experience, not a business owner.
    How does someone like this legitimately present herself as sharing the values of the average Alaskan?
    She has no shared experience with any of us.
    In fact, Kelly fled Alaska post high school AND NEVER CAME BACK!
    Well, never came back until Dunleavy created a special job for hubby and gave her a plum government job.
    But fall all over her because she’s not Lisa and see how that works for you.
    Maybe, if Kelly gets elected, some of you can sit down to reminisce over shared hardships and struggles…maybe your dad served in Vietnam before you were ever born or mom also landed an accounting job with an oil company.
    Kelly seems to be good with pointless BS so she’ll think of something to win you over.

    • Kelly didn’t take the Bar Exam 4 times before getting the exam answers through a bar prep course. That did it for me. Lisa has all of Frank’s dumb DNA. I’m sure Nancy has sleepless nights thinking that her daughter will succomb to the Democrats and bring the Murkowski franchise tumbling down. Let’s make history.

      • Actually, I sleep better knowing that Frankie and I can take the Murkowski name off of the Republican hit list in 2023 and help move Lisa and her unemployed house-husband out of DC and into friendlier territory. Maybe Venezuela or Portland.

      • “Kelly didn’t take the bar exam 4 times so I’m voting for her!”
        Wow…that’s a pretty sad way to pick our next senator.
        If being intelligent enough to pass a bar exam on the first attempt is your guiding qualification it really opens the field right up…simple too, just like the voter imposing this extremely high bar.
        One dimensional…kind of like the candidate herself.
        If the majority of Alaskans are this dense we’re fully and truly f’d.

        • PJ:
          You failed to address the full paragraph…….
          …. “before getting the answers through a bar prep course….”
          That’s called CHEATING.
          Sort of reminds me of the way Lisa ascended to the US Senate:
          Her dad, Frank the governor, selected her. Democrats love cheating. That’s how they win. Lisa is Exhibit A. Kelly doesn’t need to cheat. She’s got the inherent smarts. Lisa has her dad’s brains. And we all know what that means, especially you Democrats.

          • And you completely miss the point…it’s not about Lisa Murkowski except for the obvious fact that she needs to be replaced. Dimwits, like you, think that just because Kelly passed a hard test that she’s qualified to be our next senator. That’s how liberals think…poorly.

          • PJ Einstein:
            Dimwits like me study the issues and flesh out the kernels of truth so people like you can out yourself without the help of people smarter than you. You sound jealous of Kelly T. Are you a man or a woman, PJ? You sound like a mixed-up person.

  4. CHRISSYB…your attempt at insults is sixth grade at best. About what one could expect from a person who thinks that passing a bar exam qualifies someone to be a senator from a state that person left as a teenager and never returned to until a good opportunity presented itself.
    You “flesh out the issues”??? Then how did you miss that Miss Wasteful Spending Fighter allowed her “working” husband to take a specially created government job before she would accept her commissioner position?
    You know what that kind of thing is called? Wasteful government spending mixed with a bit of unethical “give my spouse a job or the answer is no.”
    You really dig deep for the facts, right? Then how about the fact that Little Miss Alaskan Values…like we all have the same values…spent her entire adulthood outside of Alaska while she attended the most liberal elitist university you can find and then went on to flourish in the D.C. Swamp?
    Kelly’s resume of achievement is so thin that she has to pimp her parents to make herself look good to people who can’t figure out that Kelly was raised in an upper middle class household and never faced any of the struggles or hardships of the average Alaskan.
    Maybe you just aren’t astute enough to spot a total setup when one shouts in your face.
    Your weak comments add no facts to the discussion and your insults are simpleminded…like a slow child. Go back to your brainless cheerleading for a candidate that tells you what you want to hear but has no actual experience behind her.
    Oh…and all those huge savings that she brags about? Learn the difference between actual cost cutting and “identified” opportunities to cut costs. If you can’t work that out just ask for help…I think you’ll need it.

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