Anchorage special election to recall Zaletel set for Oct. 26


The Anchorage Assembly decided today to move up the recall election for Meg Zaletel to Oct. 26.

Earlier, it had been looking for dates in November, but opponents of the recall had pressed hard for an earlier date in order to mobilize the leftist ballot harvesting ground game.

Ballots will go out about Oct. 10.

Zaletel is subject to a recall in District 4, which is midtown Anchorage.

Her critics are unhappy with her performance on the Assembly, where she prioritizes the needs of the homeless at the expense and danger of taxpayers and family neighborhoods. She was part of the move to purchase hotels for vagrants and drug addicts, a plan put in place by former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz last summer.

The effort to recall Zaletel began a year ago, but she blocked it with various court delays. Finally, the Alaska Supreme Court agreed that Alaska law allows lawmakers to be recalled for just about anything, and they gave the Municipality orders to proceed.

Russell Biggs and a loose group of grassroots activists under the banners of “Reclaim Midtown” and “Save Anchorage” mobilized to gather over 4,000 signatures from District 4.

Because the cost of a special election is significant, Assemblyman Chris Constant said that District 4 should have to pay for it. It was a suggestion that didn’t gain much support.


    • Not unless the Republicans can get out the vote and do enough door knocking (and ballot harvesting) to compete with the demrat effort – she has strong negatives, but this will be a LOT closer than any of us want.

  1. Is there a group that is running a campaign against her that we can donate to to help get her out of office?

  2. Anchorage residents have another chance to start cleaning out the Assembly of the Leftist Agenda that has turned a wonderful city upside down.
    This is a chance to send a message that the citizens of Anchorage are the ones calling the shots, no longer willing to be led down the path of failure.
    There are so many that don’t think their vote will count. It Will Count! Change is right around the corner.
    The Anchorage Assembly and The State Legislature are problematic bodies that were voted in by We The People!
    Stand up and be heard!

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