Anchorage faces potential crisis with the local police force. Lack of police, not mentioned in Mayor Suzanne LaFrance’s budget for 2025, is reaching a critical level with resignations increasing.
On top of that, the Anchorage Assembly and mayor control the public narrative over officer-involved shootings and their radical supporters in the community are demanding third-party control of Anchorage police.

Each of the police-involved shootings has involved dangerous suspects with weapons, some of whom have shot or shot at officers. All officers have been exonerated by the state Office of Special Prosecutions.
Mayor LaFrance and Assembly have reacted to these assaults against officers by calling for independent reviews, civilian oversight, and the mayor specifically blamed officers — even before an investigation was started.
Then there’s the Anchorage Police Department Employees Association, through its Political Action Committee, which endorsed or supported these anti-law-enforcement Assembly members and the mayor.
How are the rank and file police officers reacting to their own union’s slow and timid support in most cases? Sources say they are discouraged.
The union finally sent a strong message to the mayor, but only after pressure from members. An unprecedented number of officers attended a membership meeting in September, where Mayor LaFrance was invited to try and explain why she threw them under the bus after the Easter Leafa shooting on Aug. 13. LaFrance had immediately called a press conference to say the shooting should not have happened.
After meeting with the police force members, she promised a public apology. She did not make that apology in the same setting that she cast the blame — in a press conference setting. Instead, she gave a half-hearted “apology” at an Assembly Public Health and Safety Committee meeting, which was hastily called and witnessed by few. Her “apology” was a winding paragraph of explaining that everyone deserves fair treatment. She never actually said, “I’m sorry that I did not back our men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our community.”
The union is also contributing to the staffing and morale problems at the Anchorage Police Department.
APD officers, by both internal police policy and Municipal Code of Ethics, are not allowed to take public political positions under the color of authority. It’s not only wrong, it’s illegal.
But the police union is doing so — endorsing candidates that the police force itself isn’t supportive of. In a recent political flyer supporting Eagle River Sen. Kelly Merrick, a personal endorsement was made by the union’s vice president wearing full APD uniform — a glaringly illegal act.

The photo of Police Officer Matt Fraize is the actual property of the Anchorage Police Department and officers may not use their badges in support of candidates.
Anchorage Municipal Code 1.15.025(I)(4) provides:
A municipal employee shall not:
a. Use position over another municipal employee to solicit a campaign contribution, endorsement, or other support for a political candidate.
b. While on duty, engage in political campaigning for elected public office, political endorsement, or election campaign fundraising for any person or office.
c. When engaging in political activity outside scheduled work hours, act in a manner to suggest that the employee is acting in the employee’s official capacity, or has official municipal endorsement, or is otherwise representing the municipality.
d. Use official position to discourage or inhibit any person from exercising voter franchise.
e. Use or depict municipal property and facilities in a manner unavailable to the public. This restriction applies to use or depiction of a uniform in political endorsement if the uniform identifies the person as a municipal employee, regardless of ownership of the uniform.
The Anchorage police officers know the union is doing something illegal, but now they can’t even object to the illegality, because they are already wedged between a mayor and Assembly that has made them a target and a union that barely stands up for them while they face danger every day.
The attacks against police officers continue by leftists on the Assembly’s Health and Safety Committee. A meeting this past week included a report to the committee for a major change to the Internal Affairs discipline process that was explained as a “modification of the current procedure.”

What is that modification? A third party picked by anti-police politicians will investigate and make the final reports as to whether there was a violation of policies, procedures, or training and ultimately will decide what discipline Officer Alexander Roman receives; Roman is the officer who shot Easter Leafa, who was coming at him with a knife on Aug. 13.
Although Roman’s actions have been cleared by the State Office of Special Prosecutions, Mayor LaFrance wants a “third party” of her choosing. Is it unclear how the union, which is completely in the tank for LaFrance, will react to this “outside” review of one of its officers, which may even violate the union’s collective bargaining agreement.
The ultimate goal seems to be to curb the use force officers can employ when dealing with suspects who are attacking them.
So far, the union has been silent how it will react to this extra-judicial, politicized investigation. The union has also been silent on the lack of prosecutors in the city and the fact that 50% of arrested criminals are being released without trial, due to Rule 45, which requires a trial before 120 days.
Police say that only operating under the influence (OUI) and domestic violence cases are being prosecuted at this point, and thousands of arrests every year are being dismissed by the courts due to lack of timely trials. Read more here:
But the union has been busy hanging flyers on the doors of Eagle River and Chugiak in support of its chosen candidate, Kelly Merrick, who is in poor standing in the community due to her allegiance to Democrats like the ones leading the attacks on police officers.
The flyer makes the outlandish claim that Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group that backs Jared Goecker for Senate, is a “defund the police” group, raising the question: Who will take the police union to task for illegal campaigning?

LaFrance and her close-knit circle of advisers are in way over their heads.
They believe they will prevail, and my bet is they will, NOT AT A HUGE COST.
The admin and police relationship are totally in the toilet and not coming back.
LaFrance is the wrong person for the job– she is the problem
I expect the Police to get a pound or two of flesh from all of this and the citizens will pay the bill.
Here’s an idea: plaster posters all over Anchorage giving directions to LaFrance’s home, telling criminals that no police responders will ever appear to protect her. This shouldn’t take long.
Just stop providing protection to the Communist Mayor and Assembly. Let them provide their own protection.
Yes, and invite the local homeless camp to come in for warmth and refreshment during the meeting while the police are away.
Public unions are evil.
The cops should not vote for the libs just to get raises.
This use to be a safe city now under liberal control the citizens are not safe.
Look at the homeless and all the trouble with them and now the gangs and drugs have taken over.
There is going to be vigilante Justice by the people.
It is obvious that liberal policy’s don’t work as the criminal has more rights than the law abiding citizen.
you are correct.
As soon as the residents start to defend themselves it is likely that Anchorage’s “Reign of Terror” will start to try and impose firearms restrictions on the law-abiding. Those restrictions will end up being unconstitutional (both Alaska Constitution and American Constitution), but those tyrants will try anyway since said documents codifying our natural rights are merely constructed impediments to their desire for power and control. Citizens defending themselves from rampant crime and civil unrest is exactly what the tyrants want, in order to “justify” infringements of citizens’ civil liberties. All part of the playbook.
And at some point hopefully we will react and have our own reset.
Elections have consequences.
To my understanding, Muni elections are not held at the same time as the general election because we are too stupid to comprehend that much information all at once. So they split it up into multiple less complex elections. The result is very few vote in Muni elections. So the commies often win these as they use outside money to “get the vote out”. like RCV that was always the plan. Subvert the process and conquer.
No more payments for wrongdoing out of the public coffers. Make the mayor and officials accountable for their actions by having to pay out of their own pockets for any actions that taken to the courts are considered wrong.
Considered wrong by who? The judges that are also, by and large, liberal and side with the mayor and her cronies?
Long live the second amendment recognizing our eternal right to keep and bear arms. More and more Anchorage must recognize that we are our own first responders. At the same time, increasing infringements on our rights (gun laws) only empowers criminals and makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to defend themselves. Most hazardous of all infringements are gun free zones. The LaFrance team’s interest in restricting your rights while handcuffing the police department casts a dark shadow over Anchorage.
I really shouldn’t say it but I will. Time for the men in blue who patrol the streets have a sick out.
I agree.
100%. Blue flu for a week. I’d love to see Anchorage burn.
And the commentary that the unions published about supporting politicians who support public safety, had conveniently left off Rep. Wright, who championed our House Bill 57, finally giving EMS its quality assurance protections from discovery. A huge win that took years, and with several former legislators failing to achieve what Rep. Wright was able to do. Then they attacked us on Facebook, using former members to rabidly try and marginalize Rep. Wright’s work in favor of their candidate in East Anchorage. It was shiftless and underhanded, showing an absolute absence of morals and ethics. Sad, very sad. Their efforts in doing so, were almost maudlin.
After watching the last two presidential elections you would think the people of Los Anchorage would have learned two things: alphabet media lies for the Democrats and elections have consequences. They elected the tyrant who shut down public comment in city council meetings few years ago. If you think she did that because of covid you have fallen for the propaganda. Congratulations to the leftist voters. As the old commercial said, “You asked for it, you got it, Toyota”. Or in this case a leftist tyrant. Enjoy.
If Union leaders were about working conditions, pay, benefits AND what will leave a better America for their’s and your grandchildren’s children…….
Instead of how many subservients paychecks can be acquired to skim.
You have to hand it to the Marxists. They do know how to capitalize and succeed on the stupidity of the average voter.
I look around the neighborhood in Chugiak and I wonder why there are so many Merrick signs posted up. Are these signs being posted in peoples yards illegally like she tried to do in ours, trespassing?! Or are the people of our area totally fooled. Merrick is NOT who anyone should be voting for – unless of course you are liberal and a democrat. Conservatives for Goecker.
Union members.
No person with a grasp of facts and reality could support the backstabbing Merrick.
The best cops will move to places where they are appreciated. At least not undermined.
What you’re gonna have left is exactly the goon squad the left wants. Pliable idiots who will do as told and be easily disposed of.
The police already live here in Chugiak and Eagle River.
Are you ever gonna have enough, Anchorage?
Why not file a prohibited political activity complaint under the Hatch Act against Fraize?
If a Hatch Act complaint were submitted in Fraize’s case, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) would determine whether the local agency employing Fraize receives federal grants or loans. The OSC will assess whether, as a normal and foreseeable incident of his employment, Fraize performed duties in connection with federally received funds. If so, OSC can bring this Hatch Act Violation to the Merit Systems Protection Board.
If a charge is presented to the Merit Systems Protection Board for a state or local employee, there is only one penalty available: removal per 5 U.S.C. § 1506.
APD can choose not to remove Fraize. If they keep Fraize, they must forfeit their federal loans or grants in the amount of up to two years of Fraize’s salary. If another state, D.C. or local entity employs Fraize within eighteen months of his removal, that agency, or the agency from which the employee was removed, may lose some of their federal funding.
Process for filing Hatch Act complaints is simple, may be found at ‘
APD’s priority is getting paid. They willingly support Leftists, knowing they’ll get thrown under the bus at every opportunity because Leftists despise LEOs, in order to get a fat contract in exchange. APD is fully aware that crime will go up and quality of life for the average citizen will go down under the Leftists. It’s plain to see where their loyalty lies.
That’s because the hiring standards have been lowered over the last number of years, couple that with the ongoing trend towards militarization of the police and the moving away from the concept of peace officer. They go in strong and hard with an attitude on almost every call, out of bias against the public at large and sometimes just fear.
First, remove the corrupt judges in this state who throw criminals back on the street or the DAs who fail to prosecute, then find out who is running the training division at the police department.
Too many officers are overweight, have an unkempt appearance, are covered with tattoos and have a poor fitting uniform. Seems like inspections of patrol officers have gone out the window and the supervisors are some of the worst offenders. It’s really sad.
It didn’t used to be that way.
When I make my monthly Costco trip from the Valley I always bring my months garbage along as a few more bags of trash on the streets of Anchorage is no big deal, and the voters there seem to enjoy it. Saves me about ten bucks, the price of gas for the trip. Thanks Anchorage!
I challenge anyone to find someone with more conservative values than mine. Constitutionalist here. That said, I fully support law enforcement–that is, straight, honest, constitutional law enforcement. The problem I see is the police union brotherhood ideology is too strong. It appears the good cops tend to close ranks and defend the few bad ones, not realizing they are tainting the entire police corps by doing so. There should be no public employee unions, let alone police unions. There should be no abomination such as so-called “Internal Affairs.” Any alleged improprieties of police should be investigated by the District Attorney’s office or a special independent committee including both citizens as well as police.
Please lay off the trope that cops “lay their lives on the line.” We must acknowledge it is a stressful and very important job. However, the job only ranks #18 on USA Today list of dangerous occupations. Construction, farming, truck-driving, roofing, air piloting, fishing, logging, are all far more dangerous occupations. Imagine trying to exist without these occupations. They lay their lives on the line for our benefit more so than cops do. Facts don’t have feelings.
#18 until you’re on the pointy end of a gun, knife, animal, car, snowmachine, or whatever else some damned doper, gangbanger, rapist, robber, wifebeater, illegal alien is about to throw at you or someone else you’re –sworn– to protect.
Sure and construction, farming, truck-driving, roofing, air piloting, fishing, logging, are risky, but
… huge difference… in these occupations you don’t (for long) suffer a vapid, stupid, incompetent excuse for a boss who has no clue and couldn’t give a damn about what you actually do for a living, but seems quite determined to screw you, throw you under the bus, hound you out of your job,
and… your so-called labor union doesn’t exist for the sole purpose of taking your money to install some witless parasite as the hood ornament of a once proud law-enforcement organization.
Them’s facts that might be worth feeling next time the need arises to dial 911.
Okay, assuming 911 didn’t accidentally get defunded, but you get the meaning…
Your response is a logical fallacy. Diversion. The topic was that of how deadly the job of policing is compared to other occupations. The answer—not that deadly. Just a plain fact.
Got news for you Skippy: being a victim of crime is not an employment occupation. Your illogical response is like comparing the danger of suicide to that of being in a church choir.
Up to #14 now, grand progress, no?
“14. Police and Sheriff’s patrol officers… The injury fatality rate in this job is 14.6 for 100 k. 108 people die per year from injuries. Violence and other injuries by people or animals are the most prevalent causes of death.”
Paradox of progress isn’t it, desperate reliance on binary logic for decision-making, sacrificing one’s ability to think in shades of gray, stifling one’s ability to handle ambiguity and complexity, surrendering one’s ability to make decisions based on intuitive judgments formulated through years of experience that can’t be easily quantified?
Might be a fun research project: Can exclusive dependency on binary logic induce cognitive atrophy and dull one’s sense of intuition?
Useful info on the phenomenon of “splitting” appears at: ‘
Wayne. I agree with you. The way we investigate in alaska law enforcement is unbelievable. The state investigates the state. How is that not a major conflict of interest.?? Gee I wonder how that investigation will come out ?? Most of the cops are honestly trying to do a good job and I feel bad for them. They are really taking a risk. The risk is if anything goes wrong they absolutely will get thrown under the bus with the current administration and they will be arrested and locked up. You couldn’t pay me to be a cop at this time in history.
It is time the employees of APD stood tall. You no longer have to be a member of a union to be represented. They need to resign en masse or at least all leave the union. The leadership will get the message. I believe the policeman in uniform in the photo might be a breaking of law or at least ordinance. God only helps those that help themselves. Create enough crisis and both Mayor and Assembly will have to listen.
I would also encourage all officers supporting Merrick’s opposition call his campaign and make arrangements to walk with him (in full uniform) to the voters in his district!
Let’s talk about government unions. In the private sector, unions must be competitive. Unionized Ford autoworkers must compete with non-union Toyota workers. If unionized government workers are not competitive or responsive, its not like you can seek a building permit from an alternative source, or call a cop from an alternative police department, etc, etc. Notice how FEDEX and UPS are killing the US Postal Service. Without competition, unions are an abomination. JFK failed to see this flaw when he ushered in government employee unions; his worst legacy.
Public unions are a conflict of interest and completely out of control. I’m absolutely fine with the private sector unions.
Better get used to taking care of yourselves.
We have been doing that for the last 10 years. Unfortunately law enforcement is in the toilet. Blame it on the entire criminal justice system.
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