Anchorage municipal workers get leave bonus


Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson has a soft spot for municipal workers who have worked through the pandemic.

She has authorized four hours of extra vacation time, so workers may leave early or take a half-day off, as they choose.

In a letter to the municipal employees, Quinn-Davidson wrote that it has been a “very challenging year,” and that beginning Monday, each of the workers will get that extra four hours of leave deposited in their accounts, to use as they wish.

“While 2020 has brought many changes to our daily lives, your commitment to the residents of the Municipality has been steady,” her letter said.

“You make the lives of Anchorage residents easier and happier in so many ways.  Thank you for service and support,” Quinn-Davidson wrote.

For workers, such as code enforcers who make $24 an hour shutting down businesses on behalf of the mayor’s emergency order, that is a $100 Christmas bonus in the form of time off.


  1. Total $ amount anyone ? Does this include Dustin Dardin? Any word on the Temp- Mayors bonus yet ? Should I show her the company letter myself and others received stating no Christmas Bonus for us due to being shut down by MUNI MANDATES ? Big Brother has classified us into 2 categories ,,,,,, essential and non-essential. Or is it that we are all equal just that some are more equal than others ????

    • Caterina, that is exactly what’s going on. MOA employees that have cash flow, now have more. While folks without a cash flow, or no job, stand in a free food line. This fake Mayor, and fake disingenuous, duplicitous assembly have no shame. No empathy.. Recall, all of them. And MOA employees if you have ANY heart, you all should get together and donate in bulk to businesses and Anchoragites who are in need! Please ❤️

  2. Where’s that list of businesses and restaurants that are opening in protest today? ‘
    And why were comments to the recall of Felix closed?

  3. There is no doubt that I have NOT received my MOA property tax “money’s worth” in the last year. The acting mayor allows almost all MOA employees to work from home and, in so doing, many have decided that laziness and/or a disregard for their work and the public is the new norm. Because, hey, unlike many of us they are getting their regular salaries and full benefits. They have nothing to lose if they underperform!


    Phone calls to city offices go to voicemail stating that the MOA employee “will return the call at their earliest CONVENIENCE”. If the employee calls back, it is not generally not on the same day. And often the returned call is made from a home computer where the sound is too loud, unclear, and worse. One code enforcement employee hung up on me prior to the natural end of the conversation after she revealed a clear inability to keep up with the dialog. I contacted MOA appointees “up the chain of command” about this (and another problem with the code enforcement department under Jack Frost) and these very senior appointees showed neither concern nor an ability to do anything when MOA employees treat property tax payers with disrespect and disregard and are lazy.


    This additional benefit for already overpaid MOA workers is a big waste of public funds. But here’s my question: How much will the acting mayor’s graciousness towards the MOA workforce cost us?

  4. What a great idea. I’m glad she decided to pay those with jobs extra….. and take it from those who are laid off. What a soft heart. Those code enforcers need some vacation time so they can rest up from all the work of forcing others to not work. My heart really goes out to them. It just saps someone’s energy to keep someone from working who want to pay their bills and rent and support their family. Those private workers need to be shut down at all costs. I hope the code enforcers can rest up and be sure to come back in full strength, ready to destroy others lives…….

  5. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a “public” employee? A Christmas bonus for being paid to support the leftist agenda. How nice. The number of privately owned small businesses that will never reopen is of little concern. The draconian wuhan v measures, a fraud at best, has destroyed the Anchorage economy, except for ‘public employees’, at citizens’ expense. They are enjoying Christmas bonuses, wages beyond the private sector, and ‘job’ security beyond any being offered by private enterprise. How does it feel to be the recipient of socialism, Anchorage?

  6. To the code enforcers, “You make the lives of Anchorage residents easier and happier in so many ways.” Hmm, I’ll bet restaurant/bar owners, salon owners, gym owners, and any others who have been arbitrarily shut down may have a differing opinion.

    • The thing is most public employees are way underpaid but the state makes up for this discrepancy in benefits. Unemployed people get unemployment insurance checks and welfare people get welfare checks. It’s all socialism right? I appreciate that the government feels like they need to provide its employees a little bonus because they don’t really have a way of ever getting it except a cola raise.

  7. How many of the municipal staff were working from a remote location or home that will be receiving the extra leave hours? Sure would be nice to see the cost of this “bonus” in an estimate of total dollar value. IF $24/hr. city worker is the average hourly rate of a hypothetical employee x 500 employees, for example, that $1,000 worth of leave would be around $500,000. Not that we can do anything about it.

  8. If we’re gonna complain about this, then make sure we include President Trump giving Christmas Eve off paid for the second consecutive year to a large swath of Federal employees.

  9. Yah, that sounds about right….what about us retail workers in grocery stores, right in the thick of it, day after day, after day. But go ahead and give people that make plenty a little more all the while screaming equality.

    • How about the electricians, plumbers carpenters, hvac people, garbage collectors, mechanics, welders, store clerks, tow truck drivers, just to name a few.
      I’m a small business owner in one of these trades, people behind the scenes. I haven’t got a break, no reduction
      in my cost of doing business, yet the federal state and local gov’t employees get a bonus? For what?
      It’d be great to pay bills that are nothing more than a way to buy favoritism with someone else’s money.

  10. Nice when it happens. Hypocritical, but nice.

    Face it Anchorage. The Assembly could give less than a damn about you, but love themselves civil servants.

  11. I bet the first Democrat Governor to come out of this generation born after 1968 will get RECALLED for incompetence, and just plain being dumb! you saw the MRAK recent youtube video? the one with the two 35 year old age girls talking about the race based cares act grant thingy project… hahahahahaha

  12. This is hilarious. I know alot of good people that work for the muni but let’s be honest here none of them are hurting for money and their work is pretty cheese, atleast compared to people doing the same work for private companies. The worst jobs are of course awwu or road maintenance and that’s still super easy. Most of them haven’t even had to work outside of home!! Nothing against city and state employees but come on as soon as you get into the club your in. Coffee breaks galore paid vacation with benefits health care ect. How about rewarding the people working their asses off that get none of that? There are plenty of young laborers that made less than that unemployment with the added stimulus. You know the young kids doing the work while a city inspector sits in their warm car waiting to check off the work to be done. Anyway like I said nothing against city/state employees the help should go to those deserving and in need.

  13. Ahh, such a nice Christmas story from MRAK, praising the city for its benevolence towards its hard-working employees. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost say that it smacks of envy and jealousy, but of course such sentiments would never emanate from this site.

    Now, dear Editor, this is another fine example of the red meat stories you toss out there for your voracious right-wing readers to devour and smother with hatred and cynicism. And all of this just for MRAK to gain clicks, market share, and profits.

    City employees work just as hard as many of your readers and are just trying to raise their families in the same way that we all do. Now, give them a break, and also, please, some respect.

    Merry Christmas to all, and I hope the city employees enjoy their extra four hours of leave.

    • Dog you must be one of these prissy city workers. I got a job for you. How about minimum wage job where the threat of losing your job every day is the norm? The pampered city employed need to be brought down off their perch.

      • Or, Mark, how about, instead of pulling others down to your level, acquire some better skills and education so you don’t need to forever live in a minimum wage world? There’s an idea.

    • If you don’t like what’s on MRAK, why not start your own blog or rag or whatever you want to call it? It’s her gig she can print what she wants. she doesn’t have to satisfy all the people all of the time. Guess you forgot this was America and we got this thing called freedom of the press. Bunch of whiners recently got on here. Why not stay in Seattle?

      • Well, we have freedom of speech too, and I’m quite happy to exercise my right to it right here on MRAK. Maybe a few conservative readers will finally see the light as a result.

        BTW, how’s the weather down in balmy Florida?

        • It is amazing. Highs in the 60s low 70s and lows in the ’40s and ’50s although in a couple of days were supposed to get down to 28 for about 2 hours. It’s awesome.

  14. This is hilarious. I know alot of good people that work for the muni but let’s be honest here none of them are hurting for money and their work is pretty cheese, atleast compared to people doing the same work for private companies. The worst jobs are of course awwu or road maintenance and that’s still super easy. Most of them haven’t even had to work outside of home!! Nothing against city and state employees but come on as soon as you get into the club your in. Coffee breaks galore paid vacation with benefits health care ect. How about rewarding the people working their asses off that get none of that? There are plenty of young laborers that made less than that unemployment with the added stimulus. You know the young kids doing the work while a city inspector sits in their warm car waiting to check off the work to be done. Anyway like I said nothing against city/state employees the help should go to those deserving and in need.

  15. Having worked both in government and the private sector, I can honestly state that many who work in the cozy enclaves of the government tend to be lazy, whiny, and self important. I was often told, “don’t work so hard, you’re making the rest of us look bad!” I witnessed many skipping out of work, pretending they had doctor’s appointments, but would actually be taking their boats out to the fishing grounds. I was overwhelmingly disgusted and tired of overweight men leaning over my cubicle with coffee cups wasting my time with meaningless conversations about themselves and the size of their tier one retirement accounts. I have NO respect for government workers. They don’t understand that they work for us, the public. They pretty much treat the public like crap.

    • I’ve heard that true and it’s not 100% accurate. Many who work for the government do so because they believe in helping people like you. Yes there are some the way you describe but that’s the way people are in general no matter what the occupation. I saw some lazy Carpenters when I build houses, I’ve seen some inept attorneys that make me wonder how they passed the bar. And then I see a lot of hard-working people where they took the saying the world is your oyster literally just to make people like you complain and jealous.

  16. I would have preferred the money to go to help the small business that are struggling, they are the back one of any community and the blood and fabric of the city’s future.

    If the assembly and none mayor elect continue down this path there will be no recovery, you can only hike taxs for so long and squander the people’s money for failed projects for so long and then it catches up to you..
    The liberal agenda that is forced on you is reversible if you unite.

    Kathern Henry proved it in Michigan but the people didn’t unite so they continue to walk Round like sheep. The state Supreme court is where the battle is to be fought. When tyranny becomes law defiance becomes order!!!

    • Some of it will trickle down to small business in the form of business. A satellite society like Anchorage is is always going to be dependent on external participation. Picture yourself as a base on the moon dependent on supply ships coming and going for your commerce. When something goes wrong, you are the first ones to feel the pain. The cost of living in Anchorage is another reason people can’t survive. Best to lay a big nest egg and prepare for hard times. Natives do it by putting up meat and fish preparing for the hard winter. I would recommend everybody do the same regardless if you’re in an outpost like Anchorage or not.

  17. In these trying time did AQD just HAVE to throw this 4 hours paid leave into everyone’s face . Sit back and Think MS/MR Mayor of all the unemployed in this town or employed for that matter . Much like when you decided to stop at the Salon after your covid test. Was it really necessary!!!!

  18. How much money would the people of Anchorage save by shutting down most of the useless municipal corporation that calls itself “government”?

    • Quite a bit. Of course then you’d have to go draw your own water from some sinkhole and live without power and police yourself against people trying to take what you already have. Forget about the rule of law because the government is the only thing keeping that alive. If you want to live without government Alaska is the place to do it. Just go a hundred miles west and you can be the king of the forest.

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