In Anchorage, at least one classroom teacher has asked students as young as the fifth grade to tell her what their pronouns are: He/him, She/her, or They/them.
Bad grammar aside, it’s gender identity conditioning for pre-teens. And parents don’t always know about it.
Jay McDonald, a parent in the district who spoke to administrators recently, discovered that the schools are coaching children to keep gender pronoun preferences from their own parents.
McDonald met with Melanie Sutton, curriculum coordinator and instructional support professional for health and social-emotional learning, and one other administrator.
They told McDonald that teachers are not having gender-identity conversations with students in elementary school, and that there is no material or curriculum about gender identity in the Anchorage Elementary Schools. McDonald taped the conversation:
During the five-minute conversation, the administrators tell McDonald that nothing of the gender-identity agenda is being pushed on elementary school children, and that children are picking up clues from the “changing” culture and bringing their gender identity choices to school with them.
Photographs taken by parents of materials from Day 1 of the 5th grade in an Anchorage School District classroom tell a different story. The materials ask the student to choose a gender identity and at the bottom of the material, the student is advised the information will be kept private.

Meanwhile, in Maryland, a judge has dismissed a complaint against Montgomery County Public Schools made by three parents who claim the district’s “gender identity” guidelines violated their state and constitutional rights. According to the guidelines, teachers are permitted to socially transition students to a different “gender identity” at school, without their parents’ consent or knowledge, according to the PostMillenial website.
The parents, who filed the lawsuit anonymously in 2020 against the Montgomery County Board of Education, argued that the guidelines violated their right under the 14th amendment “to direct the care, custody, education, and control of their minor children,” the PostMillennial reports.
In the spring, Anchorage parents logging into the shared database with the school district were shown a different panel than the ones that the teachers and administrators can see. What the teachers can see that the parents are not allowed to see is what gender the child prefers to be known by.
This is demonic – the targeting of our children to expose them to all manners of depravity, perversion, and depression, all the while shielding this critical information from the child’s legal guardians, their parents – is an attempt to destroy the foundation of our culture – the Family.
This is grooming.
This is unethical and immoral.
Enough is enough.
New ASD Superintendent, new level of grooming fifth graders. This will not end until these sick people are removed from the school district employment rolls.
So—Parents, is this worth your time sitting for 45 mins waiting to drop-off and pick-up your
child at a public school which don’t even care about you nor your child.
You send your child to public school, this adult child will be: lost, illiterate, depressed, suicidal, addicted, silly and weird (childish), arrogant (pride) and dumb(indifferent), or homeless. Parents: you are the only ones who care about your beautiful, precious, and smart littles and their future. Most adults who are teachers today don’t care about the kids they see every school year. If they did! They’d see their contribution to alaska’s society illnesses.
Questions like this hint of pedophilia on behalf of the questionnaire makers. At this young age, they can categorize and identify the kids who will likely be easy prey for the pedophiles. It’s a dirty shame what they are doing to the kids in our public schools. These corrupt child abusers should go to prison.
I once knew and Alaskan teacher who happened to be native but she wasn’t raised in Alaska, rather she grew up and married a guy from Salt Lake City. Upon graduating she moved back to the native village of her families. After 7 months of teaching, she was mad at the world and also district office so she resigned. Less than an hour later she went back to the superintendent to take back a resignation and they refuse to give it to her. She flew back into the village to pack up her stuff and after going to her classroom she ripped down everything attached to the walls and overturned desks and dumped out totes. The woman had rage that’s for sure. She moved on to Anchorage and sought after and received a master’s degree in school administration. She bounced around to a new school every year as an assistant administrator.
That pattern was finally stopped when she was appointed the principal of the native cultural school. I thought maybe she had finally found her place but her age and karma caught up with her once again when she and one of the teachers under her charge decided to duct tape a student to their desk. As you can imagine this didn’t go over too well with the upper administration of the district and she was put on administrative leave and eventually that case was settled out of court. She later went on and had a police report filed on her when she was seen abusing a child in a car dropping them off at school. That child was her own.
After leaving Anchorage shortly after she was allowed to resign, she traveled to Oregon where is she finished out the school year as a substitute teacher for a woman who had became pregnant during the school year. The next year was uneventful and she was able to receive a full-time teaching position. After that year she quit teaching all together maybe noticing that it wasn’t her calling so she decided to go to law school. She received a scholarship from the Alaska NAACP for being such an outstanding citizen. After graduating law School she was employed by the state of Oregon has a legal assistant. This usually only happens to subpar attorneys who can’t pass the bar.
The reason I’m telling you all this is sometimes trees have bad apples on them, and when they leave most people say good riddance to a bad Apple. Not all teachers are bad but in today’s political climate I would have to look long and hard at a teacher before I decided that they were what is best for my child. I like to keep track of that teacher because like a bad virus, you never know when they’re going to crop up again to do damage. The school district has a policy on what sort of publications the individual teachers are putting out. If that teacher is breaking policy, then they can be made to stop. No amount of screaming from the NAACP or the nea can change that but it takes courage from the administration to fight the current infestation in Anchorage.
Good story, Greg. Maybe all that anger in her was manifested due to her own lousy childhood(?).
Why are your kids still in public school?
Not surprised about the outright lying about this matter (who knows what else is going on with the kids in school that they are not sharing?), given the clowns on the school board, Anchorage School District administration and our junior Superintendent in training from Texas.
This is public service delivered by the foreign, the self appointed guidance service in lieu God to to American fifth graders and is evil.
Fascinating requirement from a teacher who probably can’t be bothered to teach students what “parts of speech” actually are or to diagram a sentence! Geesh!
Body cameras for students would and should be allowed and encouraged. Then there are the dna donors that really aren’t parents and could care less. Or as NEA calls their children…
“Fish in a Barrel “
Is this because of, and brought by, the new, unqualified, superintendent?
The moment an adult tells a child they should not share something with their parents, is the moment they admit they are doing something wrong.
And, we are not talking about a trusted adult being asked by a child for confidential help. We are talking about an adult in a position of authority (teacher, police officer, etc…) telling a child to keep something secret. NOPE, that is an immediate admission of wrongdoing.
Unfortunately we are stuck paying for an unqualified superintendent whose claim to fame is being a woke crusader. I searched and found that he had lost an election to the Houston ISD school board just before he applied for his current position of superintendent in training. The school board election needs to be changed and run like other elections with districts.
It’s my opinion that Anchorage School district really screwed up when they didn’t hire Steve Atwater for the position of superintendent. He was the runner-up on two different occasions and he may not have a slap you on the back talk about other people behind closed doors kind of mentality. He is a heck of a superintendent. But judging by the kind of people that Anchorage has put in that position, he simply didn’t fit their mold. That’s their mistake.
Get your kids out of public schools. They are the worst in the nation. Home school or start Neighborhood home schools. Look at what they are learning . Math English history reading are more important that gender crap.
Has the school board come up with a plan to give all their lands and holdings to the Athabaskans yet?
Lawyer up! Sue the piss out of these ball-less heathens! I sure as hell would if my children were in that crapshow! Cmon people show some fortitude!!!!
This gender identity is not only happening at fifth grade level. One parent went to register her children for Kindergarten and was asked the same question on pronoun preference.I cannot imagine how confusing all of this is to little ones who are just anxious of starting school. When are Anchorage parents going to wake up and tell Margo Bellamy and the entire school board. NO MORE>
Time to defund public education. The institution can’t be fixed and needs wholesale liquidation. Get your children away from these deviants and perverts. Time to start from scratch.
A parent posted on Facebook yesterday that their child & students at Dimond High sex ed class were handed a sheet of 100 questions that were extremely inappropriate sexual questions & sexually abusive in nature for these children. They are grooming our children. You can go to the Dimond High page on facebook & look under photos & see photo of some of the questions. The child had to sneak the photo as phones were not allowed in class.
Listening to adults in charge of nothing! Who’s on first? What is on second! I don’t know is on third, and the umpire has been removed!
This game needs to be called due to the asinine people involved!
Kill it
Anyone who sends their child to a government school is guilty of child abuse.
No, but some Anchorage schools for sure.
Some people can’t afford it. That’s not a realistic solution. Most parents have to work and can’t stay home to homeschool. It’s tough out there.
The “What Is A Woman?” documentary covers this stuff perfectly. It’s harmful and has no place in schools.
Yeah, perhaps it should be practiced in some psychology therapy session for the LGBTQ blah blah blah community rather than in a classroom.
He can’t be a superintendent to non-existent students.
Parents remove your children from this situation.
Would you let a truck hit your children?
Get them out until you control the curriculum.
Who didn’t see this coming after they hired our current unqualified ASD superintendent? A lot pf people didn’t think this could happen in Alaska yet, here we are.
Any teacher that has a discussion with a child about gender – and then tells them this will be kept “private” – is a Groomer.
This would not be tolerated any place outside a public school – the police would be called.
If anyone behaves like this to your child – call the Cops and try to press charges – no one has the right to keep secrets from the parents of children when it comes to sex or gender – this is criminal behaviour.
“They” are attempting to normalize Grooming – ask yourself why this is?
The School Board and the Anchorage School District is completely out of control.
For anyone truly interested in education of their children and the next generation-read
Thomas Sowell-
Charter Schools and their Enemies .
Public school aren’t interested in your children’s education, nor their future.
The ASD is beyond redemption!
Anchorage School District has grown too large and needs to be shut down and then reconstituted from new employees that are non-union. ASD has no business providing services in Eagle River or Girdwood. The MOA-ASD should be split into at least three districts that have to compete with each other (aside from the base student allocation) for funding. 🙂 Full School Choice for all.
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