Anchorage election season starts with official filing dates


 Filing for Anchorage elected office starts at 8 am on Jan. 14 and will end at 5 pm, Jan. 28.

Seats to be decided on by voters during the April 5 election include Assembly Seat A – Eagle River/Chugiak; Assembly Seat D – West Anchorage; Assembly Seat F – Midtown; Assembly Seat H – East Anchorage; Assembly Seat J – South Anchorage; School Board Seat A; School Board Seat B; and various Service Area Board of Supervisor seats. The entire list of offices that will be on the ballot is posted at

Candidate filing forms are available at Forms are also available at the Anchorage Election Center, 619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Door D, and at the Municipal Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 632 West 6th Ave., Suite 250, where the forms will be found in the hallway.
During the filing period, candidates may file at the Election Center, or may make an appointment to file at the Clerk’s Office by calling 907-243-VOTE (8683). Candidates may also return their filing paperwork by email ([email protected]) or fax (907-343-4313). Note that Anchorage Municipal offices are closed Monday, Jan. 17, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
The Clerk’s Office advises that names will be drawn to determine the order that candidates will be listed on the ballot. On Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 1:00 p.m., the public is invited to witness the random drawing of letters of the alphabet by the Municipal Clerk’s Office of Elections. The drawing will take place in the MOA Election Center, 619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Door D, Anchorage, AK 99501.
The April 5, 2022 Regular Municipal Election is a mail-in only voting system and registered voters will be mailed a ballot packet at least 21 days before the end of the election.

“Voters will have the opportunity to study the ballot with trusted resources, mark their choices, read and sign the voter declaration, and return their ballot by placing it in one of 18 secure drop boxes, bringing it to an Anchorage Vote Center, or sending it through the US Mail with first-class postage,” the Clerk’s Office advised.


  1. God, let’s hope for some good and honest candidates to run against all of the Marxist Nine who are up for reelection! That radical extremist cesspool of a municipal ass-embly cannot be mucked out soon enough.

    • It is the Marxist eight. Forrest Dunbar will reject his white privilege and allow Stephanie Taylor, a black female, to run unopposed.
      Snort…. giggle… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. Ok, tried to say that with a straight face. Failed miserably.
      Dunbar is going to do everything possible to destroy her. BLM, equity, etc… be damned.

  2. Random location in an alphabetical list on the ballot.
    We all know who’s in charge of printing the ballots.
    Is it pretty safe to assume being that this is a non-partisan election that certain candidates won’t end up in the folded crease of a mail in ballot …..
    Just one of many tactics by the self anointed vote counters.

  3. Time to put your money where your mouth is. There are good candidates running for assembly: Randy Sulte, Stephanie Taylor, Kathy Henslee, and Tiffany Lund. Contribute to their campaigns, walk neighborhoods or otherwise get involved.

  4. Hey our assembly helps out the needy of anchorage I was so surprised to find out my property tax was paid for this year by the assembly. So just maybe they are getting some act right and are on road most traveled. We all are Team Alaska. thank you assembly.

  5. With the Assembly Marxist 9 overseeing their minion, barbaric Jones, in our next election, we will see the worst embarrassment of corruption of an election in our city. Barbara Jones will remove and reject any and all of us that want a fair election. Fair went out the door with Barbara being put in charge by our Marxist anti-American Assembly.

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