Amy Demboski takes over drive-time morning radio on 650 KENI, after departure of Dan Fagan


At 6:10 am Tuesday, drivers in Anchorage who were used to hearing Dan Fagan’s voice on the Dan Fagan Show on 650 KENI, were greeted by another well-known voice — Amy Demboski, who has agreed to host the show on an interim basis.

Demboski was the firebrand Anchorage Assemblywoman for Chugiak-Eagle River, served in the administration of Gov. Mike Dunleavy as a deputy commissioner, and was recently hired, and ultimately fired by Mayor Dave Bronson, whom she had served as Anchorage Municipal manager since he was elected by voters in May of 2021.

Demboski will host a two-hour show from 6-8 am Monday through Friday, she said.

On Thursday, Fagan hung up the microphone on his popular show after four years, saying that he just needed a change and felt burned out on Alaska politics.

Darrel Dean, the show’s engineer, bantered with Demboski for the show’s first segment, as the two talked about the latest Division of Motor Vehicles change to requiring only rear license plates on cars.

“This is the first surprise of 2023,” said caller Jamie Allard, who was just elected to the Alaska House of Representatives. She was the first caller for the show and called in to wish Demboski well.

Demboski has done radio before, hosting her own popular talk radio show several years ago. The number to call into the Morning Drive with Amy Demboski show is 907-522-0650.


    • I would choose Suzanne Downing, one Suzanne has by far the better radio voice, and knows more about Alaska and National politics as she is constantly reading, going on shows etc. plus Amy has already had a radio show in the past so its time to give someone else a chance that’s if Suzanne wants it 😉

  1. Wow, great news. Amy has always been a highly respected voice in politics, her record of community involvement impeccable. Bonus is that she has always been soft spoken and hard for me to hear with my hearing loss, and the microphone is definitely an equalizer. I hope she continues and becomes the new voice of reason, which is needed now more than ever. Her understanding of local politics will be very educational to all listeners.

  2. Amy brought up points not heard before, namely about Justin Ruffridge.Keep exposing them Amy! Next… Jessie Bjorkman…And next!

  3. I can roll with this selection. Amy has much to say and will keep the show lively. Conservative entertainment is always the best show in town.

  4. I expect she’ll do very well in this role. My question is, will she bury the hatchet with Bronson, or will she use her new position to continue to air grievances with the administration? Most conservatives are fans of Demboski and Bronson, and no one likes it when their family is fighting (especially in public).

    • Nothing makes me happier than watching CONservatives turn on and then savage each other. The drama is just priceless !

      • Glad you enjoy conflict over public dialogue. Most people only choose a preference of party because they choose the lesser of two evils. Most of us just prefer less government because of their uncanny ability to make a mess of things at our expense. It doesn’t matter what club they belong to. And the best we can hope for is that when they cater to the special interest groups that financed their election, they will be exposed publicly. Which may make a positive difference. If conflict is your game, there are better outlets available. Take up kick-boxing.

  5. Great choice!
    Amy get’s it.
    To think Begich voted for pervert Ethan Berkowski over Amy for mayor of Anchorage – I’ll never get over that one.
    Oh yeah, Begich shot a gun in his election ad – he must be a “real” conservative.

  6. I was a long time fan of Amy’s, yet I was really disappointed when she went public on her issues with Mayor Bronson – especially to the two most liberal news agencies: ADN and Alaska’s News Source. Maybe more will come out on that story. As for her being on-air… she doesn’t exactly have a voice for radio. Just sayin’.

    • also years ago chimed in on how DOC should treat inmates. They were where the were after getting the punishment they. Not up to staff to try and be the judge or jury, NOT HER EITHER. Should have looked at the SOP for CO’s before flapping about it.

    • Well! Early on Constant thought highly of demboski and praised bronson’s pick for muni manager. She revealed there probably another side ER-C conservatives/republicas don’t know about her. Be wise to support -the weird- amy as long as she is doing
      good work for a
      non-democrat agenda
      but keep her at arms length distances, since she keeps weird liberal friends. I personally wouldn’t trust her holding any elect office until she changed/grownup

    • She simply needs to use proper posture and sit up straight, breathe from her diaphragm, smile, and project as if she’s talking to someone across the table.

      If I were her engineer I’d keep my finger on the bleeper button at all times too.

      • Smiling is related to upbeat tone, not volume of sound. Folks are asking for increased volume to her speech.

        Why is smiling a part of your list for this woman to do?

    • I will admit that Amy has a voice that can sometimes be rather shrill and grating. However, her voice does project well, for a woman, and is infinitely preferable to all the thready, whispering, mushy-mouthed female mumblers on NPR.

    • Turn up your radio. She is new to this format and already showing great improvement. When my mother first started as an auctioneer, I was concerned, but she continued and found her voice. When you are not reading from a text, it is difficult. The beauty of live radio. It has to come from the heart. We should all try it sometime.

    • Because I can’t seem to be able to keep turning the other cheek. If you ignore ignorance, it only gets worse. Beginning to believe that ignoring these people gives them license.

  7. I would rather punch myself in the face repeatedly then listen to Cry baby Amy.., her voice alone can drive you insane. Seems she is looking for a payout as well…. What vulgar words did she use in a business meeting again? Oh that’s right.. stuff my middle schooler says.. I feel bad for Amy’s kids.. imagine growing up with her as your mother…yikes!

    • Amy is the classic example of a child growing older. She can’t help her shrill voice. Don’t criticize that characteristic. Then again she should never have been made the morning drivetime show host but apparently no one else wanted it. But her actions are deplorable.
      Another perfect example of the failed human condition, all about her. Fake conservative. Local swamp rat. There’s nothing anyone can say to her to make her change her mind it’s a problem of her human heart condition, best thing to do is turn off that channel and don’t do business with the advertisers. Move on with your life. There’s a 1000 people like Amy out there in this town and when they don’t get their way, look out. Bronson should have never had her involved in his org.

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