AmeriCorps CEO tours Alaska


Joining the long list of Biden officials touring Alaska this month was the chief executive officer of AmeriCorps, Michael Smith, who just came off of a week-long tour.

Smith runs the federal volunteer service that is the successor to Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). His visit to Alaska included Scammon Bay, Bethel, Fairbanks, and Anchorage.

Smith was confirmed by the Senate to run AmeriCorps in December, 2021. Prior to the appointment by President Joe Biden, he was the director of youth opportunity programs at the Obama Foundation, and executive director of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, a program of former President Barack Obama, who appointed him. He was special assistant to Obama for My Brother’s Keeper in the White House, where he served in the Obama Administration for two years and four months. He is a graduate of Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia.

Although AmeriCorps is called volunteer work, the average salary for “volunteers” in Alaska is $115,271 annually as of July 25, 2023. The annual range for Alaska falls between $99,205 and $134,853. 

Dozens of federal officials from the Biden Administration have spread across the state this month in a full-court press to push the Biden agenda.


  1. Is Alaska the next Texas or Arizona for major trafficking of sex, drugs and children? WTH is going on that all these Big House losers are coming to Alaska?

    • I suspect it’s the Demonrats attempting to Hawaiize Alaska racially. It would be quite easy. Our total population equals that of a large U.S. city, and we have a large Native population. It’s no coincidence that this comes after Peltola’s election. The party/Swamp sees the opportunity, and they’re going for it. Alaska represents two U.S. Senate sears and a congressional district, and they want all three. The best way to keep Peltola in that seat is to shower the Bush with money and attention. Remember: that money is just as sweet as sugar to Anchorage/Fairbanks/Southeast federal contractors as it is to rural residents…………

    • WTH is going on? … It’s the strategy of the progressive left, buying votes with federal tax payer dollars or newly printed dollars, always at the expense of the taxpayer!

  2. Ho hum……zzzzzzzzz…another Democrat feel-good program, that costs $$$millions to run, and does little more than provides jobs for Democrats who otherwise would have trouble finding work in the private sector.

  3. Well our state needs to kick the feds out and tell them no we do not want their money or rules in our state. The feds cannot control a whole state without some serious issues. We don’t need them or their lefties ideas.

  4. Americorps was the brainchild of Obama to act as his Hitler youth and push communism throughout the States. He is not welcome here.

    • 1990: President George H. W. Bush signs the National and Community Service Act of 1990 into law, ushering in a renewed federal focus on encouraging volunteering in the U.S. This legislation created the new independent federal agency called the Commission on National and Community Service.
      1992: Enacted as part of the 1993 National Defense Authorization Act, the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is created as a demonstration program to explore the possibility of using post-Cold War military resources to help solve problems here at home. It is modeled on the Depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps and the United States military.
      1993: President Bill Clinton signs into passage The National and Community Service Trust Act, formally merging the federal offices of ACTION and the Commission on National and Community Service, including Serve America and NCCC, to form the Corporation for National and Community Service, along with the addition of the new AmeriCorps program.
      x2002: President George W. Bush creates the USA Freedom Corps.
      2020: The agency is rebranded as “AmeriCorps”.
      Anything created in a spirit of goodness can be twisted into a tool of manipulation.

      • Seems to me when I was a Habitat for Humanity volunteer, there was an Americorps Volunteer assigned to associated social welfare programs. That was years before President Obama, as Reggie notes in 1993 with then President Clinton.

        I know when my twin sisters were volunteering with the Youth Conservation Corps in the 1970s, they were refurbishing State Campgrounds. One sister went clamming at Ninilchik with family members on her day off and brought home a bucket of razor clams, the best tasting fried clams in the world, if I choose to think of those fellow creatures as gastronomical delights for human consumers. There hasn’t been clamming there for years, though.

        I would support these ‘volunteer’ organizations if for no other reason than it gets kids off their patooties and into the outdoors. I think it’s a shame the agricultural Mat-Su Valley development from the 1930s has been turned into fancy housing developments for kids to sit in their homes and play video games all day, while the dairy operation was shunted to Seattle. Gruening would turn over in his grave to learn that Alaskans choose south 48 instead of local agricultural enterprise entrepreneurs. That milk wine monastery off Knik Road has long gone.

        On the other hand there is barley and wheat farming development around Delta and Tanana. With climate change we could probably even see cornfields and apple groves along the Yukon River, if more folks went into Alaska for Alaskans.

  5. Being a “volunteer” sure does pay well! Another “non-profit” racket funded off the backs of American workers.

  6. Paid for by the American Taxpayer, Democrats have set up a propaganda network that is immensely powerful. NPR is the one most recognizable as one of their propaganda outlets, but by no means the only one they have. The word ‘propaganda’ means a message about a particular ideology or viewpoint that is Paid For by the State. In this case, the Taxpayer. That’s Wrong. That’s Un-American and needs to be stopped. Americans who oppose the leftist Democrat Party agenda, are being forced to Pay for it..!

    • Maureen was reporting on another recent article last week after being silent. I think she must be undergoing through the Chemo at Providence as she shared about entering hospital before going offline. Her latest comment she was sounding less herself and more tired which I heard from other cancer survivors who had undergone chemo it tires them. Maybe a Christian Nurse will get to Maureen during her labor taking care of Maureen and when she has her energy back she totally won’t be her old self. I meet the nicest peoples when they were sickest the ones who acted more like Christ I read in the Bible. Sickness has a way to transform its patients.

      And whidbey just commented on another article last 24 hrs ago with still as much energy as a healthy grouchy old man would have.

      • Providence is said to be a Catholic Hospital; but, I would hardly call it Christian. They are one of the leaders in this takeover of the US by helping these illegals with homes, food, jobs, education and legal help. Providence Health System needs to be shut down along with all of the Catholic Services!

        • Seems to me, the word ‘Christian’ has the word ‘Christ’ in it and Jesus Christ as the full name. What part of the New Testament agrees with your statement? Catholics for the most part are New Testament people (if I can indulge MRAK in some non-separation of Church and State proselytizing).

  7. Something is going on. Lots of visits by the Biden Admin staff. At the same time, we have several of his staff visiting China to “improve relations.” I’m predicting land giveaways and the Chinese assisting with funding for resource utilization.

    • You are right Jim! We have a globalist governor in bed with all the right controllers,WEF,WHO,UN,Biden administration……what could go wrong…

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