Alleged Anchorage kiddie porn purveyor was allowed to continue abusing boys, as FBI turned its attention to Jan. 6 investigation at Capitol


An Anchorage man who allegedly distributed child pornography and fantasized extensively online about anally raping children was allowed to continue his nefarious ways while the FBI dropped the investigation in order to focus on investigating those the agency believed were involved in the Jan. 6 election protest at the U.S. Capitol.

The delay in arresting the man raises an important question about how many other cases of serious nature or other criminal activity the FBI dropped in order to go after Trump supporters.

Brogan T. Welsh, 31, of Anchorage, was indicted in late October in the District of Columbia on charges of distributing child pornography. His arrest came in Anchorage.

Welsh allegedly was a member of a private group on an internet platform specifically set up to chat about sexual exploitation of children and to the sharing of child sexual abuse materials.

In December 2020, Welsh, who by then was staying a place near Richmond, Va., contacted someone on the platform that he believed was the father of a minor child. That person was actually a FBI undercover agent in the agency’s Washington D.C. Field Office.

The agency observed several weeks that Welsh posted links in the group containing numerous images and videos depicting adult males sexually abusing prepubescent boys.

Welsh repeatedly expressed his sexual interest in children, and a desire to travel to the District of Columbia in order to sexually abuse the purported child of the man he believed to be the father.

The Statement of Facts from the investigating agent said, “user ‘gayboy69freak’ expressed interest in urinating on children and disclosed to FATHER he had sexual contact with a younger cousin. Over the course of several weeks APP1 user ‘gayboy69freak’ communicated with FATHER about traveling to engage in sex with the purported nine-year-old boy.”

Brogan Welsh’s social media post.

But then, Jan. 6, 2021 came along, and the FBI lost interest in gayboy69freak. It started investigating people who it believed had unlawfully taken part in a mob activity at the U.S. Capitol, where the election was being certified by the Senate.

“On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office, this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day,” the Statement of Facts said. The agency apparently never looked at it again until in August of 2023, when Welsh’s name was associated with another investigation.

This story was first reported by and

During the months that followed Jan. 6, 2021, the FBI investigated and harassed innocent Alaska Republicans and those in other states. Two of the Alaska targets were reported here at Must Read Alaska, including Paul and Marilyn Hueper of Homer, whose home the FBI forcibly entered on April 28, 2021, in search of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop and any other evidence that the Huepers had acted unlawfully on Jan. 6 of that year. The investigators took a copy of the U.S. Constitution from the Hueper’s home as evidence of their alleged misdeeds. It turned out to be a case of mistaken identity, but was just one of the many possible situations where the FBI may have stopped chasing possible criminals in order to harass patriotic Americans.

In a similar case of misdirected FBI effort, Anchorage citizen activist Jay McDonald was telephoned on Feb. 8, 2021 and harassed by an FBI agent who pressed him repeatedly to see if he had traveled to Washington, D.C. for the Jan. 6 protests. He had not left the state during that timeframe, but the call felt like a threat. McDonald believes he was targeted because someone associated with Democrats imagined that McDonald would be the type who might go to the nation’s capital, and dropped a tip in the FBI’s tip portal set up to track down Jan. 6 suspects. It was an instance of political harassment.

While the FBI was busy investigating thousands of Americans, the agency let Welsh continue his alleged activity unabated.

The agency only picked up the Welsh case after the Anchorage FBI team stumbled on it during an investigation that was thought to be unrelated.

“In an investigation previously thought to be unrelated, agents in the FBI’s Anchorage Office discovered chats between two users on the same social media application again discussing the sexual exploitation of children. The investigation revealed that Welsh was one of the individuals using the social media application to discuss his interest in sexually abusing children,” the Department of Justice said in a release.

Read the entire Statement of Facts here:

Caution, graphic language ahead:

According to the FBI Statement of Facts, gayboy69freak sent the agent several videos. One was titled “[boy + man] 10yo boy getting fu—-d then c– on his little co–.” [Redacted by Must Read Alaska]

“This is a ten (10) minute and forty-five (45) second video that depicts a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis. The boy is laying on his back with penis exposed, while adult male penetrates his anus with his penis,” the agent described.

The other videos were just as graphic in nature, showing the rape of a boy child, as described in the Statement of Facts, which can be read at this link.

Then, gayboy69freak started arranging to meet the “father” so that gayboy69freak could have sex with the man’s son. That was in December of 2020. The FBI, at that point, had collected all of the information it needed to make the case — it had IP addresses for computers, photos of Brogan Welsh, it knew who his parents are, who his landlord was, and what his other online activity was, including names he went by.

That is when the investigation came to a stop.

“On August 4, 2023, FBI Anchorage, in an investigation previously thought to be unrelated, executed SW 3:23-mj-48-MMS. The search warrant authorized the search of an Iphone 14 Pro Max, that belonged to a person other than WELSH. A review of that phone revealed chats between person(s) using the usernames that may be abbreviated as “kirkytillboy” and “captain_awesome” on a social media application (“APP1”) known to law enforcement to be utilized by individuals seeking encounters with minors.” The chat on the Kik app discussed both users want for sexually explicit interactions with a minor, according to the report.

On Oct. 19, 2023, Welsh was in Alaska, back at the place where he had lived in East Anchorage.

“As law enforcement approached the house, they noticed WELSH sitting in a chair near the front door with at least one laptop computer on his lap. Law enforcement were visibly marked as ‘FBI.’ Law enforcement knocked on the door, after which WELSH immediately arose from the seated position, and ran further into the residence, carrying a laptop computer,” the Statement of Facts said.

“FBI breached the residence door because no occupant responded to their requests to open the door. After entry, law enforcement called for people upstairs to meet them downstairs. Law enforcement located WELSH as he descended the stairwell, apparently coming from his bedroom. WELSH claimed to have believed that the law enforcement officers were representatives of the landlord, and that he left because he is not a lawful renter of the residence. Law enforcement later located a laptop computer sitting in the WELSH’s upstairs bedroom on his bed,” the report continued.

“Law enforcement read WELSH his Miranda warnings. During the interview, WELSH admitted that he used APP1, and that he was attracted to teenagers. WELSH said that one laptop computer and one mobile phone were his,” the report said.

In a bedroom, believed to be Welsh’s bedroom, officers located items “Including sex toys that are very small in size and apparently consistent with the body size of an approximate 10-year-old boy, including: a silicon ring, apparently of the type commonly referred to as a ‘cock ring;’ a bag of ‘sensory finger rings’ which are apparently devices for manual sexual stimulation; a very small dildo consistent in size with anal penetration; and the following clothing consistent with a 10-year-old boy and too small for an adult person of WELSH’s size: two pairs of underwear; and one pajama bottom.”

The investigation has revealed that a 10-year-old boy was, in fact, residing at the residence with Welsh.

“Law enforcement personnel on the scene of this search warrant confirmed that the individual who lived at that residence, WELSH, appeared to be the same person as the individual depicted in the North Carolina Driver’s license photograph, the profile pictures on WELSH’s Facebook profile, and the picture sent by the APP1 user to the UC/FATHER in December 2020, as detailed above,” the report said.

Old social media messages still floating around the internet appear to show Welsh in a much earlier era, with the same strange proclivities, fetishes, and sexual appetites.


  1. FBI was so excited about finding someone anyone that was even close to DC on J6 that they couldn’t be bothered ro do their job protecting children. SICK!!

  2. You don’t really expect the American KGB to waste their time on Pedos with all the millions of dangerous MAGA people running around free?

  3. Well that helps the weaponized DOJ show it’s colors to go after petty crimes but don’t care about the real criminals. I hope that if he harms a child it will be a DOJ issue.

    • Buddy of mine was a 25 year cop. He has said, repeatedly, there is a pecking order in prison. Child molesters don’t enjoy their stay.

  4. When the new weaponized alphabet agencies place a higher priority on keeping the Trumpeter out of the Whitehouse than keeping Brogan out of little boys’ rear ends, this is the result…There will likely be more justice delivered to that pedo IN prison than OUT..

  5. Another radical leftist.

    WHY are virtually all pedophiles who keep popping up in the news radical leftists?
    The two mental pathologies almost seem to go hand-in-hand.

    • Psycopathy and sociopathy. An a inability to define right and wrong beyond one’s own immediate interests, results, and satisfactions.

      …making up your own rules as you go along.

      Very appealing to Gen Z, leftists, and secularists.

    • No, the FBI is full of folks who have mortgages, car payments, insurance bills, kids who need braces like anyone else, and bosses.

      Don’t even pretend to be offended. If you claim you’re willing to become homeless and divorced because you feel one set of criminals is more important than what your boss says, and also willing to lose your retirement…well, good on you.

      Though if you say you’d sacrifice all that for your ethics…I’d just plain call you full of s***.

      Fact is, it’d blow your mind how many kiddy diddlers the Fibbies, AST, and APD investigate every week, how many cases don’t pan out, how few get prosecuted, and how labor intensive those cases are for no results 99% of the time.

      However, don’t let ignorance slow down your comments any.

      • Mr. FBI’s excuse for NOT doing the RIGHT thing is he might lose his job. Did you not take an oath? Is “Just Following Orders” a valid excuse? I know it wasn’t in 1945, so it probably isn’t now either. You actually made me lose what little respect I have for your unconstitutional out-of-control Gestapo of an agency.

        • Oh my.

          It’s so easy to see who has lived a life in the comfort and safety provided by others.

          Whether you have an emotional attachment or a feeling one way about an order or direction is irrelevant as both a military member or as LE.

          Unless an order is patently illegal, you are bound BY OATH to follow the orders of those appointed over you. If you’ve ever taken the oath of a military member or LE, you’d know that.

          So…every LEO gets to decide for himself every single time that not only is he a better judge of constitutionality of those appointed over him, he can be secure in the knowledge that he knows all the big picture stuff behind the scenes and that he knows better than the judges who signed off on the warrants?

          Dang, it’d be so easy being LE if you could just decide “eh, I think that law is silly and my boss is a fool, I’ll go do this instead today.”

          Get over the stupid Gestapo schtick. If you want to use that, go attend a seminar or devote a few dozens of hours teaching about what the Nuremberg Defense actually means.

          It’s neither wrong, immoral, unethical, or cowardly to follow the orders of your supervisors and civilian political leaders as an LEO or a military member up until the moment they give you an illegal order.

          That IS Called…KEEPING YOUR OATH.

      • four types of men in the world: 1. Camp/tower guards. 2. Camp masters. 3. Camp inmates. 4. Camp Liberators. Sounds like they fall into #1. Stormtroopers always eat well for sure

      • “No, the FBI is full of folks who have mortgages, car payments, insurance bills, kids who need braces like anyone else, and bosses.”

        Hmmmmmm….just like another group of people in the 40’s who were just doing their job.

        Nurenberg defense, cool

  6. Seems like your standard liberal Democrat. Maybe he can use the “Politically Appropriate” defense similar to how animals from backwards Third World countries use the “Culturally Appropriate” defense when they murder or maim their children for not obeying their barbaric traditions.

    • It wasnt Rep. Comers responsibility to investigate Bidens corrupt FBI.
      There is so much criminal activity including Biden “the Big Guy” and DoJ’s Garland as well as Mayorkas blundering lies it would take an army of investigators to scratch the surface.
      How is the temperature under the sand?

  7. Might be helpful to understand why state law-enforcement assistance and prosecution apparently weren’t requested if FBI resources had to be reallocated to more important things.

    • Jurisdiction issues, for one. Most of what is described in the text is interstate, not intrastate.

      Enforcement tools, for another. The Feds are set up for interstate investigations, staties and locals aren’t.

      Certain enforcement tools used by the Feds are either illegal for State of Alaska LE to use, or unobtainable.

      The third is workload. AST investigative units already work all the overtime a person can with just the reports they receive; that cupboard is bare.

  8. Christians and Republicans and hypocrisy: On Monday, lawyers representing eight men filed a federal lawsuit alleging they were the victims of repeated sexual abuse of children at The Lord’s Ranch, a residential treatment facility in Arkansas. The suit says the camp’s director of social services, Emmett Presley, engaged in “innumerable” incidents of fondling of genitals and oral rape.” The lawyers said this is the first of several suits they will file on behalf of the more than 30 clients. Named in the suit is The Lord Ranch’s owner, Ted Suhl. Suhl was pardoned by Trump after being convicted of bribery.

    • ‘Whataboutism’ at its finest.

      When the radical leftist cannot respond to a story or an argument with facts, logic and reason (which is ALL the time), they invariably resort to one of two pathetic strategies: the ad hominem attack, or “Look! Squirrel!”.

      You mentally-handicapped radical leftists truly have NO idea of how inane and idiotic you come across to those of even modest intelligence and intellectual integrity.

      • Jefferson: ease up on the choke chain, you’re going to hurt yourself. I offer this story to MRAK Christian fascists as a cool moist cloth against the fever of labeling every non conservative a pedophile or groomer or socialist or communist or pervert. It is a calming salve meant to elicit this conclusion: humans do naughty things with their naughty bits AND those naughty humans are predominantly sexually constipated christian conservatives. Certainly, a short Google search will reveal support for this claim starting with Indian boarding schools in America run by deceitful religious men with boners up to Catholic priests and the stray prosperity gospel televangelist. A search for an equivalent coven of evil doers on the Left will reveal almost nothing.

        This approach to reality is evidence based and should appeal to those of even modest intelligence and intellectual integrity.

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