All the dead voters will have to wait for justice until after the primary



It is tough being a dead person in Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux’s House District 15. They are left to wonder: Are we supposed to vote? Are we not? They never know.

For now, it looks as if they are back in the game.

LeDoux, who stands accused of election fraud, was saved by the pandemic. She will not be in court on those charges until after Alaska’s Aug. 18 statewide primary because the court system delayed, for a second time, her pre-indictment hearing, this time until Aug. 20.

That is great news for the dead folks.

LeDoux was charged in March with one felony and nine misdemeanors relating to her 2014 and 2018 campaigns for office.

A staunch Republicrat and the District 15 incumbent, LeDoux was absolutely gobsmacked after election officials in the 2018 District 15 GOP primary election found problems. They discovered seven absentee ballot applications — seven — from dead people, not to mention absentee votes cast in the names of at least two very much alive people who said they had not voted.

In all, officials yanked 26 ballots because of residency or legitimacy questions. All those ballots, it is worth noting, were for LeDoux.

A two-year probe by the state culminated with charges against LeDoux, her former chief of staff Lisa Simpson, and Simpson’s son, Caden Vaught. None of the current charges appears to involve the dead voters.

LeDoux is facing a Republican challenger, David Nelson, in the Aug. 18 primary.

All of that is good news for the dead folks in LeDoux’s district who are just dying to vote.

Read more at the Anchorage Daily Planet.


  1. David Nelson is an excellent candidate. It’s time for Gabby to go to jail and allow this young man who does his homework to represent the citizens of this district

  2. I don’t think it’s only the ‘dead’ voters that have to wait for justice. The ‘live’ Alaskans and voters are the ones that need to worry. As long as the leftists are in ‘power’, nothing good will come to the State of Alaska except public employees receiving their ‘bi-annual'(bi-monthly?) salary increases for cost of living, cost of not living, cost of driving, cost of commuting if they don’t drive, and pretty much cost of “everything”. To us mortal, non-public (private) employees, only meritorious actions, above and beyond “the word of the contract”, is justifiable for a raise, if then. For private workers, skill, dependability, credibility, and the drive to get the job done, are the motivators for raises. Not union “brotherhood”, as the word so proclaims, threatening the employer and making back room deals as needed. Unions have their place, alright, and they serve a noble purpose. Not in the “public” sector. Politicians (public employees) are mandated to be negotiators on behalf of the citizens. Called Fiduciary Responsibility. Public employee union negotiators are “public employees”. How can one ‘public employee’ represent and promote the public and the public employees’ union at the same time? I think that is an ‘extended’ oxymoron. Only a crook could figure it out.
    Ahh, November. A time to remember.

  3. Did the 26 questionable votes make a difference in the election?
    Apparently Republicans are onto something about voter fraud. Is it because they are the ones who are doing it? Are any of the dead voters Russians? Did they mail them in??
    So many questions.

  4. Was there ever an investigation of that nonresident campaign worker of hers who died in California just days after goofy Gabby’s visit to him??

    That doesn’t pass the smell test.

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