I was the unfortunate recipient of a copy of comments sent by Sen. Loki Tobin to Curtis Thayer of the Alaska Energy Authority on July 17. It was a very happy letter, gushing over electric vehicles, decarbonization, and calling for AEA to do everything humanly possible to deploy sufficient charging stations for EVs using free federal energy money.
There is so much wrong with this letter that it makes my teeth hurt, not unlike eating hard sugar candy as a kid.
Let’s take a look at what Tobin says and see how magical it is.
Right off the bat, she claims to “… support the choice that millions of people across the world have made to drive electric vehicles (EVs).”
Unfortunately, here in the US, under the Biden regime, it is no longer a choice. Rather it is a top-down directed lifestyle change, with 50% of all new vehicle sales to be EVs by 2030, a mere seven years from today. Anyone else remember when democrats were all about choice, especially women’s choice?
This brilliant woman then gets down to identifying the problem of insufficient EV sales by noting there are not enough charging stations for them in Alaska. She suggests using federal money (printed or extorted from taxpayers) to deploy a network of them here in Alaska.
Magical thinking indeed.
What makes it magic? First, there isn’t enough electrical generation in the Railbelt to support switching over to EVs. Second, EV technology isn’t all that compatible with the cold country. Finally, the entire affair is under the umbrella of decarbonization, or its evil twin, Net Zero.
Let’s back up a bit and consider energy use in the Railbelt. Today, about a third of our energy use is electric, a third vehicular fuels, and a third heating.
This combination provides a rather decent safety margin, for if one of those legs has a problem delivering what it needs to deliver, we do not have to choose how quickly to freeze in the dark.
Tobin and her decarbonization magical thinkers, would propose putting all our eggs in the same electrical basket. Widespread adoption of EVs in the Railbelt would require doubling electrical generation in the Railbelt.
At least she managed to remember that EV batteries lose up to 50% of their charge when it’s cold. She forgot that they suffer similar performance losses when towing something. So much for boat and ATV owners in her Brave New World.
There are a few other problems with current EVs. For instance, they are about 1,500 pounds heavier than a similar internal combustion vehicle. Think of the sort of increase in road damage and ruts we will get with EVs. EVs also consume about six times the mineral resources than an equivalent ICE vehicle. Finally, current batteries are not repairable, or for the most part able to be replaced. Damage the battery in a collision, and you total the vehicle.
EVs aren’t the only problematic thing in a decarbonized world. Wind turbines, for instance require about nine times the mineral resources than an equivalent natural gas powered turbine.
The obvious question is where do the greens and True Believers like Tobin plan to get the additional rare earth metals for their new toys? I’ll note for the record that nobody but nobody on the democrat or green side of the argument want to mine that stuff here in the US or even Alaska (Pebble, anyone?). They are comfortable shoving that production into the Third World, the developing world, where it can be controlled by China. Happily, that little problem is out of sight and out of mind for them.
Finally, to decarbonize the railbelt even on the electric generation side, we need to replace around 90% of generation (natural gas) with something else. As no Democrat or green are discussing or even considering big hydro (Watana), GenIV nuclear (newly elected Chugach Board member Jim Nordlund ran a successful anti-nuke ad campaign against me in 2010), or Fischer – Tropsch at Tyonek (synthetic diesel, carbon capture, with electric generation), I must conclude they are virtue signaling.
To review Tobin’s magical thinking, we have a call for EVs in the cold country when the technology is not yet ready. We have a call to decarbonize without a hint why decarbonization is desirable or what positive impact on our lives such a shift will do or cost. We have a call to replace what is currently in operation for transportation and electric generation with things that take 6 to 9 times more minerals to produce, all while shutting down mining here in Alaska and the rest of the US.
Magical thinking, indeed. It must be nice to live in a fantasy world. Sadly, living there is a poor lifestyle choice for politicians who would use their comfortable happy fantasy world as the basis of governance.
Alex Gimarc lives in Anchorage since retiring from the military in 1997. His interests include science and technology, environment, energy, economics, military affairs, fishing and disabilities policies. His weekly column “Interesting Items” is a summary of news stories with substantive Alaska-themed topics. He was a small business owner and Information Technology professional.
You will agree with some of Sabines electric vehicle facts here, ‘
mp sshaefer,
Your video is sexist, puts down men as being doofs.
She says with her robotic hands: “There are other reasons why the car won’t charge… your husband who forgot to plug in the cable.”
As a practicing chemical engineer going on 60 years, what little I have read about climate change, decarbonization and other such BS is utter nonsense.
For those with no understanding – the climate has been changing for the last 2.5 billion years on this rock.
Climate hysteria was made up to push a socialist agenda for those with IQ’s below 0 by Marxists, facists and dummy rats.
That’s what I have been saying this rock is older than records.
Correction, bucket: commie rats
Don’t Look Up!!!
Amen Bucket.
I believe it is delusional and a liar and believes its own lies having exaggerated its own aggrandizement. Although it is welcome on the planet it is misplaced as representing of Alaskans. I hope it is removed from its job where its delusions have replaced the views of its constituents which is the only reason it is there at this time. Quit. IT.
Of course the carbon cultists do not want the stability of ‘three legs’. Easier to knock us over if only one. Also just as the left wants to pretend child sex trafficking is a conspiracy theory, they also put in that category of pretending, the destruction, danger and child slavery involved in rare earth mining in the third world countries that supply the necessary ‘ingredients’ for EV’s. It is all power and control.
I cant believe we havent sent this sharpest tool in the shed to DC to assist Peltola with the overwhelming job of shutting down Alaska and reviving it as “The lost land of OZ” instead of the last frontier.
As in the Lost Land” of ounces of marijuana?
“…identifying the problem of insufficient EV sales by noting there are not enough charging stations for them in Alaska.”
Gee… I wonder if costing ten to twenty thousand more than the equivalent petrol powered vehicle has anything to do with it???
Like every other toddler, errr… I mean leftist, Tobin focuses on the perks without consideration of any other factors. They want their candy! End of story.
EVs have their use. I would consider one if the price is right, it met my needs, and there was a MASSIVE reduction in the cost of charging it. But, they are not priced right, they meet the needs of commuters and pretty much no one else, and the cost of ownership far exceeds that of owning a conventional vehicle. (Yes, I know your RAM 2500 costs more to run… seriously pointing out the exception does not disprove the rule.)
I suspect the main reason why they are pushing EVs is not climate. It is control. Control of where you can travel, control of when you can travel, etc… Not only can the EV be tracked remotely, it can be turned off remotely as well. And… what good is it when electricity is being rationed?
Demanding the public purchase something they do not want is tyranny, and I think we are overdue for tossing a few EVs into the harbor.
She’s not worried. She’s gonna exempt herself.
Or get a big fat check.
Like it or not electric vehicles are the future. Might as well get used to it.
You first.
Go ahead and take a drive from Anchorage to Fairbanks, in an electric vehicle, in the dead of winter. Then tell us how wonderful they are in Alaska.
Then you’re fine with nuclear?? No way those fancy golf carts are feasible without it
Tuck your tail if you want, I will not go quietly into the goodnight.
We can’t all switch to electric cars until our power grids are massively overhauled. Since nobody wants to stop spending our money in every other country in the world I’m guessing all electric for everybody is about 50-75 years away. By then hydrogen will be the new model as power generation plants will be seen as ugly dirty gas hogs that pollute too much. Wind and solar can’t compete, tidal only works in perfect conditions and hydro is being blocked by all the green loonies. So….oil is here to stay “might as well get used to it”.
Nope- Don’t like it and don’t have to follow 🙂
Don’t disagree. The problem is HOW they are the future. Organically via market forces or via a governmental cram down? Two completely different approaches with two completely different outcomes.
Battery tech is increasing exponentially, which is a Good Thing. Unfortunately so are requirements for rare earths in their manufacture. Remember that it wasn’t the feds that cut US CO2 emissions. Rather it was the frackers, applying a half century old technology against oil shale that made natural gas (methane) abundant and cheap.
I am reminded of the observation that if there was a coordinated solution to Polio 80 years ago, we would have managed to build hundreds of millions iron lungs. Yet because of another approach by Salk and Sabin, we no longer have a need for hundreds of millions of iron lungs.
Government cram downs glass the marketplace, destroying everything in the pursuit of free government money (COVID vax is a recent example) and do not allow any of the little entrepreneurial ah ha moments that will get us real clean solutions (COVID therapeutics). Sadly, the cramdown is more about being in charge than doing anything positive, though people like Loki Tobin, True Believers on the political left are absolutely convinced that they are smarter than everyone and everything else. Such a sad, sad waste. Cheers –
One pet peave: please use the word “of” when comparing quantities or percentages, not the word “than”. “than” implies a substitution in a comparison context. Your style book must be the same one that insists the past tense of the verb “to slay” means a large quantity of something.
On another note: the world’s largest deposit of rare earth minerals is ten miles west of the Dalton Highway just north of the Yukon River – and the USBLM is recommending it be set aside as wilderness area…
California will have all the EVs while they rip off all the power generation from Arizona and Nevada.
Like it or not, blackouts, freezing, and starving are the future as well.
Remember, the F in COMMUNISM stands for Food.
NICE! Took me a moment honestly.
Fat chance, combustion powered vehicles cost less, get better mileage and are actually more environmentally friendly. This is nothing but a push towards 15 minute cities and control of people’s movement and ability to provide for themselves. It is just a matter of time until the climate lies come crashing down. Why are the rich buying up farmlands and beach front properties if the ocean is rising? One should be more concerned about what is occuring in our oceans. If the oceans die, we all die.
Just why are they The Future, Lorenandrews? Currently, it is not natural market forces that make it supposedly so. If one fiddles with the supply and demand curve with either incentives or penalties then one screws with the all important function of price. With bad information comes bad decisions. Please tell us why they are the future.
Not in the next 50 years. The dips fought the Susitna hydro dam like they are fighting the potential in mining we have. It take lots of copper, gold, silver, nickel, cobalt , graphite and oil to build electric cars. More than we have ever produced in history. Of course the libs would rather use slave labor in 3rd world countries to mine these products.
Electric cars can harm people physically and mentally, and the powerful electronics interfere with AM radio reception, so many have FM radios only. The globalists don’t want drivers hearing the truth on AM talk radio anyway.
EMF Radiation: Sitting in an electric car like standing near a running microwave!
This is the same as but much bigger than the federal government push in the 19070s to have all of us switch to tiny cars. Detroit never recovered from that. Americans didn’t want to buy what the feds pushed the US auto industry to produce. Right now China is the largest producer of EVs, and China is building new coal-fired power plants. Meanwhile Lisa is sending electric school buses to Alaska. Americans are being over-taxed in order to kill American industry, all in the name of global warming, a false God and a false flag.
Yeah those “beer can cars” that crumple up on impact. So safe. Lol. Eye roll.
The vehicle charging infrastructure isn’t even close to being complete . Especially in rural areas of the U.S. and as a retired journeyman lineman , I believe as so many others in my profession do , know the limits of our power grids and what it takes to upgrade them . There’s nothing wrong with innovation , inventing and pursuing other forms of energy . That’s the American way . But there is something wrong when the government creates its own market and force feeds it upon the citizenry when they know the infrastructure isn’t there . This is a con with too many angles to list?.
Amen to that Larry!
If the people desiring electric cars actually had the full information on them, not the narrative pushed by the politicians and the WEF, the market would not likely be there.
Everything I have seen tells me EVs are not money savers in any way. And, the overall environmental impact is several times worse than that of a conventional vehicle. But, the narrative? Oh.. they are clean, and cost less to operate!… BS! What does it cost to charge up? Hint: About the cost of a full tank of gas. Oh… and it takes hours, not minutes.
Forget putting in more charging stations, how about increasing the grid capacity to match? Oh… wait, that won’t happen because… fossil fuels or some other crap.
This is just another bunch of leftists, spending other people’s money, time, and convenience so they can feel all warm and fuzzy.
Amen, Larry! Please give Lorenandrews a call ?, she could use the help.
Anyone that pushes for electric vehicles but can’t/won’t address the energy needed to charge those vehicles just proves their own ignorance.
If 50% of new vehicle sales are going to have to be EV’s by 2030, then that means that 50% can and still will be ICE vehicles so why does this article imply that somehow the buyers won’t have the choice as to what type of vehicle they wish to buy. Sounds like more fear mongering and/or red meat for the paranoid conservatives to feed off. There’s still “a choice” that can be made by anyone not wanting to buy an EV. Stop with the “sky is falling” BS.
But you are still fine with the pie-in-the-sky, unrealistic expectations and COERCION behind that other 50% of vehicles being BV? That doesn’t sound very libertarian to me at all.
At this point I still see nothing taking away the freedom to choose whatever kind of car you want to buy so yes, that sounds pretty Libertarian to me.
As I’ve stated before, I have both an EV and an HEV. The former is mostly just for in town commuting and going places like Whittier or Portage (though we’ve also gone up to Trapper Creek and back with it) while the other is for longer road trips. For what we bought them for, they are perfect for our uses and we’ve saved quite a bit of $$ on gas compared to a minimal increase in our electric bill for in-house charging. All I can tell you is that both cars are very practical for what we bought them for.
All I can tell you is that the cost of replacing the battery WILL stagger you and decimate all and more than what you will have saved.
Been there done that. Customers get that faint lack of blood flow to the brain look when I give them the quote to replace the battery. So far the decision was made to send the vehicle to the crusher for recycling as no one in their right mind found it cost effective.
But hopefully soon there will be someone not in their right mind who will bite the bullet and deny the cost of battery replacement and swear they are saving money.
The cost to replace the battery in my car would be about 15K but I’ve gone about 100K in it and it still works great so talking about the cost of something that hasn’t broke seems a pointless way or arguing.
Cman, when half the product is available, prices will go through the roof. That fact will remove all choice for most. That is the point of the whole thing, Cman.
I’ll talk in terms you can understand.
Its 2030.
50% of auto sales ‘have to’ be EV.
50% of auto buyers don’t want EV.
What do?
For the rest,
The ‘big tell’ will be whether or not the Feds mandate their own law enforcement agencies are 100% green EV. When the local police, paramedics and fire department are required to use them (for the good of the planet), instead of just buying one trial model for PR purposes – I’ll take note. Still will not buy one, but at least I’ll be convinced that gov’t EV pushers actually swallow their own bullcrap.
Otherwise its just the government forcing inferior choices on the rest of us.
Not really a choice when the government is forcing car companies into bankruptcy because the public does not want to buy the products they are being forced to sell.
Like all toddlers….errr… I mean leftists, your logic and reasoning is on par with a child. Not a moment of consideration of the overall effect on the market when the regulations require companies to make unprofitable decisions. Do you even realize what effect imposing a minimum fleet MPG requirement on a manufacturer has had? Do you realize how bad it has been for the consumer? Obviously not, because your “there is still choice” argument is meaningless without taking those items into account.
“Sounds like more fear mongering and/or red meat for the conservatives to feed off of.”
You obviously dont have the capacity to understand WHY you think this is “fear mongering” for the “paranoid” conservatives.
Senator Loki Tobin lacks the ability to make any rational informed decisions on energy sources or methods of transportation. It is downright scary for me knowing she is in a position of authority to legislate with laws and regulation that forces a method that is NOT feasible but in the end will cost the consumer and more importantly the taxpayer will have to foot the bill for a method with many flaws.
When the government is involved there WILL be STIFF fines and penalties for noncompliance.
I dont know how and why she is in that position of authority nor do I understand how or why Kamala Harris is vice president but I get very nervous and a sick feeling inside when I think about my grandkids future when either one of them speaks out publicly about ANYTHING!
Kamala’s word salad about school children riding around in “dirty busses” belonged in a preschool storytime class.
I believe she got the idea of telling children stories from George W Bush but for the most part he kept his in front of preschool children instead of the entire nation.
Or possibly telling scary stories about young children is Kamala’s way of indoctrinating other childrens thought process which might explain AOC and Senator Tobins reactions in public.
OK Children lets play “Follow the leader” to the land of OZ.
What about the governments fossil fuel usage with the military and all the bloated government agency’s? When are sports and concerts going to be stoped because of fossil fuel usage?
Hide the decline using Mike’s Nature Trick.
“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.” Phil Jones, the Director of the CRU.
It’s funny how the people pushing electric cars often are the same people pushing:
-global warming
-masks saving lives.
-blm/Antifa/and overall social control by the elite.
It’s sad the same suspects either have no clue the risks associated with these vehicles.
-lack of infrastructure.
-massive environmental damage.
-virtual slave labor in many countries where the necessary rare earth minerals exist to build these things.
-that it still takes evil petroleum to make their utopia.
It’s flat out deliberate ignorance of the efforts necessary to make electricity on the scale their utopia requires.
They fully understand it requires breaking eggs to make utopian omelettes. So long as it’s our eggs, not theirs.
You left out:
-battery fires
-minor accidents resulting in the car being totaled
-cost to charge
-time to charge
-lack of ability to tow, and limited range
under the drawbacks section.
Wasn’t ‘Loki’ the god of mischief in Norse mythology?
Alaskan Climate deniers need to move to Arizona, melting glaciers obviously have no impact on their thinking
Oh “Frank”….
Shakes head sadly.
Hahahaha Frank, you probably didn’t notice from your retirement spot in Wisconsin but it’s been raining and crappy here all summer. Temps have been below average summer numbers. Oh well, no need to let reality get in the way of a “muh climate” comment. Waddabaffon.
I find it interesting that Frank’s group calls the rest of us ‘climate deniers’. Not sure why when we are the ones that understand that our climate is a continuously changing phenomenon. Sometimes colder, sometimes warmer, but NEVER steady. The cycles vary from year to year, decade to decade, and even from century to century. If our climate never changed, how do you explain the green grass that once covered Greenland, Frank? Or the ‘Little Ice Age’ and dinosaurs in the Arctic?
Yup. We understand and accept that our climate is always changing but we are ‘deniers’. Right.
What melting glaciers?
Certainly you are not talking about normal and expected receding of glaciers because of normal weather fluctuations? In fact there are just as many glaciers advancing these days as there are receding. Check out some of the satellite imagery. When a glacier on one side of an ice field is receding, the ones on the other side are advancing. Often at a faster rate.
Your “evidence” is no better than claiming all muslims are terrorists because one muslim committed a terrorist act.
A new presidential administration must undo these ridiculous mandates and let the market decide how many EVs are on the road. If not, the US will look like Cuba in thirty years with used ICE vehicles being maintained far beyond their normal lifespan.
The only successful EV in Alaska has been a warehouse forklift. I have been in the business of power generation for over 40 years and I can tell you Alaska will NEVER attain the ability to produce enough electricity into the grid to support a 5% increase of electric vehicles unless a power plant is built across the road from the Usibelli mine and a huge coal fired facility is built there. The state built a smaller clean coal plant there decades ago but I don’t believe it has ever been put to use. Golden Valley Electric wanted it given to them for free. The Green Revolution is a tool to impoverish the masses and make us slaves to the elitist liars that continue to spew the lies about man’s influence on the environment.
One needs to remember…in the liberal world batteries and money grow on trees, electricity comes from the wall, and food comes from the grocery store. With that mentality all this makes sense. One additional point on EVs, they absolutely eat tires. Between the weight and the power, they shred those low rolling resistance tires on those tall rims. Cost? Some run $500 or more apiece.
The point is to put travel out of the track of the peasants.
In many ways environmental nutcases are simpler to Islamic radicals. They want to turn back time to a simpler, poorer, impoverished world.
Leftists, please do not call them liberals, there is nothing liberal about them, are really children, toddlers at best.
Magical thinking rules the day in their world. Get rid of poverty? Sure, no problem, just give people money. See… solved. Homeless? Give them a house, see problem solved… And you are correct, their belief that everything can be electric without any environmental impact is childlike at best.
I voted on the electric bicycle bill that Rep. Wool presented. He told me that the electric bicycle could not exceed 27 MPH and it will not be an intrusion to people. I have been told that electric bicycles have been driven at 51 MPH. I have seen people driving their electric bicycle on sidewalks at speed equal to cars on the streets. I have witness a three wheel electric bicycle on the sidewalk going to fast that it went up on two wheels around a corner and nearly hit two people walking down the sidewalk. So, Senator Loki Tobin, at what part of deregulation of electric bicycles provides safety for Alaskans?
The missing caption under Scott Kawasaki:
“I’m with Stupid”.
Truly, at first glance, I thought he was pointing at Loki as the pre-eminent example of IGNORANCE.
Sadly, I moved several months ago and now this dipstick represents me in the Senate.
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