Alaska’s Americans for Prosperity PAC teases huge announcement — who will they support for Congress?


Americans for Prosperity Action Alaska (AFP Action-AK) will announce on Wednesday the candidate the organization is endorsing in the Alaska at-large congressional election.

The event is from 5-7 pm at the nonprofit group’s offices at 135 W. Dimond Blvd., Suite 119, near Saint Coyote Restaurant, said Bernadette Wilson, the Alaska director for AFP and the senior advisor of AFP Action. The announcement will be made at 5:45 pm. to the media, which has been invited to attend.

AFP Action is the politically active arm of the national group. Earlier today, it announced in Texas that it would support the re-election of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“Abbott earned AFP Action’s endorsement through his support for sound fiscal policies, promoting a personal option to health care that people can trust, and other policies that will improve the lives of Texans,” the group announced.

AFP Action has been announcing dozens of endorsements nationwide over the past few days. Read about them here.

The group last year supported the election of Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. With its national resources, it can marshal volunteers to do door-knocking and other get-out-the-vote activities. Youngkin won handily over Democrat Terry McAuliffe, in spite of McAuliffe bringing in the firepower of former President Barack Obama to shore up his base.

Americans for Prosperity was founded in 2004 as a conservative political advocacy group by brothers David and Charles Koch. For the 2022 election cycle it has raised over $16 million that will be used to support the candidates the group has identified as economically conservative, in support of sound fiscal policies and less government overreach.

Must Read Alaska will be live-streaming the event on Facebook.

The announcement comes at the same time Sarah Palin will be holding a grand opening of her campaign offices on Old Seward Highway at Klatt Road, in the Ward Realty offices. Although the media will need to wait to find out who AFP Action is going to door-knock for this year, the candidates also don’t know because AFP Action, as a political action committee, is not allowed to coordinate with candidates.

There are 48 people who will be on the special election primary ballot, which will be in the mail on April 27 to start the process of determining who will temporarily serve in Congress until the winner of the November general election is determined.


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