Alaskans running in the 2021 Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

This is the official list of those who are registered for Monday’s Boston Marathon, which is the race’s 125th year. They include Sam Crow of Bethel, a town with only 16 miles of road. (Not all runners who register end up running):

10618 Anglen, Lisa 40 Anchorage 
322 Cox, Ryan 31 Anchorage 
12978 Crossett, Clay 60 Eagle River 
9210 Crow, Samuel 55 Bethel 
1753 Dickerson, Julianne 33 Anchorage 
8354 Evans, Emily 24 Anchorage 
15362 Faulkner, Susan 62 Fairbanks 
12800 Fick, John 65 Anchorage 
14467 Finstad, Gregory 66 Fairbanks 
10285 Galloway, Lucy 41 Eagle River 
6659 Gannon, Grace 22 Anchorage 
9475 Henrick, Lindy 34 Anchorage 
10597 Hines, Scot 62 Anchorage 
909 Jahn, Corbyn 30 Anchorage 
612 Kirk, Jacob 29 Anchorage 
D16 Larsen Klingel & wheelchair rider 57 Homer 
7351 Mahlen, Tsaina 26 Anchorage 
16051 McCarty, Thomas 68 Anchorage 
2031 Miller, James 41 Anchorage 
5779 Miller, Kamie 42 Eagle River 
5843 Nevalainen, Alec 48 Juneau 
13280 Nickell, Larry 65 Wasilla 
5263 Nottingham, Derek 46 Eagle River 
12362 Reed, Amy 43 Anchorage 
4077 Ritchie, Tom 47 Anchorage 
486 Ross, Jerome 46 Anchorage 
6408 Sackinger, Bruce 51 Fairbanks 
13050 Sauer, Jane 60 Anchorage 
9260 Setian, Carrie 42 Anchorage 
3995 Short, Torrey 36 Homer 
967 Steele, Derek 24 Anchorage 
3443 Troxell, Eric 48 Anchorage 
5484 Trujillo, Claire 26 Anchorage 
8487 Ustasiewski, James 58 Juneau 
12125 Velazquez, Heather 41 Eagle River 
7984 Vincent-Lang, Amanda 36 Anchorage 
9753 Wu, Amie 42 Anchorage 

This year’s race was postponed by six months. Usually it occurs on the third Monday of April. Racers had to show proof of vaccination for Covid-19 or a negative test, and the race association also made the start times staggered so that runners could spread out.


  1. Considering that this marathon is being held in wildly statist, conformist and pro-authoritarian Massachusetts, much less in Boston itself, I am very surprised that the organizers are not demanding proof of (so-called) ‘vaccination’ against the Wuhan Virus as mandatory for participating in the event.

    • Didn’t read under the list of names did you? “Racers had to show proof of vaccination for Covid-19 or a negative test”,

      • “OR a negative test”.
        What I meant, and stated, was that I am surprised that they are not demanding proof of ‘vaccination’, and ONLY proof of (so-called) vaccination.

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