Alaska Veterans may get Moderna COVID vaccine as soon as this week


The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is arriving in Alaska Christmas week. Must Read Alaska has learned that the Veterans Administration will be administering this particular vaccine to veterans. Sign up for notifications at this email link.

It is the second vaccine for the coronavirus to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

The VA will prioritize veterans living in long-term care facilities and VA health care personnel. After those two groups are vaccinated, the VA will prioritize those most at risk for serious complications from the coronavirus. The first allocation of Moderna vaccine is 17,900 doses for Alaska.

Some 14 percent of Alaskans are veterans, or nearly 69,000, according to the VA.

Also this weekend, a committee at the CDC has recommended that people over the age of 75, as well as firefighters, teachers, grocery store workers and other essential workers should get next round of COVID-19 vaccinations.


  1. coronavirus . / alaska#vaccine-tracker

    Follow the numbers at the link above as we get closer to herd immunity, 17K moderna vaccines is half of the total who have had the disease in Alaska and more than 17 plus times more than those who have been hospitalized. By the way 14% of the state who are veterans is ..731,545 x .14 = 102,417 Veterans in Alaska…

    Hospitalizations total: 917

  2. Not interested in anything tied to the VA had my taste of them back in 79 a few years after I was discharged haven’t set foot in there again.

    • Ryan, are you saying Margaret Sanger had a part in this? Just curious. What was it that a former Mayor of Chicago was fond of saying? Something about never letting a crisis go to waste?

  3. Veterans of Foreign Wars have lived through worse than Corona mania, Veterans had to stare fears in fear’s face and still had to tread forward no matter what the fear and confusion around them. The pandemic is fear itself. This nation and this world has been crippled by fear more than a virus.

  4. 14,000 Alaska Veterans and 600 vaccine doses?

    This is a sad joke on Veterans. Who is running this program in Alaska?
    AND then you must go to Alaska’s #1 Covid city to get the vaccine.

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