Alaska Republicans endorse Congressman Don Young, Senator Dan Sullivan


Alaska Republicans gathering at their fall meeting in Fairbanks gave their full-throated support to Congressman Don Young and Sen. Dan Sullivan.

The vote taken on Saturday may seem perfunctory, but it serves notice to any other Republicans who might have thought of challenging them for the House of Representatives or Senate that the window has closed; the party can now expend funds to help Young and Sullivan to get reelected, and can freely deploy volunteers or other resources to assist them in their campaigns. It will not support contenders, who would have to simply go it alone if they filed for office.

Young has been Alaska’s congressman since 1973, while Sullivan was first elected in 2014. Both will stand for reelection in 2020.


  1. I guess the “Republicans” that voted for both of these good leaders would not include people like:

    Cathy Geisell
    Von imhoff
    Jennifer Johnston
    Ann Brown

    as there is no quality that they possess that woukd align them with Ronald Reagan, or Jesus. It is time to stop the bullcrap within the Alaskan Republican Party in order to save the State of Alaska.

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