Alaska Republicans elect new national committeeman, three electors, and officers


Judy Eledge, Randy Ruedrich, and John Binkley are the three electors for the Alaska Republican Party this presidential cycle. They were chosen as a slate forwarded by Nominations Committee and passed by convention to cast the electoral college votes in December. There were 221 delegates to the convention, and the slate passed 117-28, with some delegates not voting.

In December, electors meet in their respective states to cast their votes for president and vice president. The position of an elector is historic, symbolic, and prestigious. Each state gets a number of electors equal to its U.S. Congressional representation. Alaska has three electors.

Democrats and Republicans choose their electors through an election process at their state conventions.

In Alaska, each elector must pledge that he or she will cast his or her electoral vote for the winning candidate of the party.

Eledge, of Anchorage, is the chair of the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, and Ruedrich, also of Anchorage, is the former chair of the Alaska Republican Party. Both are deeply involved in party politics. Binkley, of Fairbanks, is a former state representative and senator and ran for governor in 2006. His family business purchased the Anchorage Daily News from Alice Rogoff in 2017, saving the state’s largest newspaper from bankruptcy.

Mike Tauriainen was elected to be the party’s national committeeman, and Cynthia Henry was reelected to national committeewoman during the party’s convention, which was held by teleconference for the first time.

Tauriainen was a delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from Alaska and was one of 12 delegates from the state who was bound by state party rules to support Ted Cruz that year. He and his wife Kay live in Kenai and are longtime activists in the party. Tauriainen replaces Peter Goldberg.

Henry was first elected as national committeewoman in 2016. She also was a delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from Alaska. Like Tauriainen, Henry was one of three delegates from Alaska bound by state party rules to support Ted Cruz in 2016 at the national convention.

Glenn Clary was re-elected as ARP chairman and Vice Chair Ann Brown was also re-elected. Newly elected to positions in the state party were Secretary Chris Carter, and Assistant Secretary Debbie Clary.


  1. Same old same old in charge. They will pay lip service to a good looking party platform with no intent to follow through. These are the same type “Republicans” we have in Juneau right now stealing your PFD. These faux conservatives are why I left the Republican party years ago.

  2. So Glenn Clary was re-appointed to head up the Republican Party! So Am I the only one questioning why Glenn Clary has his wife, Debbie appointed to the position of Assistant Secretary for the Republican Party and his daughter Rachel Clary works for the Governor Dunleavy! In the election office!! Sounds like a lot of nepotism and favors owed to the Governor!!

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