Alaska Positive: 745 new cases in 24 hours


One death and 745 new people were identified with COVID-19 in Alaska over the past 24 hour reporting period.

They were located in Anchorage (433), Fairbanks (63), Eagle River (44), Wasilla (31), Bethel (19), Juneau (15), Soldotna (14), North Pole (13), Chugiak (12), Ketchikan (11), Delta Junction (9), Homer (9), Kenai (7), Bethel Census Area (6), Kenai Peninsula Borough South (5), Palmer (5), Utqiaġvik (5), Fairbanks North Slope Borough (4), Valdez-Cordova Census Area (3), Fritz Creek (2), Kenai Peninsula Borough North (2), Nikiski (2), Seward (2), Sterling (2), Yakutat & Hoonah-Angoon (2), Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (2) and one each in Bristol Bay/Lake & Peninsula boroughs, Cordova, Denali Borough, Ketchikan Gateway Borough,  Kodiak, Kotzebue, Kusilvak Census Area,  Metlakatla, Nome, Petersburg, Sitka , Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, and two in unknown communities still under investigation.  

A total of 862,264 tests have been conducted, with 25,782 tests conducted in the previous seven days.

The average percentage of daily positive tests for the previous seven days is 8.94%. 


  1. Questions remain about the testing. It says “new cases”. Who was being tested ? What qualifies as a “positive” ? How many were false positives ? What test(s) was being administered ? We fell for the test thing before, on the John Hopkin’s worldometer site, back in March when things began. If everything is predicated on “positives”, how do you create them, and what are they being used for ? How many of these new cases actually involved people with symptoms ? (Are they sick ?) It’s too easy to create the fear of another wave ! And all too easy to manufacture one, if that is your aim. 80% of the people have the natural immunity to the this COVID virus to keep them healthy. So how close are we to the herd immunity of 20%. That’s what we need to know. And People don’t have to go to a hospital to be treated (and thus overwhelm them) when the known cures are known, and should be available.
    And finally, if elections can be fixed to determine an outcome, including pre-election polls, the same thing can happen with these kind of numbers. The Global-Left has an Agenda, and they are not stopping at anything…

    • I concur with the scientific critical thinking analysis of the data presentation. Where are the tests that accurately affirm quality as well as quantity antigens? It appears that the current testing is interpreted as Asymptomatic should be interpreted “You have immunity!” Also, where is the correlation data to reflect infection / exposure of influenza virus compared to COVID virus compared to other patterns at this time of the year (e.g. affected, asymptomatic, recovered, deaths, etc)? How is the data effective to inform as to whether we must fear or is it false fear (False Evidence Appearing Real).

      • There are more than ample testimonies if you look of survivors who will tell you that whether you have serious symptoms or not, it will do damage and will not leave you unscathed. There are plenty of deaths here in Alaska alone and just because they are not you or your loved one or child, doesn’t lessen the value of their lives. We may be lagging behind other states but our trend should tell you something about why denial and non compliance with mask wearing is a problem. It’s asinine to expect all the worlds medical professionals to explain every single element of the complexities they went to school to learn to you because you choose to doubt. The global death toll should tell you all you need to know

        • “There are more than ample testimonies if you look of survivors who will tell you that whether you have serious symptoms or not, it will do damage and will not leave you unscathed.”

          Really? Like what?

          I have been searching for a good list of the long term debilitating effects of this virus, and getting pretty much nothing. What percentage of people get these long term effects?

          I keep searching, but get nothing other than anecdotal evidence.

          By the way, most diseases have long term effects. No one in their right mind expects COVID-19 to be any different.

          “It’s asinine to expect all the worlds medical professionals to explain every single element of the complexities they went to school to learn to you because you choose to doubt. The global death toll should tell you all you need to know”

          What is really asinine is to blindly follow the advice of “experts” without even seeking understanding of what they are saying, or why. Just because someone is a doctor does not mean they are right about everything all the time. There is this thing called specialization. It means an emergency room doctor is probably not the right person to ask about preventing the flu.

          • Here’s a long term debilitating effect for you…Death!

            Quarter of a million people in the U.S. alone! Globally? Yes, they matter too, it would be difficult for anyone to argue that somehow, someway, the entire globe is in on some conspiracy to fool all of us, and the deaths are just as fake as covid.

            Personally, I am going to agree with you that covid-19 is not whats actually killing everyone. You see covid IS potentially deadly and that much is not debatable at this point in the death toll, however, I truly believe that it’s the other virus that isn’t getting the media attention that is killing us because it’s using covid-19 as a tool to kill us. That virus is Pendejo virus, and it’s spread too far and wide, as evidenced by denial, faux science, conspiracy theory ideology, and whatever it takes to support mein kamph dear leader trump, the biggest pendejo of all.

          • So… you do not have anything much to add then.

            Death. That’s all you have for long term effects. NEWS FLASH! Everyone dies. The question is should people panic because a bunch of people with an average of 2.5 life threatening co-morbidities die and test positive for a virus?

            As to the global deaths, let me put that in perspective for you. If every single one of the 1.34 Million people who tested positive for this virus and died live in the NYC Metro area, you would still have an extremely difficult time finding a place to park in Manhattan.

            Shutting down businesses because 0.016% of the population is in danger of dying is just plain stupid.

    • There are zero questions. Covid is a thing. Unless you want to believe the entire globe is in on some conspiracy or maybe you just like complicating things. Death is an absolute and the numbers say all we need to know, globally! When the entire earth stands against you… maybe it’s you.

      • Hopefully, you are not one of those people who swear the “follow the science.” Because the very basis if science is questioning. Regardless of how well established something is, continue to question. There is always something to discover.

        COVID is a thing. Yes, it is a thing. No one is denying that. However, in order to learn, one must ask questions. A lot of them. The worst thing that happens by asking questions is you get more knowledgeable. It is also quite possible that a layperson can ask a question of an expert that causes them to think on a subject differently. That is how discoveries are made.

        On the other hand, blindly accepting what the “experts” tell you does not benefit anyone.

        The numbers say whatever the person presenting them wants the numbers to say. There is an old adage about “lies, damned lies, and statistics.” There is a vast difference between dying with the virus and dying from the virus. Did you notice how deaths from heart disease, cancer, strokes, and the other leading causes of death dropped off significantly as soon as COVID arrived on the scene? Maybe not, but check into it. (Or are you convinced there are zero questions?)

  2. Great! Soon everyone will have tested positive and I still won’t know anyone who was seriously affected by it. Most will not have suffered any symptoms at all.

    With the exceptions of job losses, businesses closed, anxiety, depression and hopelessness.

  3. I really feel sorry for the people who are scared, even terrified over the wuhan v “cases”. The scare numbers are, at most, ‘positive’ results from an untrustworthy and proven deficient “test”. My condolences to the deceased person’s kin and friends. The scare numbers never count myriad other afflictions that are fatal. If a faulty ‘test’ says the deceased had wuhan v, the cause of death is counted as a ‘virus caused’ fatality. A roofer in Florida was hit by a bolt of lightning–wuhan v. A motorcycle rider died in a traffic accident–wuhan v. Auntie Mame lived to be 107, then passed away in her sleep–wuhan v. No flu any more. Wuhan v. Right now, the wuhan scare pandemic is designed to take precedence over the criminals trying to steal America. Why did this new ‘scamdemic’ start, in earnest, coincidental with the ongoing controversy over the stolen election. Scare and intimidate Americans into staying home to avoid a bug less lethal than the flu. Make it illegal for Americans to congregate in numbers large enough to make a difference. Mask every citizen with ridiculous masks and mandates/strong suggestions. BS.
    Whatever the case, don’t let them scare you into hiding to avoid the truth that you aren’t being told. The left has a crisis ready for any ’emergency’ they can dream up and they expect us ‘deplorables’ to be too stupid to understand their ‘truth’. I believe the ‘survival’ rate for wuhan v is over 99%. About the same as falling out of bed. I don’t think they have a test for that yet.
    When the argument came up in New York over the reason so many were listed as wuhan v victims, it came to light that, for a wuhan v victim to die, the federal government paid New York $300,000, during the ’emergency’ (the emergency is still ‘happening’). For non-wuhan v, only slightly over $100,000. Presto, every fatality was wuhan v. From that point forward, the entire country adopted the same counting system and it is being used against Alaskans this very minute, 24/7.

    • Ben,

      It’s easy to see who is scared of this virus, they are the ones pretending it isn’t happening and making myriad excuses for what is happening. They usually go on and on about how this isn’t real and it’s all a huge conspiracy.
      It’s not the end of the world buddy, it’s just a global pandemic. Stay away from others in public, wash your hands, maybe even wear an appropriate mask.
      Global pandemics have happened before and will happen again.

  4. How many of these are false positives?

    From talking to people who’ve tested positive one day then take another test immediately the false positive rate is over 50%.

  5. All for a virus that kills almost no-one,,,As of today,, 91 deaths, arguable if you read the CDC’s numbers,, 22,282 cases. that is a death rate of 0.004044014. This country didn’t lose it’s collective sh*t over swine-flu, avian flu, H1N1, SARS, Zica, Ebola, West Nile,, etc. This is BS

    • Actually we kind of did lose our collective poop over the diseases you mentioned, it probably helped cut them short. By the way I believe all of those diseases are still around, except SARS. Much like how some people taking this global pandemic seriously has helped stem the tide on this virus. This is a much more contagious disease than all of those you mentioned, that’s why it is a big deal. This poop is actually happening, but you don’t need to panic and act like it isn’t, just use good old fashioned common sense, stay away from others, wash your hands, west a mask when needed…no big deal, no reason to act like it isn’t happening. Could you imagine if we all pretended this wasn’t happening? The totals would be astronomically higher. This isn’t BS, it’s reality…the sooner you accept we are in a global pandemic the sooner we can move on from it.

      • Drs all over are telling people this virus is not what is being reported. It’s no more than the flu. Masks do not work or none of this would be happening can you not get it!?! We have been masked since March!! If this truly was “doing the job”. The virus would be gone. That is why people are done with these stupid numbers than mean literally nothing. What it’s highlighted is apparently there are alot of gross people out there not washing their hands every single time they go out or go to the bathroom. Hygiene is more important than worrying about the Kung Flu!!!

        • It was scary from February to May now it’s getting annoying but it’s still a real and contagious. Please wear mask wash hands open doors with sleeve and so on. I’m in my 30s not too afraid of virus but we should do it for people at risk of a fatal outcome. And masks primarily protect others. It’s reckless and irresponsible to not take precautions.

  6. Oh look more fear mongering by the Left and the RINOs pushing for a Tyrannical Shutdown based on the fear drummed up by bogus cases that are solely based on the rtPCR test with a 90% false positive rate.

  7. Folks, false positives don’t send people to the ICU, and a normal flu season doesn’t overwhelm hospitals.

    • The State of AK loses an estimated 60 people every year to the seasonal influenza. This is per the CDC data.

      An interesting side note on the CDC tracking of influenza. They only track that data for about three months. So, putting that into perspective, in AK the flu kills about 60 people in three months. Whereas, COVID has managed to kill 100 people in almost three times as long. Tells me the seasonal flu is about twice as deadly as COVID.

  8. STEVE O,,
    By your logic there will be a day that a virus kills everyone,, and all the virus’s to this point are,,, pointless.. Serious flaws in that logic.

  9. A major issue at Prov is that 250 medical employees are in quarantine.
    CDC’s policy is now:
    “Asymptomatic contacts testing negative should self-quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure (i.e., close encounter with confirmed or probable COVID-19 case)”
    If you want to see the percentage of people testing positive that are in the ICU (which should be the real metric to measure for alert levels as soon as they stop using 30+ cycles on the PCR tests, or use something other than PCR) look at this site:

  10. Folks, false positives don’t fill hospital ICU wards and the seasonal flu doesn’t overwhelm the medical infrastructure.

  11. 745 new cases not 745 new deaths which death by covid raises evenmore questions about malpractice used declining a patients health using a pre-condition to draw attention away from malpractice.
    This is not any time being admitted as a hospital patient. For any family member with a family member in a hospital bed for any reason, they better become a bother lighting up the nurse station phone that is for some reason other than covid cutting family and friends off from their loved ones. Everyone knows sick people arent their best advocate, they need an advocate.

  12. All these positive tests yet no one in the hospital and no one is dying. Hey, how about more news on the portable morgues that are needed for all the new “dead people.” This ought to amp up the fear meter. The only thing I see sick and dying is our economy and small businesses. Sad, also sad is how many educated adults are falling for this.

      • But the article does not tell us the ICU beds are filling up with covid patients. Strangely (or not) neither the article nor the state’s website tell us how many of the 105 occupied ICU beds actually hold covid-positive patients.
        That in itself is suspicious, and based on what we do know about hospitalizations, ICU beds are probably not “running low” because of covid. Rather, going on what we *are* told, covid-positive patients occupy 118 of over 1100 hospital beds,, which is less than 11% of hospital beds. Of course we’re not told how many of those are in the hospital *because of* covid (another surprise?), but we do know that many are there for other reasons unrelated to covid.
        And actually the death rate is falling, not climbing. While the number of deaths have increased, the total number cases has increased even more, so the death rate is now only 0.004 (98 deaths out of 22,662 cases).

        • You’re correct, I should have said the death toll continues to climb, not the death rate. Thanks for the correction.

  13. ICU beds are almost always at full, especially during the respiratory and flu season. This COVID 19 adds to an already high ICU census.

  14. Massive testing. Do the math and you have around 1.2 tests for every man, woman and child in Alaska. So, like how much testing is enough?

    The SoA is counting every positive test as a case. CDC requires some other symptom to define a case.

    Interesting the Providence is insisting on quarantine for its employees than proactive treatment or even prophylactic treatment beforehand. There are a few reasons India, Vietnam, etc have low numbers of Wuhan Flu cases. Their population is both younger and thinner than we are. But just as important, hydroxy use is widespread. Maybe it ought to be over here also. Cheers –

    Cheers –

    • Another interesting item to note.

      The State of Alaska COVID data does not remove “cases” in anything that resembles a meaningful and reasonable timeframe. If they were to assume the case is recovered after a 14 day period, the number of active cases would drop significantly. Once you get on the list, you apparently cannot get off of it.

      Other states and cities automatically remove you from the active case number after 14 days unless you are hospitalized. Their percentage of active cases is a lot more realistic.

  15. We simply don’t believe the reported numbers.
    Every aspect of China flu appears to be politicized for the express purpose of disrupting Americans’ lives, demoralizing Americans, destroying their economy, and stealing America’s elections.
    Productive Americans have no idea what percentage of dire new numbers result from data packing, falsified hospital admission data, or inaccurate test data.
    We do know if we allow this democrat-socialist coup to continue, if we surrender our freedoms to this democrat-socialist army of occupation without an epic fight, our America, our way of life is lost.
    No matter what the numbers say…

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