Alaskans who enjoy venturing out into the woods to find their own Christmas tree can do so on state land managed by the Division of Forestry.
No permit or fee is required to cut a tree. Trees must be no more than 15 feet tall and only one tree per household is allowed. Trees should also be cut as low to the ground as possible. Christmas trees cut on state land are for personal use only and may not be sold. The State of Alaska does not maintain any roads for this purpose.
Maps and information for Southcentral and Interior Alaska:
- Fairbanks-Delta region information and maps
- Kenai Peninsula information and maps
- Matanuska-Susitna Valley information and maps
Other rules for Christmas tree cutters on Alaska state land:- Cut whole trees, do not top
- Cut stumps as low as possible
- Protect seedlings for future Christmas trees
- Respect private property
Cutting Christmas trees on unrestricted State of Alaska lands is allowed with some stipulations. Tree removal is prohibited in Alaska State Parks and Department of Transportation & Public Facilities rights-of-way. Harvesting may also be limited within local borough or municipality borders, Alaska Native lands and other private property. It is important to properly identify land
ownership where you intend to cut your tree.
Got questions? Call the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection office in your area, or contact the DNR Public Information Centers in Anchorage (907-269-8400) and Fairbanks (907-451-2705).
Bring a saw not an AX. The saw saves needles. Hitting the tree with the AX makes the needle’s come off during the harvest and makes them loose in your home.
My Democrat neighbors have a nice tree near my property line. Mmmmmm.
You sound stupid
….another Democrat weighing-in with an extremely intellectual observation.
Chop down two trees at your Democrat neighbors. Give them one for Christmas. Democrats love free stuff. ?
I tried this out. Works great. They gave me a mince pie and thanked me. Santa came twice this year. Lol. Gotta love these retarded Democrats
We live on the Moose Range off of Wendt Road. All the property on both sides of Sun Valley and Wendt are private property. The tree cutting area begins at the end of Wendt Rd. The map makes it look like Sun Valley is a tree cutting area. It is not. Also, our roads are typically not sanded and our shoulders are rather abrupt so do not get to close to the edge of the road as you can get sucked in. Easy driving there there is parking at the end of Wendt. Please haul out any trash you might have. Have fun! ??⛄️
I’m wondering where they got the national Christmas tree from I want to get one right next to that tree.
So are we supposed to continue with “there is a war against Christmas” this year? Or can we file it away with “they are going to take all you’re guns!” What will Hannity be able to enrage his sheep with now?
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