Alaska joins 13 other states in suing Biden Administration over oil and gas moratorium


Fourteen U.S. states, including Alaska, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the Biden Administration over its moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal land and waters.

Alaska is part of a 13-state coalition that filed a lawsuit in federal court in Louisiana. The coalition is made up of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and West Virginia, according to a report from Reuters.

The 14th state, Wyoming, filed its own lawsuit in federal court in that state.

As one of the first acts of his presidency, Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office to stop new leasing on federal property in leasing programs managed by the Department of the Interior.

“We fear that President Biden’s attack on federal oil and gas leasing has only begun, and the State must be involved to protect the interests of all Alaskans in the responsible development of the bountiful natural resources contained within Alaska,” said Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy. 

“As today marks the 32nd anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill at Bligh Reef, we reflect on the ways in which we have incorporated precautions to ensure an event like this will never occur again. The petroleum resources that are so important to Americans and our economy will need to be developed from somewhere in the world. We’re proud of the efforts we make to responsibly develop and transport oil to meet American demand, and we’re only getting better,” he said.


  1. I note that the actions were filed in courts in Louisiana and Wyoming and may eventually be heard by circuit courts associated with those districts. Thus, the Biden-Harris regime will not have the comfort of judges in California, New York and DC to hear the case. This might be a fun one to watch.

  2. Glad to see this. I initially saw the lawsuit and saw that Alaska was not participating and wondered why. We need to really gear up for a battle. Biden and his handlers want to cripple this state so we would have to bow down to them and plead for hand outs. They’re attacking our fishing industry here in the SE and we have counter suits filed. What a waste and shame. All this money and time dedicated when it could be going to other causes (like cleaning up pollution and litter). But, the agenda is not conservation, its about control and money.

  3. Well Biden, you just alienated 14 states and Alaskans won’t take your muck , So back off. Leave our oil and gas alone .

    • They don’t care about 49.9999999% of the people, the unwashed masses existing only to serve the ‘pretty people.’ So long as we keep their park clean and keep out of their sight they will generously share enough crumbs for us to survive.

  4. It is good news to hear that Alaska has become the 14th state to join the suit. I like ‘good news’ but why couldn’t Alaska been the one to start the “coalition”, not wait until the political wind blows us up on the lee shore, still in danger. Alaska derives a bigger percentage of income than any, from , let’s face it, oil. We (our politicians) should be fighting like our fiscal life depends on it. If the truth hurts, we deal with it then. For Alaska to survive fiscally over the short and long term, we need leadership that will take the reins, not use action as an afterthought. If there ever were a time for that person and those people to stand up for Alaska, now is it. Maybe we already have them and the continuing crises will bring those leaders to the fore. I don’t believe true leadership can be bought, coerced or inherited. Leadership comes from the individual instinctively. What we are being forced to deal with currently and for the foreseeable future as a state and as individuals, will be a test like no other. Keep the faith.

  5. Maybe Alaska should have gone alone because we’re the only state with a statehood act which can’t sell subsurface rights along with surface rights. Our mineral and oil assets are specifically designated for self sustaining our economy.
    While the argument concerns federal land, we still get a share.

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