Alaska Highway re-opens with one-way detour around Contact Creek, south of Watson Lake


The Alaska Highway is again open at Contact Creek as a one-lane detour has been created, according to the British Columbia government. The detour is at km 900 for southbound traffic leaving Watson Lake and km 897 for northbound traffic leaving Fort Nelson. There is a pilot car guiding groups of vehicles through the detour.

The highway washed out on Friday, leaving a gaping hole in the main road to Alaska from the Lower 48. The Cassiar Highway has been advised as an alternative, but the Alcan is now passable, although likely to be slow.


  1. This would really affect me if I were able to go through Canada again. But without the poke, I must travel on Rainbow Airlines to leave the island.

    • And I as well, Trig, am permanently barred from ever crossing the Crazy Covidian Canadian border also. Behold the face of tyranny. Every Canadian should be ashamed, and outraged, by the neurotically fascistic and unscientific policies of their out-of-control statist federal government.

  2. Alas Trig we like you are confined to Alaska. Used to enjoy traveling thru Canada & have met some great people there. So Flying now is out.

  3. If only Alaska had been purchased by American funds instead of borrowed (from” China at turn of century?) funds which may not have been repaid according to agreement? Who knows this stuff? Bankers, like Lisa? Who ain’t sayin? How about those treaties? And “investments”? Shall they be made to “perform”? Ah. Who cares. Not dummies.

  4. It is good to know that there are more people that have not had the vax, for whatever reason, and are stuck on the island. Canadians are some of the nicest people, but like us, they are stuck with bad governance. I am sure that the next time I travel the Alcan, there will be a lot less businesses. Kind of like our state, especially Anchorage. But our Governor is doing what little he can, and not making waves. Not even a ripple….yet he is still the favorite for election. This is not the same Alaska that won my heart 40 years ago.

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