Alaska Green Party decertified by national over going rogue


The Green Party’s National Committee on Monday removed accreditation from the Green Party of Alaska, after Alaska’s party went rogue and nominated Jesse Ventura for president and Cynthia McKinney for Vice President in 2020.

The Green Party disaffiliation from Alaska’s Green Party came after “the Green Party of Alaska declined to place the (Green Party of the United States) presidential nominees on its ballot by placing two other individuals on its ballot” for the 2020 presidential election, the party wrote in a release.

Howie Hawkins was nominated for President and Angela Walker was nominated for Vice President by the Green Party’s 2020 Presidential Nominating Convention.

The Green Party of Alaska’s decision to swap out candidates on the state ballot was a violation of requirements for membership with the Green Party of the United States.

Alaska has 1,524 voters registered with the Green Party, which is an environmental-focused political organization. Venture/McKinney received 2,673 votes in Alaska in November, 0.74 percent of the votes cast for the top of the ticket.

State party membership in the Green Party of the United States (criteria available here) requires all states agree to “support national candidates selection by Green convention.” It’s a binding caucus, so to speak.

Efforts to organize a new state Green Party in Alaska “that will hold true to national party membership requirements will proceed with all deliberate speed,” the national organization announced this morning.

The description of the proposal, for which voting closed at 12 am Pacific Time, can be found online at this link.


  1. Well, at least thanks to Prop 2 those votes will still end up supporting whichever “Dem in Independent clothing”* the Democrats choose to run.

    * of course, it’ll be the “Dem in RINO clothing” for Lisa’s Senate seat.

    • Prop. 2 is unconstitutional according to the US Supreme Court in California Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567 (2000). It cannot be legally implemented.

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