Alaska Democrats try again on gun restrictions, with red flag law to be heard this week


The Alaska Democrats’ latest attempt to seize firearms comes with House Bill 89, introduced by Reps. Andy Josephson of Anchorage and Sara Hannan of Juneau. It will be heard in the House State Affairs Committee on Thursday at 3:13 pm.

HB 89 would implement a law that permits the government to seize firearms based on vague standards of evidence.

The state could implement ex-parte hearings to take away a citizen’s Second Amendment rights without due process, NRA says. The individuals would then bear the burden of having to petition the court for the return of their property once the order has been vacated, adding cost to the citizen to get property back from seizure.

The State Affairs Committee is chaired by Rep. Ashley Carrick of Fairbanks, who is in favor of stricter gun control, as was her former boss, former Rep. Adam Wool, who introduced gun control laws.

The bill is opposed by the NRA and Gun Owners of America, and the courts are less supportive of taking the guns away from people who haven’t been convicted of anything. In divorce situations, red flag laws are often used as threats against men by the women in the divorce. Lawyers leverage the fear factor against men, forcing them to agree to settlements demanded by their soon-to-be ex-wives.

There are two committees of referral, State Affairs and Judiciary. To date, there are no fiscal notes, amendments, or sponsor statements associated with the bill, which most Republicans will oppose due to the infringement on Alaskans’ rights to bear arms.


  1. What in the heck has happen to the free state of Alaska! This sure isn’t the free state I came to 57 years ago. It seems the Marxist Socialists are everywhere. All these Democrats seem to be able to think about is how they can take over control of everyone’s lives.

  2. Once again the Communist left is trying to disarm law abiding Americans!!! All I can say is “FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!”

  3. Instead of worrying about what law-abiding Alaska citizens are doing with their firearms why not tighten up laws related to firearm theft in Alaska? Instead of giving meth heads and others who are involved in serial home break ins which often result in firearm theft, a wrist slap, actually incarcerate these people in pretrial and after conviction, give them a real sentence instead of an ankle bracelet.

  4. Would implement a law that permits the government to seize firearms, That’s funny Democraps really do have their heads up their , Well you know where

  5. How much longer are we going to put up with the Wokeness of the democrats in Alaska. They do not care about the rights to protect your family when law enforcement is hours away from your home.


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