Alaska Democrats quickly pivot, now back Kamala Harris after coup against Biden was completed

White House file photo

Alaska Democrats last week were all in for President Joe Biden. He had the party’s unwavering endorsement, the party told reporters from the mainstream media.

On Sunday, after a hastily called phone meeting organized by national Democrat officials, the Alaska Democratic Party leadership threw its newly discovered unwavering support to Kamala Harris for president. The announcement was made hours after President Joe Biden apparently signed a letter saying he was withdrawing from the race for reelection.

“On the heels of President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will be seeking re-election, Party leaders endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the Office of President and commend President Biden for his noble decision and service to the Nation,” the Alaska Democratic Party announced.

“President Biden made a selfless and heroic decision,” said DNC Committeewoman Brenda Knapp, in a press release. ’’I’m all behind Vice President Harris and anxious to move forward with formal selection of her as the Democratic presidential nominee. I’m also heartened that Joe Biden will continue serving as our nation’s President through the end of his term.”

“I fully support Vice President Harris and know she is the most capable candidate of defeating Trump, earning the Party’s nomination, and uniting Democratic voters,” said Party Vice Chairwoman Jessica Cook, “She is a proven leader.’’

“President Biden is the best President we’ve had during my lifetime and did a phenomenal job in bringing our nation back together after Jan 6, 2021. Under he and Vice President Kamala Harris’s leadership, we’ve seen the largest infrastructure investments desperately needed in our state, job growth, unprecedented support for Unions, and policies enacted so that all Alaskans thrive,” said Alaska Democratic Party Chair and Alaska National Delegation Chair Mike Wenstrup. “Our country needs to unite behind the Democratic nominee and she can deliver that. A vote for her is a vote for a country where all Americans can live without fear of persecution. It’s a vote for democracy and against Project 2025. The values of the Democratic Party and the legacy of the Biden Administration will continue to prosper with her.”

Biden has arguably been the worst president for Alaska, signing over 63 executive orders and executive actions singularly focused on Alaska to shut the state economy down. Biden has done more for Venezuela, ruled by a dictator, than he has done for Alaska’s economy.

Chuck Degnan, Alaska Democrats’ DNC Committeeman, did not apparently vote. He is a Bering Sea commercial fisherman.

This vote by party leadership is a signal to all Alaska Democrat delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that they will vote for Kamala Harris as the nominee. They will not be given a choice. Among those going to Chicago for the Aug. 19 convention is Rep. Mary Peltola, a voting member of the delegation.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison on Sunday said the Democrats will have “a transparent and orderly process” to choose the nominee. He said he would share the process soon.

“The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November,” Harrison said. “This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people.”

But on Sunday, Democrat Party officers, seeking to quell the chaos that quickly developed in the party, convened a phone meeting as the Association of State Democratic Committees to ensure the endorsement of Harris as the Democratic nominee. The vote was unanimous for all states, giving marching orders to the delegates across the country that they will fall in line.


  1. NOTE: “Heels-Up Harris” won’t be an advocate of resource development (Alaska’s economic life-line) with regards to Alaska. She will most assuredly be a complete disaster and udder failure for Alaska and Alaskans. And, our Team Traitors (ie: Mary & Lisa) won’t be of any use to Harris so, there will be meaningful leverage.
    If we were playing “smart” poker, we’d toss cards Mary & Lisa.


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