Alaska Democrats endorse another non-Democrat



The Alaska Democratic Party has done it again: This time, the party has endorsed a nonpartisan, rather than a Democrat, as its candidate for U.S. Senate.

Al Gross received the State Central Committee’s endorsement on Thursday. It was announced Friday without details about how the endorsement was arrived at, who participated, or where the State Central Committee had its vote.

In the past, the party has endorsed no-party candidate Bill Walker for governor in 2014, and no-party candidate Alyse Galvin for U.S. House in 2018.

Gross is running against Sen. Dan Sullivan, and with the Democrats’ solid endorsement, that will likely clear the field for him of any serious primary challenges. He says he has raised over $1 million this quarter, which will give him a leg up on any other Democrat contenders.

“Dr. Gross’s support from the party stems from his strong knowledge of and advocacy for accessible and affordable health care for all Alaskans, robust public education, responsible resource development of both our renewable and non-renewable resources, strong public safety, and the economic well-being and welfare of both rural and urban Alaska,” the party said in a statement.

No mention was made of why Gross refuses to simply register as a Democrat, rather than run as a quasi-Democrat.

In 2016, Alaska Democrats changed party rules to allow nonaffiliated and undeclared candidates to run in their primary and then proceed to the General Election, where they appear under the Democrats’ label, with a qualifier by their name to indicate they are confused.

Casey Steinau, Alaska Democratic Party chairwoman, called Sullivan a “yes-man for Donald Trump” in the announcement about the party’s support for Gross, who in his thank you to the Alaska Democratic Party said he will work hard to “flip the Senate” and get rid of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


  1. What we should be working hard to get rid of are all the RINOs running once again as Republicans, and continue to hold Democrats under the hammer for crackpot ideas of Greening Alaska mining and energy production by legislating it out of existence.

  2. Would you characterize this endorsement phoniness of the Democratic Party as something as dramatic as a death spiral of minds far, far away? Alternatively, would you characterize the endorsement of phony independents as that of a party circling the drain?

  3. As a conservative voter who has voted in every election since I was able to and lived in Alaska for most of my life, I am completely satisfied with Dan Sullivan’s representation on us as U.S. Senator.

    • Exactly. Is politics all about secrecy and misdirection, now? Just get yourself voted in “by any means possible.” Disgusting, and disheartening. Dan Sullivan has my vote.

  4. This is the preferred method for appeasing RINOs. Get them to think like we are all in for the unity party, then convert them into Democrats. Seems to be working, in Alaska. Lisa Murkowsi. Bill Walker.

  5. Better than Lt. Dan. Trump broke the law when he took money from the military to pay for his wall. That was just fine with Lt. Dan. Alaskans before party politics.

    • No he didn’t. The military appropriated funds for the wall to defend our country against invasion. Democrats including Obama and Hillary all voted for funding the wall. Get with the times will you?

  6. I wonder if Dr. Gross supports the Green New Deal…? Or maybe free health care for illegal aliens? Just wondering.

  7. Non-affiliated my butt, he’s running on and getting the backing from the Democrat party, which makes him one of them. Just say no to Democrats.

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