Alaska Democrats embrace Al Franken as headliner for annual event


On Jan. 22, the Alaska Democrats had their winter auction on Friday, featuring former Sen. Al “The Groper” Franken of Minnesota.

They were celebrating enormous wins — the White House, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House are now under the Democrats’ control, but they were celebrating virtually with an auction and auctioneer Cary Carrigan, who is the executive director at Alaska Marijuana Industry Association.

Franken was accused by radio news anchor Leeann Tweeden of forcibly kissing and groping her in 2006 when they were overseas entertaining U.S. troops before he was elected to the Senate. He left the Senate in 2018 over the scandal and he apologized.

In addition to headliner Franken, special guests included Anchorage Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson, and Carl Johnson, who ran for State Senate to represent District N, and who lost to Roger Holland.

The Alaska Democrats also announced that Alaska Party Chairwoman Casey Steinau was recently elected to the Executive Committee of the DNC, and the Association of State Democratic Committees.

The disgraced former senator became victim to the “me too” movement, when a total of eight women came forward to say he had inappropriately touched or kissed them. No independent investigation has even taken place and Franken has since said he regrets resigning from the Senate.

In a 2019 story in the New Yorker magazine, the author of the profile on the former senator wrote that in “recent months, Franken has witnessed a prominent Democrat survive a similar political storm: this past spring, several women accused Joe Biden of unwanted kissing or touching at rallies and other political events. Biden apologized but never stopped campaigning for President.”


  1. I expect no less of the democrats. Their party is based on exploitation and abuse of others, and only in the past few generations have they even attempted to hide it, with the blatant help of morally bankrupt Hollywood jumping to the forefront of their defense. Woe unto us as a nation for tolerating them.

  2. For their next get-together, the AK Dems have invited Mel Reynolds and Jesse Jackson, jr. to be co-main speakers. If you’ve forgotten about Mel Reynolds (who would not try) and his rise then fall as a US congressman, a quick Google search will give you his history. It’s a great story. Jesse Jackson, jr. is out of prison now and has a good story, as well. Apparently, the dems tried to book Hunter Biden but he said he couldn’t predict that far in advance, whether or not he’d be out on bail and allowed to travel.

  3. The double standard between the political parties is disgusting. Were Franken a conservative, he would have disappeared into obscurity.

    Plus, I wouldn’t call democratic “wins” enormous. They barely gained any seats in spite of all the cheating.

  4. I was behind this creep at an airport security lane a few years back. He was exactly what you would think. Rude and petty to his wife, other people in line, and the people working security. Basically just a miserable person.

    In short-he’s the Perfect guy for the leftists to have at their function..

  5. All democrats are bad, everyone. They have no morals, patriotism or ethics, this includes the low-lifes who voted for them.

    • It’s getting harder and harder to argue with you Andy.. but then again, what’s worse? People who tell you they hate you, and want to destroy you, to your face? Or the “Republicans” we elect..

      Might be time we start looking for another option.

  6. Al Franken wasn’t even in the news until Joe Biden said he is opening up women’s dressing rooms to males… Go figure…

  7. Nothing new here. Perverts and pedophiles have always hid-out in the Democrat Party. Franken, as seen above. Joe Biden, who digits women and sniffs their hair (and cuddles little girls). Then there’s Bill Clinton, a well-known pedophile who made many trips to Epstein’s Island in search of underage girls. Hillary Clinton spent a lot of her political capital covering-up Bill’s crimes. Kamala Harris, who gave up much of her young ladyhood to Willie Brown underneath the steps in Sacramento. Gary Hart, who ran for president on Monkey Business. The Democratic prez candidate who ditched his lawyer wife (who had cancer) and knocked-up a staffer.
    Yep, the Democrats are real roll models for our young children. They even put transsexuals into high office and into the restrooms where they don’t belong. Can it get any more creepy?

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