Every day, new revelations expose the relentless efforts to undermine our republic. From pushing Ranked Choice Voting to attempting to cap ordinary citizens’ campaign contributions, these movements are determined to reshape our democratic landscape against our best interests.
But the most alarming development is the rise of dark money’s sinister influence in our elections.
Global power brokers like Hansjörg Wyss are pulling the strings behind the scenes, using shadowy entities like Arabella Advisors to channel enormous sums of money to influence American politics. Their money flows through shady networks, such as Sixteen Thirty, which then disperses these funds to various subgroups that exert influence over our state’s affairs.
But they don’t just want to win elections—they want to manipulate us.
Consider how the group, Building a Stronger Anchorage, used its resources to boost Forrest Dunbar’s mayoral campaign. Or how The Alaska Venture Fund boasted about halting critical mining projects in our state. Now, they’re turning their sights on changing our campaign finance laws, with the New Venture Fund spearheading these efforts.
Their strategy is clear: by imposing stricter limits on how much individuals can contribute to candidates, elite groups can exert far greater influence. Candidates, now more dependent on these elite donors, become entangled in their web of dark money, thus making them more susceptible to outside control.
Stealthily revising the electoral system and our donation processes under the guise of “equality” could dismantle our republic and usher in an era of Marxist control by placing an unprecedented amount of power in the hands of the global elite.
With groups like Arabella Advisors and individuals like Hansjörg Wyss funneling dark money into our politics, it’s crucial for us to stay vigilant and guard the integrity of our elections.
Keeping Alaska’s campaigns Alaskan begins with grassroots efforts. We must vote to keep our campaign contributions unlimited, transparent, and work to restore the integrity of our electoral systems. While the global elitist may outmatch us financially, we the voters still hold the ultimate power – should we choose to keep it.
Alvin Smay is an Alaskan resident of 70 years. He is self-employed, calling on business owners across this great State for the last 39 years to rise in defense of our Republic. He is a volunteer on the Yes on 2 campaign.
Thanks Al
Is this just being noticed now? As the last west coast state standing with a Republican governor, Alaska has been in the crosshairs for quite a while now. The goal is to shut down all resource utilization and create Federal dependence. Murkowski and Peltola will see to it.
Alaska’s just the first. Ranked Choice voting is on the ballot in Idaho Nov 5, and a video titled “Majority Rules” about RCV’s “success” in Alaska is being distributed and shown by Veterans for Idaho Voters along with pro RCV letters to the editor of newspapers. We saw notices for this in the McCall Star News.
Unburden ourselves from what has been means to unburden Americans from our United States Constitution and the freedoms we know, love, promulgate and live by and for. Unburden ourselves from our freedoms so they can bring in the New World Order that they want to instill by 2035. Your children will have the “chip” or not. Their words are directly from the communist manifesto and Karl Marx!!! Recognize communist propaganda. Unburden us from the global elitists. Republicans will set back their New World Order indefinitely!!!
Unburden us from The King of England and from Prince Harry on American soil.
Our Revolution freed us from British rule. Unburden us from Europe‼️‼️‼️
Hopefully we can vote this mess shut down otherwise we will need to use other means of getting outside pressure away from Alaska and it’s people.
We don’t need outside influence running this state.
Just look at our issues Spence these groups have shown up broken schools theft tearing down of infrastructure the need to tax more interfering with development more crime takeing away parents rights loosing our rights and freedoms.
Get outside money and ideas out of our state.
These Outside groups are all about the theft of our freedom, our well-being, our way-of-life and our American constitutional republic form of government. Don’t allow them to do this. VOTE YES on 2! ??
MP ….. LM and their communist handlers.
It’s time to move the capital into the interior as was voted on in the early ’80’s and passed. They just didn’t put in the funding to get it done. The time is now to get the capital out of Juneau and out in front of the public to limit the outside lobbying messing around in Alaska through Juneau where you never see who is pulling the strings!
Sorry but there is nothin to back up your statement. You have no more participation in the meetings in Anchorage than the ones in Juneau and if you think lobbyists will be more visible in Anchorage you’re kidding yourself. Your Anchorage and Fairbanks assemblys are a long ways from being good examples of representative government. You simply need to start electing better legislators and then they could meet anywhere with good results. The majority of the legislature comes from the railbelt. We all need to wake up and elect real conservatives instead of socialists.
This is what happens when we blindly accept our “election” results and don’t demand a forensic audit of the 2020 vote that put proposition 2 in place. But it goes much deeper than that…we don’t demand that our elections get cleaned up for campaign finance, our corrupt political parties, broken voter rolls, mail in voting, multiple day voting, computerized voting, and probably a lot more things than I have identified here. This is because the people in power that have the ability to fix this broken system are in power because of the broken system and will never fix it…..Nancy Dahlstrom is just the latest in the long list of corrupt politicians who won’t do the right thing and will be rewarded for it. We are all responsible for blindly accepting their process and bleat about how we will win next time. My money is on RCV just barely staying active (oh say, by less than 1% since that seems to be their signature stick it in your face vote count to show you how we are so evenly divided), but I guess we will see.
A very simple vote upon the first two options so as to strengthen the individual power versus the hive.
NO on 1.
YES on 2.
After that, everything follows as necessary, should the informed salient majority follow it.
Dear Luna Tics: Please be aware that Alaska has made no provision for asylum for you. Please keep that in mind as we fast forward to winter without energy, rental availability nor even gift cards. Wishing you smooth sailing to warmer climates.
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