Administrative order: Dunleavy steps up to protect Alaskans from federal overreach


Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy took action against the efforts of President Joe Biden to undermine the sovereignty of the State of Alaska.

The governor issued Administrative Order No. 325, laying out the steps Alaska’s state government will take to protect its constitution and the rights of Alaskans from blatant federal overreach.

“The Biden Administration has imposed a long list of encroachments against the State of Alaska in attempts to control the health and welfare of Alaskans,” Dunleavy said. “The recent actions or attempts are threatening the State’s sovereign authority under the 10th Amendment. We will not let the federal government usurp our power. We will fight against these threats, enforce Alaska’s sovereignty and protect the rights and freedoms of all Alaskans.”

The Biden Administration, over 11 months has introduced many plans which jeopardize the constitutional rights of individual Alaskans.

The Biden Administration introduced a plan that would force banks and financial institutions to provide the Internal Revenue Service with personal information from private bank accounts when cumulative financial transactions of $600 or more occur in a year.

“After Americans expressed outrage, the IRS proposed increasing the financial threshold. The Biden IRS proposal would monitor the banking activities of Alaskans and store their financial information – violating existing protections for such records under the Federal Right to Financial Privacy Act,” the governor said in a statement.

He also addressed federal overreach on the Must Read Alaska Podcast on Tuesday, which can be heard at this link:

Must Read Alaska Podcast links.

The Department of Justice under President Biden plans to use Federal law enforcement personnel and resources to monitor, and potentially prosecute, parents as potential domestic terrorists, for protesting issues at local school board meetings (like mask mandates, curriculum choices, and other issues).

President Biden is also directing the Occupational and Safety Health Administration to implement regulations requiring that private employer, and certain public employers, with over 100 employees mandate their employees to be fully vaccinated or to submit to regular COVID-19 testing.

Lastly, last week the Biden Administration attempted to mandate that all federal contractors require their employees to be vaccinated without clear statutory authority. Earlier, they imposed vaccine mandates on military and National Guard members without adequate protections in place for individuals with religious objections.

To fight this federal government overreach, the Dunleavy Administration is ordering:

  1. The Attorney General to review any federal vaccine mandate issued by the Biden Administration and determine whether there are legal grounds to challenge such mandates in court. 
  2. To the extent allowable by law, no state agency shall participate in, or use state funds or personnel, to further a federal vaccine mandate for employers. 
  3. The AG will review and oppose efforts by the Federal Government to monitor and negatively affect the ability of Alaskan parents to exercise their constitutional rights by participating in school board meetings. 
  4. To the extent allowable by law, no state agency shall participate with a federal agency, or spend state funds to participate in, or further any action by a federal agency that infringes on the constitutional rights of Alaskans. Nor may a state agency take actions that would unconstitutionally chill free speech or infringe upon other constitutional rights exercised by citizens against or in support of local school district policies. State agencies shall continue to enforce the criminal code of the State of Alaska.
  5. If a federal agency proposes action to a state agency that would require a state agency to act in a manner that may violate the Alaska or U.S. Constitution, the agency’s commissioner shall immediately inform the Attorney General for the State of Alaska and seek legal advice as to how to proceed.

Read the full Administrative Order here.


  1. We had an acronym for such rubbish when grading essay questions on exams where the student clearly had no idea what they were talking about, had no direction in their argument, and, in fact, had a baseless argument:
    BOW = Bag Of Words.

  2. Something needs to be done. I see the price of oil is just under $85 per bbl. They say it could top $100 soon. Meanwhile, our pipeline sits at around 40% capacity (last I heard). It will drop from there. Imagine the revenues if we could hit 80% or greater capacity and oil hits $!30 like it did in the past. We’d be flush with revenue. But no, Biden is cancelling all our leases and buying from the Arabs.

    • And think if we put another quarter million barrels in the pipeline. That much just awaits production… Willow and Nanushuk.

  3. Is the Gov. planning on eliminating the state required immunizations for kids attending public schools?
    If not, why not? How is that different?

      • Um, no. Immunizations give immunity. Vaccines don’t give vaccinity, they give immunity also. Nothing is 100%, but anything in the 90s is pretty darn good. Moderna and Pfizer are in the pretty darn good category.

        • It’s a darned good thing that all of the claims by big pharma (making tens of billions off of these ‘vaccines’) are turning out to be true.
          (Full disclosure- that was sarcasm.)

    • It is different because there are common dangerous diseases for which there is consensus, and there are less dangerous or uncommon diseases in our state. Kids don’t get immunized for Yellow Fever, Anthrax or Smallpox just because they are diseases and we have vaccines (while dangerous these are no longer common). In the same light, COVID is not a threat to school age children and does not warrant action. Please keep your fearful quivering over COVID to yourself. For most, it’s just a cold.

      • Kids are not vaccinated for Yellow Fever because the mosquito that spread it does not exist here. We aren’t vaccinated for Anthrax because it isn’t spread by contageon, but by being exposed to the bacterial spores. You’d have to open the wrong envelope (or mushroom) to get it. Smallpox has been eliminated in the wild. No need to vaccinate, but if someone decides to spread the virus around, it might change the way we think about the freedom to resist vaccination.
        Generally, kids fight off Covid pretty well. Some do not, and that’s a tragedy that can be averted. Kids can still spread the virus to parents, grandparents, other kids, the cat, the list goes on and on.
        And don’t tell any of the the 5 million people who have died from Covid that it’s just a bad cold. Oh, wait a minute. You can’t.

    • Probably should.
      The establishment wants us all to believe that vaccinations are what have made people healthier, but in actuality vaccines are just riding on the coat tails of clean water and sanitation.
      The human body is quite remarkable on its own (with proper nutrition) and does not require chemicals to build its immune system.
      Society has only been conditioned to think we need vaccines.

  4. Must be getting close to election time, which means he has to start looking like a Conservative again.

  5. Not surprisingly the single issue covid voters think this is only about covid. Meanwhile conservatives have seen what is happening and appreciate the efforts our governor has taken to not overstep his authority the way some governors and our President have.

    • Which governors?
      If by chance you are implicating Abbott or DeSantis, they might correctly argue that protecting individual Constitutional liberties is their first priority.

      • They protect individual Constitutional liberties by trampling on individual Constitutional liberties? Seems like an interesting tactic, unconventional to be sure.

        • Look up the word individual sometime. Start there.
          I would suggest that you also do the same with the word liberty, but I don’t think he would ever get it.

        • If someone wants the garbage vaccine that is more dangerous than the virus itself, go ahead. Nobody stopping you. And as you have well proven, nobody stopping you from blathering about it, either.

      • There are better ways to protect the ignorant from themselves than lying to them or forcing them to do something. In fact, lying to the ignorant and forcing them to do something is frequently counter productive.
        Educating the ignorant is one example of a much better way.

  6. ““After Americans expressed outrage, the IRS proposed increasing the financial threshold. The Biden IRS proposal would monitor the banking activities of Alaskans and store their financial information – violating existing protections for such records under the Federal Right to Financial Privacy Act,” the governor said in a statement.”

    I believe the Alaska Constitution also has a privacy clause that is stronger than the federal version.

    “The Department of Justice under President Biden plans to use Federal law enforcement personnel and resources to monitor, and potentially prosecute, parents as potential domestic terrorists, for protesting issues at local school board meetings (like mask mandates, curriculum choices, and other issues).”

    I believe the Biden administration would find the majority of teachers in Alaska backing the parents in most cases.

  7. Better late than never Gov. Why did this take so long and will you protect Alaska’s children from the vaccine that is killing and harming people all over our State and nation? Have you set up a State hotline for persons being harmed by this experimental and untested vaccine? Are you protecting pregnant women who have had babies miscarry and or experienced blood clots from this experimental vaccine? Are you protecting the jobs and medical freedom of Alaskans by warning employers about vaccine mandates and allowing Doctors to administer life saving drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? We want the truth to be revealed and for the corrupt doctors and those willfully ignoring the science to protect their personal profits to be prosecuted for their criminal acts against the people. The pandemic is over, end all mandates now!

  8. Summer. I admit that I was somewhat confused at first as well. After reviewing the seemingly contradictory statements, it became clear to me that the point the Governor was making was that he could “do nothing” outside the bounds of the U.S. and State of Alaska Constitutions. He was refusing to wield powers not specifically granted him within those bounds, specifically regarding entities managed by Federal agencies, ie. the military and those who are employed by the federal government. He also stated that it was outside those Constitutional bounds to dictate to privately owned companies how to run their businesses. The new Administrative Order outlines the things that he CAN do to fight those federal actions that lie outside the boundaries of the U.S. and State of Alaska Constitutions, while remaining within those boundaries himself. These things include his control over STATE of Alaska Agencies and their ability and right to refuse to participate in, enforce, or fund ANY unconstitutional federal action, mandate, or law. It is quite brilliant actually, and quite basic in principle. We the People have the power, and rights not specifically granted the government are retained by the People. I support the Governor in this Administrative Order, as I believe he is supporting me by making it. If it means federal funding is cut off from our State, then so be it. The price of freedom and liberty goes beyond the almighty dollar, and I am willing to pay the dues.

    • So, you are saying that if the U.S. Constitution doesn’t say you can’t do it, it is up to the states to say what you can’t. do. States rights? Don’t those proscriptions also imply a limitation on your freedoms? You can’t drive 100mph down the Glen at midnight (well, maybe, but that’s a different argument). You can’t, usually, dump your garbage out into the street. Aren’t those limitations on your freedom? In AK, can I carry my .45 Colt into a bar at any time? How about a church service? An assembly meeting? A courtroom dealing with a nasty divorce?
      What do “liberty” and “freedom” mean? What are those boundaries? Where does governing stop and anarchy begin? Who gets to make those decisions? You? Me? All of us together? And if it’s all of us together, aren’t we likely to be stepping on someone else’s freedoms? Isn’t that where we are now, trying to figure out what the boundaries will be? Do we want to sacrifice the common good, whatever we determine that to be, just so someone can go do something he feels he has the “right” to do?

      • Homo, the limits and scope of freedom are both very simply defined, although statists of all stripes, such as yourself, refuse to accept them.
        Every person has the inalienable right to live and act as they choose, AS LONG AS they do not infringe on the equal rights of others to do the same.
        There is scarcely any situation or scenario within society that cannot be clearly delineated by this principle.

      • Government mandates forcing you, or forcing your employer to force you to take a “vaccine“ that is more dangerous than the virus is not the same as all of these propaganda bits that you listed.

      • Just governance SECURES our rights by OUR CONSENT. Government may not is not take our right to religious practice because our right of personal conscience is freedom of religion. For instance my conscience does not allow parts of human infants to enter my body by injection or any other way. My God commands that. Why do it?

  9. At this point, I doubt he will ever do anything to earn my vote. He is still a snake oil salesman who represents everybody except the average Alaskan. As an example of his cowardice, last year he proposed using the statutory PFD calculated amount as a credit for those purchasing land from the state. Those people could choose the credit instead of a dividend payment. Some legislator with the silly name of “Click” made a very mild statement in response, along the lines of “This might not be the best time for that.” The governor was so terrified that he immediately dropped the issue and ran crying for his mommie.
    Maybe we should elect a libtard that is honest enough to show their true nature, instead of the two-faced one we have now. “Better the enemy we can see, than the one we can’t see.” Our final hope is the constitutional convention.

    • Not a huge Dunleavy fan, but correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t Dunleavy try several different strategies to regain the people’s PFD?

      • I believe the Governor still personally desires to see the pfd distributed according to the corporate bylaw currently printed for the legislators to obey. The Alaska State legislators have differently trained consciences. The consciences are calloused by rough Alaskan “ethics” and convenient lack thereof. Those public servants who are disobedient to the bylaw which applies directly to them should be removed by petition or votes. The standard now has regressed to maladministration while they cleverly look around to point to others and insult their impoverished constituents. What a gig.

  10. Thinking that a constitutional convention is not the enemy is the real problem. Everything goes on the table.

      • I believe the Governor still personally desires to see the pfd distributed according to the corporate bylaw currently printed for the legislators to obey. The Alaska State legislators have differently trained consciences. The consciences are calloused by rough Alaskan “ethics” and convenient lack thereof. Those public servants who are disobedient to the bylaw which applies directly to them should be removed by petition or votes. The standard now has regressed to maladministration while they cleverly look around to point to others and insult their impoverished constituents. What a gig.

  11. A continued review of the US Constitution and associated volumes of American Jurisprudence will reveal that the court of record and justice is NOT the judiciary always. It is the state legislature; or US Congress, or ultimately the Secret Service. The Constitution says the people should take their grievances to the legislature for: AN INVESTIGATION(S) per Mason’s Manual see Investigations. Can the Alaska Legislature DEMURE (to defend their peoples copious, severe complaints of loss of liberty)? No. They may not DEMURE. Alaskans used to not be described as demure. And certainly NOT the legislature. However, of late we see a great deal of demureness. Is this what we are going for here in AK? Demureness? I’ll tell you more later.

  12. If Dunleavy had half of the cojones of DeSantis, he do three things to protect our rights: 1) call out Murkowski’s betrayal to the conservative cause, 2) protect our land from the predation of the Native cartels who takes at will our access and usage, 3) adamantly prohibit his own agency from imposing the vaccination mandate (i.e. the Alaska Railroad Commission). If he only have half of what Ron DeSantis has.

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