ACLU Alaska chief leaves for school


Joshua Decker, the executive director for ACLU Alaska, is leaving to pursue a PhD in political science.

Decker has been the head of the organization for 10 years. He has been executive director since 2013, and was staff attorney before that. Decker is said to have been a card-carrying ACLU member since age 18.

The board of the organization will conduct a search for his replacement. In Alaska, the ACLU is considered by many in politics to be an extension of the Alaska Democratic Party.


  1. If they really believed in liberty they would not oppose the Second Amendment. At least the Democratic Party under Biden is sometimes forthright about its opposition to the Constitution and the liberties therein recognized.

  2. Ugh, just what we need. Another commie professor filling young adults with their commie crap in our colleges. Just say no to commie professors and call them out on it!

  3. Anti Christian Lawyers Union. It doesn’t have a clue about what is really worth standing for.

  4. ACLU now takes such a selective view of “civil liberties” that anyone who truly advocates our constitutionally-protected liberties will oppose them.

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