A.G. Garland calls any criticism of Justice Dept. an attack on democracy, then attacks Supreme Court


Attorney General Merrick Garland last week called criticism of the Justice Department an “attack” on “democracy.” He was speaking of criticism that came after reports that the Justice Department ignored the IRS recommendation to charge Hunter Biden with felony tax crimes.
Responding to a reporter’s question about whether Americans should be concerned about the Department of Justice’s integrity, Garland said criticism “constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy.”

This week, however, Garland’s boss President Joe Biden criticized the U.S. Supreme Court several times, and warned he would have the last word in his quest to reinstate systematic racism in college admissions. Biden said the Supreme Court cannot have the last word on the Constitution.

“While the court can render a decision, it cannot change what America stands for,” he said on Thursday from the White House. He said that the current Supreme Court is not a “normal court.”

Merrick did not then defend “democracy” when the president, who is the head of the Executive Branch, attacked the third branch of government — the Supreme Court.

Such is the double standard employed by the Biden Administration.

In the ruling on ending affirmative action practices in college admissions, Merrick said he and the Biden Administration would find ways to work around the ruling, which refocuses admissions practices on academic merit rather than race.

“The Supreme Court’s decision undercuts efforts by universities across the country to create a diverse group of graduates prepared to lead in an increasingly diverse nation. It will significantly set back efforts to advance educational opportunity for all Americans. And it upends nearly 50 years of precedent,” the Department of Justice said in a statement criticizing the Supreme Court.

“The Department of Justice remains committed to promoting student diversity in higher education using all available legal tools. In the coming weeks, we will work with the Department of Education to provide resources to college and universities on what admissions practices and programs remain lawful following the Court’s decision,” Garland’s department said.

Garland was once nominated to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama to fill the position after the death of Antonin Scalia, but Garland failed to get Senate confirmation, after the Senate Judiciary Committee delayed hearings due to the political turbulence of the election year. Garland’s nomination expired 293 days after it had been made by Obama, and that allowed President Donald Trump, in 2016 to nominate a conservative to the court. He nominated Neil Gorsuch, who went on to win confirmation, 14 months after the death of Scalia.

Had Garland been confirmed, the ruling in favor of Students for Fair Admissions on June 29, 2023 would have been 5-4 instead of 6-3.


  1. He is an AG by fault only. He does not know or enforce the laws. Phoney rich guy screwing the taxpayers.

  2. Racial profiling: the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of not meeting objective academic standards for college admission on account of presumed prejudice by… hmmm, the blind SAT / ACT test scoring machinery!? “There’s a lot of prejudice out there, that’s for sure,” says the DC village idiot, Brandon.

  3. Whenever these fools start saying their buzz words like Democracy, equity, equality, etc, you know they’re up to no good. If the Scotus would have ruled in their favor, they’d be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  4. If no one is “above the law”, let him stand trial for perjury and lying to congress. And possibly conspiracy in the Biden criminal organization.

    Dude, resign before crap really comes down on you.

  5. Oh, and obstruction of Justice.

    Remember progressives, you were warned when you went after Trump via lawfare payback would come and come hard.

  6. Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities. Everything the left believes is an absurdity. Beware, be ready. There is nothing these sick people will not do.

  7. Good thing Garland got rejected as Obama’s nominee to the US Supreme Court. Otherwise he would have brought his blatant corruption onboard there too.

    • Garland is pissed-off that he is not a justice. So, he is acting out against conservatives and Republicans while AG. A very evil and sinister man.

  8. Thank you, Mitch McConnell, for stopping Obama’s evil little man from being appointed the Supreme Court in 2016. What a scumbag he has turned out to be!

  9. What is worse is SCOTUS members attacking each other. What Thomas said publicly about KJB is way out of line. Thomas is not qualified for Night Court. much less SCOTUS

    • So you’re OK with what the liberal Justices said, just not the conservative ones? Typical liberal hypocrisy. Justice Thomas has decades of service showing he is beyond qualified to serve on SCOTUS, KJB isn’t starting of very well.

      • The liberal justices did not name names, Thomas has been the court dunce since he was confirmed.

        • Frank,
          I’m sorry your racist leanings are showing through and that you can’t imagine a strong black man sitting in judgment of people like yourself.

        • Frank – You are showing your southern Democrat heritage again! Can’t believe your anger at Justice Thomas, who is not a dunce, because he is an independent (freed) black man who escaped your party’s plantation! Thomas has more integrity in his fingernail than corrupt AG Garland has in his entire decrepit & dishonest body!

    • Was he wrong, “Frank”?
      The ongoing Night Court stitck is cute, but as empty as usual.

      But when you know you have zero tangible evidence, you gotta do what you gotta do.


  10. The lunatic fringe in the Democrat party, which are seemingly the leaders of the party, are supporting systemic racism. Is anyone shocked by this?

    • At this rate, it won’t be long before they are advocating for the return of the South’s “peculiar institution”. For the good of the blacks, of course.

  11. Too bad we live in a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. The word democracy is not mentioned a single time in the Constitution.

  12. February 26, 2022 I wrote U.S. Attorney Garland a letter about constitutional and civil rights protection for all in the great State of Alaska. To date, he has not contacted me.

    The Alaska Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945 didn’t apply to only Juneau or Douglas but to the whole Territory of Alaska. ‘https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Equal_Rights_Act_of_1945

    Alaska is very unique. There are 229 Tribes. Each Tribe has its own government and its own jurisdiction. Is there a Comity Agreement between each Tribe/Nation and the State of Alaska? The State of Alaska is a mandatory P.L. 280 state. The State has criminal jurisdiction when criminal crimes have been committed on Tribal land. However, if the DOL is not equipped to handle (investigate and prosecute) reported crimes, and U.S. AG Garland will not acknowledge my letter, then perpetrators that have committed criminal crimes in Alaska are not criminally charged and that individual is ABOVE THE LAW.

    Alaska needs judicial reform. The review and selection of our judicial system must change to ensure truth and justice, and a fair trial exists for all Alaskans. Alaskans need to contact Governor Dunleavy and encourage and support him to exercise his authority that is stated in Article III Sec. 16.

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